New USMB poll

Do you support war with Syria

  • yes

  • no

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Let Israel handle Syria since they have a common border. As for Korea, let the chips fall but do not be proactive. We have already left too much blood in Korea. If the North wants to come south, it will and all questions will be answered. Only then should America respond and hold back no punches. A day I do not want to see. Japan will be key in that situation as the question is, Will Japan involve itself in that venture? Japan started this whole mess when they occupied Korea many years ago and were their brutal selves as was usual.
The moment Israel does something to Syria every liberal Trump humper will scream about the evil Jews stirring shit up...face it Trump did good by blowing up some shit in Syria. It sent two messages . One we are no longer lead by a pussy no matter how much the Rand Pauls of the world wish we were and two Russia is not in control of everything. This is how a president is supposed to act. The question is what will he do now.
We are not going to "WAR" with Syria.
We've been in a proxy war with Syria for years. That's why 500,000 Syrians are now dead.

So now Syria is our fault? That should be a simple enough question!
Well it's not. Syria is what happens when people like Obama meddle in the affairs of other countries. It's no coincidence that Egypt, Libya, and Syria blew up almost simultaneously. First Mubarak had to go. Then Gaddafi. Then Assad. All had to go. One after the other. Only Assad kept fighting. Now it's just a huge mess.....and now we have thanks to Obama.
No but if we end up in war against my wishes ill support the president and the troops to win as soon as possible
87% no. Wonder if that would be close to a National poll?
We are not going to "WAR" with Syria.
We've been in a proxy war with Syria for years. That's why 500,000 Syrians are now dead.

So now Syria is our fault? That should be a simple enough question!

Yes, remember the "Arab Spring" where Obama tried to install radical Islam in all the nations of the ME? He armed and funded ISIS to topple Assad. The USA is behind the war in Syria, has been all along.
We are not going to "WAR" with Syria.
We've been in a proxy war with Syria for years. That's why 500,000 Syrians are now dead.

So now Syria is our fault? That should be a simple enough question!

Yes, remember the "Arab Spring" where Obama tried to install radical Islam in all the nations of the ME? He armed and funded ISIS to topple Assad. The USA is behind the war in Syria, has been all along.
Sounds crazy but the icing was placed on the cake when he sent billions to Iran.

Clear cut case of treason if I ever saw it.
We have no interest in a war in Syria. Our involvement is for 2 reasons:

1. To destroy ISIS
2. To prevent the reintroduction of chemical weapons to the battlefield.

Besides that we're watching Russia make the same mistakes in Syria that we did in Vietnam. They're supporting a brutal dictator that will never have the support of the majority of his own people. He will be hated forever. The war will never end until he and his power base are gone. If they were smart they'd force him to step aside and then broker a peace between some of Assad's powerbase and some of the more moderate rebel forces.

Assad is Russia's Diem.
Obozo quit Iraq to take care of Afghanistan and then chickened out there too and did his little fairy "pivot" to asia...whatever that was supposed to mean. All we can do in Syria is nail them if they use chemical weapons....the Russians beat us in there again thanks to the sissy in the WH. NK is a different breed of cat....if they can mount a boomer onto an ICBM our leverage is gone and we'd have to hope to shoot it down. They'll invade S.Korea the day that becomes a reality. Take Un out NOW....decapitate him or tell China to do it or we block all imports coming from them. China is the lynch-pin...they either do it or we bankrupt them.
We are not going to "WAR" with Syria.
We've been in a proxy war with Syria for years. That's why 500,000 Syrians are now dead.

So now Syria is our fault? That should be a simple enough question!

Yes, remember the "Arab Spring" where Obama tried to install radical Islam in all the nations of the ME? He armed and funded ISIS to topple Assad. The USA is behind the war in Syria, has been all along.
Sounds crazy but the icing was placed on the cake when he sent billions to Iran.

Clear cut case of treason if I ever saw it.
Did you say that when Reagan sent them to Afghanistan terrorists? He sent weapons and money. Even increased it from Carters policies. What bama did wasn't unprecedented..

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