New video of Arbery swearing at cops, almost got tased

I don't understand the need to act rebellious and put yourself in a bad situation.
I know. But TWICE they made him grovel on the ground. He complied with everything they required he do, but I would be pretty frustrated, too, if I were him. How would you feel if a cop did that to you for walking in the park in broad daylight? The body cam doesn't show why the police thought he should be checked out. The big winter coat when it was obviously a warm day? What did he mean, he was just "rapping" to relax?
Neither can you, apparently.
prove it
Your favorite non answer.

They made him get down after he got aggressive. Before that it just looked like a routine stop and check ID.

Let's play a game... A cop stops you and asked for ID and proceeds to check it. When he comes back, for some reason you desire to be made to grovel on the ground by the cop. The proper response is:

A. "Is there a problem officer" (in a calm voice)
B. You don't say anything (fair enough. most lawyers would tell you this option)
C. "Is there anything else I can help you wit officer" (nice response, but maybe not recommended)
D. "I ain't got SHIT on ME. What the FUCK you Fucking with me for!!"
The vid has been cut. If I really were to get into a deep discussion about what this "shows" about Arbery, I would insist on seeing the whole thing. What got him so frustrated? All in all, it doesn't matter if Arbery loses his temper with what he sees as police harassment.

Of course, I see your point, as well. Arbery was not a saint, and the people who are treating him like one are biased, too. But Arbery didn't have to be a saint to be defended. He didn't deserve to be chased down by armed men, stopped and then -- oops -- killed for doing nothing wrong. Maybe he lost his temper with the cops because this kind of shit happens to him time and time again. Who knows? Maybe he lost his temper with Travis McMichael, too, which caused him to fight instead of flee. Did he run for the gun to defend himself or to pop McMichael in the nose? We'll never know. Those who want to paint a picture of him as a trouble making thug who got what he asked for are loving this video. And I don't agree with that.

This video shows Arbery disrespect the cops, refused to take commands a couple of times, tazer malfunctioned, to bad.
This kid obviously has some issues, stemming from his parenting, I think that’s a females jacket he’s wearing, he’s exposing his underwear in a public park.

he almost attacked the cops just doing his job

the area is known for drugs and but AA couldn’t understand what he was saying.
The po-lice just wanna take his mptherf**king sheet.
Thanks, Fang.

For the poster who guessed parking on the grass was a crime, they're all parked on the grass.
I seriously doubt he was parking there just to enjoy being eaten by Nats.

Besides, he got really defensive about it in a hurry......which indicates a guilty conscience or paranoid attitude. That is called "Probable-cause"......something cops use to solve crimes slot.
So? Were there cops present when he was assaulted by the vigilante McMichaels?

You really need to educate yourself on the terms you use. Arbery assaulted McMichaels not the other way around.

If you really need yet another lesson in the law I'll be happy to provide it.

Actually. I live in Georgia. So chances are that I know the terms I am using. But I am not alone.

That is written by an experienced defense attorney in Georgia who has handled capital cases before. So what qualifications do you have? Are you a lawyer with experience in Georgia? Otherwise I do not think you are in a position to teach.
So? Were there cops present when he was assaulted by the vigilante McMichaels?

You really need to educate yourself on the terms you use. Arbery assaulted McMichaels not the other way around.

If you really need yet another lesson in the law I'll be happy to provide it.

Actually. I live in Georgia. So chances are that I know the terms I am using. But I am not alone.

That is written by an experienced defense attorney in Georgia who has handled capital cases before. So what qualifications do you have? Are you a lawyer with experience in Georgia? Otherwise I do not think you are in a position to teach.

Its pretty clear you don't.

Let's review the law itself.

2010 Georgia Code
§ 16-5-20 - Simple assault

O.C.G.A. 16-5-20 (2010)
16-5-20. Simple assault

(a) A person commits the offense of simple assault when he or she either:

(1) Attempts to commit a violent injury to the person of another; or

(2) Commits an act which places another in reasonable apprehension of immediately receiving a violent injury.

(b) Except as provided in subsections (c) through (h) of this Code section, a person who commits the offense of simple assault shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.

(c) Any person who commits the offense of simple assault in a public transit vehicle or station shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished for a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature. For purposes of this Code section, "public transit vehicle" means a bus, van, or rail car used for the transportation of passengers within a system which receives a subsidy from tax revenues or is operated under a franchise contract with a county or municipality of this state.

(d) If the offense of simple assault is committed between past or present spouses, persons who are parents of the same child, parents and children, stepparents and stepchildren, foster parents and foster children, or other persons excluding siblings living or formerly living in the same household, the defendant shall be punished for a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature. In no event shall this subsection be applicable to corporal punishment administered by a parent or guardian to a child or administered by a person acting in loco parentis.

(e) Any person who commits the offense of simple assault against a person who is 65 years of age or older shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished for a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature.

(f) Any person who commits the offense of simple assault against an employee of a public school system of this state while such employee is engaged in official duties or on school property shall, upon conviction of such offense, be punished for a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature. For purposes of this Code section, "school property" shall include public school buses and stops for public school buses as designated by local school boards of education.

(g) Any person who commits the offense of simple assault against a female who is pregnant at the time of the offense shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished for a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature.

(h) Nothing in this Code section shall be construed to permit the prosecution of:

(1) Any person for conduct relating to an abortion for which the consent of the pregnant woman, or person authorized by law to act on her behalf, has been obtained or for which such consent is implied by law;

(2) Any person for any medical treatment of the pregnant woman or her unborn child; or

(3) Any woman with respect to her unborn child.

For the purposes of this subsection, the term "unborn child" means a member of the species homo sapiens at any stage of development who is carried in the womb.

Now, go ahead and point to any part of that law based on the video where Arbury was assaulted.

I can easily point to where he was guilty of assault:

(1) Attempts to commit a violent injury to the person of another;

Your thief is on video attacking McMichaels without anyone moving toward him or raising any weapon at him.

Go ahead, can't wait to see this dance
So? Were there cops present when he was assaulted by the vigilante McMichaels?

You really need to educate yourself on the terms you use. Arbery assaulted McMichaels not the other way around.

If you really need yet another lesson in the law I'll be happy to provide it.

Actually. I live in Georgia. So chances are that I know the terms I am using. But I am not alone.

That is written by an experienced defense attorney in Georgia who has handled capital cases before. So what qualifications do you have? Are you a lawyer with experience in Georgia? Otherwise I do not think you are in a position to teach.

Its pretty clear you don't.

Let's review the law itself.

2010 Georgia Code
§ 16-5-20 - Simple assault

O.C.G.A. 16-5-20 (2010)
16-5-20. Simple assault

(a) A person commits the offense of simple assault when he or she either:

(1) Attempts to commit a violent injury to the person of another; or

(2) Commits an act which places another in reasonable apprehension of immediately receiving a violent injury.

(b) Except as provided in subsections (c) through (h) of this Code section, a person who commits the offense of simple assault shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.

(c) Any person who commits the offense of simple assault in a public transit vehicle or station shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished for a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature. For purposes of this Code section, "public transit vehicle" means a bus, van, or rail car used for the transportation of passengers within a system which receives a subsidy from tax revenues or is operated under a franchise contract with a county or municipality of this state.

(d) If the offense of simple assault is committed between past or present spouses, persons who are parents of the same child, parents and children, stepparents and stepchildren, foster parents and foster children, or other persons excluding siblings living or formerly living in the same household, the defendant shall be punished for a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature. In no event shall this subsection be applicable to corporal punishment administered by a parent or guardian to a child or administered by a person acting in loco parentis.

(e) Any person who commits the offense of simple assault against a person who is 65 years of age or older shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished for a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature.

(f) Any person who commits the offense of simple assault against an employee of a public school system of this state while such employee is engaged in official duties or on school property shall, upon conviction of such offense, be punished for a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature. For purposes of this Code section, "school property" shall include public school buses and stops for public school buses as designated by local school boards of education.

(g) Any person who commits the offense of simple assault against a female who is pregnant at the time of the offense shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished for a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature.

(h) Nothing in this Code section shall be construed to permit the prosecution of:

(1) Any person for conduct relating to an abortion for which the consent of the pregnant woman, or person authorized by law to act on her behalf, has been obtained or for which such consent is implied by law;

(2) Any person for any medical treatment of the pregnant woman or her unborn child; or

(3) Any woman with respect to her unborn child.

For the purposes of this subsection, the term "unborn child" means a member of the species homo sapiens at any stage of development who is carried in the womb.

Now, go ahead and point to any part of that law based on the video where Arbury was assaulted.

I can easily point to where he was guilty of assault:

(1) Attempts to commit a violent injury to the person of another;

Your thief is on video attacking McMichaels without anyone moving toward him or raising any weapon at him.

Go ahead, can't wait to see this dance
Not that it matters because you don't have to actually point the gun at someone for it to be aggravated assault ... but let's see your evidence Travis didn't point his gun at Arbery....
So? Were there cops present when he was assaulted by the vigilante McMichaels?

You really need to educate yourself on the terms you use. Arbery assaulted McMichaels not the other way around.

If you really need yet another lesson in the law I'll be happy to provide it.

Actually. I live in Georgia. So chances are that I know the terms I am using. But I am not alone.

That is written by an experienced defense attorney in Georgia who has handled capital cases before. So what qualifications do you have? Are you a lawyer with experience in Georgia? Otherwise I do not think you are in a position to teach.

Its pretty clear you don't.

Let's review the law itself.

2010 Georgia Code
§ 16-5-20 - Simple assault

O.C.G.A. 16-5-20 (2010)
16-5-20. Simple assault

(a) A person commits the offense of simple assault when he or she either:

(1) Attempts to commit a violent injury to the person of another; or

(2) Commits an act which places another in reasonable apprehension of immediately receiving a violent injury.

(b) Except as provided in subsections (c) through (h) of this Code section, a person who commits the offense of simple assault shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.

(c) Any person who commits the offense of simple assault in a public transit vehicle or station shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished for a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature. For purposes of this Code section, "public transit vehicle" means a bus, van, or rail car used for the transportation of passengers within a system which receives a subsidy from tax revenues or is operated under a franchise contract with a county or municipality of this state.

(d) If the offense of simple assault is committed between past or present spouses, persons who are parents of the same child, parents and children, stepparents and stepchildren, foster parents and foster children, or other persons excluding siblings living or formerly living in the same household, the defendant shall be punished for a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature. In no event shall this subsection be applicable to corporal punishment administered by a parent or guardian to a child or administered by a person acting in loco parentis.

(e) Any person who commits the offense of simple assault against a person who is 65 years of age or older shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished for a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature.

(f) Any person who commits the offense of simple assault against an employee of a public school system of this state while such employee is engaged in official duties or on school property shall, upon conviction of such offense, be punished for a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature. For purposes of this Code section, "school property" shall include public school buses and stops for public school buses as designated by local school boards of education.

(g) Any person who commits the offense of simple assault against a female who is pregnant at the time of the offense shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished for a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature.

(h) Nothing in this Code section shall be construed to permit the prosecution of:

(1) Any person for conduct relating to an abortion for which the consent of the pregnant woman, or person authorized by law to act on her behalf, has been obtained or for which such consent is implied by law;

(2) Any person for any medical treatment of the pregnant woman or her unborn child; or

(3) Any woman with respect to her unborn child.

For the purposes of this subsection, the term "unborn child" means a member of the species homo sapiens at any stage of development who is carried in the womb.

Now, go ahead and point to any part of that law based on the video where Arbury was assaulted.

I can easily point to where he was guilty of assault:

(1) Attempts to commit a violent injury to the person of another;

Your thief is on video attacking McMichaels without anyone moving toward him or raising any weapon at him.

Go ahead, can't wait to see this dance
Not that it matters because you don't have to actually point the gun at someone for it to be aggravated assault ... but let's see your evidence Travis didn't point his gun at Arbery....
They are carrying a tool
For protecting, if you don’t want it pointing at you don’t run towards him and his father
So? Were there cops present when he was assaulted by the vigilante McMichaels?

You really need to educate yourself on the terms you use. Arbery assaulted McMichaels not the other way around.

If you really need yet another lesson in the law I'll be happy to provide it.

Actually. I live in Georgia. So chances are that I know the terms I am using. But I am not alone.

That is written by an experienced defense attorney in Georgia who has handled capital cases before. So what qualifications do you have? Are you a lawyer with experience in Georgia? Otherwise I do not think you are in a position to teach.

Its pretty clear you don't.

Let's review the law itself.

2010 Georgia Code
§ 16-5-20 - Simple assault

O.C.G.A. 16-5-20 (2010)
16-5-20. Simple assault

(a) A person commits the offense of simple assault when he or she either:

(1) Attempts to commit a violent injury to the person of another; or

(2) Commits an act which places another in reasonable apprehension of immediately receiving a violent injury.

(b) Except as provided in subsections (c) through (h) of this Code section, a person who commits the offense of simple assault shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.

(c) Any person who commits the offense of simple assault in a public transit vehicle or station shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished for a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature. For purposes of this Code section, "public transit vehicle" means a bus, van, or rail car used for the transportation of passengers within a system which receives a subsidy from tax revenues or is operated under a franchise contract with a county or municipality of this state.

(d) If the offense of simple assault is committed between past or present spouses, persons who are parents of the same child, parents and children, stepparents and stepchildren, foster parents and foster children, or other persons excluding siblings living or formerly living in the same household, the defendant shall be punished for a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature. In no event shall this subsection be applicable to corporal punishment administered by a parent or guardian to a child or administered by a person acting in loco parentis.

(e) Any person who commits the offense of simple assault against a person who is 65 years of age or older shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished for a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature.

(f) Any person who commits the offense of simple assault against an employee of a public school system of this state while such employee is engaged in official duties or on school property shall, upon conviction of such offense, be punished for a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature. For purposes of this Code section, "school property" shall include public school buses and stops for public school buses as designated by local school boards of education.

(g) Any person who commits the offense of simple assault against a female who is pregnant at the time of the offense shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished for a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature.

(h) Nothing in this Code section shall be construed to permit the prosecution of:

(1) Any person for conduct relating to an abortion for which the consent of the pregnant woman, or person authorized by law to act on her behalf, has been obtained or for which such consent is implied by law;

(2) Any person for any medical treatment of the pregnant woman or her unborn child; or

(3) Any woman with respect to her unborn child.

For the purposes of this subsection, the term "unborn child" means a member of the species homo sapiens at any stage of development who is carried in the womb.

Now, go ahead and point to any part of that law based on the video where Arbury was assaulted.

I can easily point to where he was guilty of assault:

(1) Attempts to commit a violent injury to the person of another;

Your thief is on video attacking McMichaels without anyone moving toward him or raising any weapon at him.

Go ahead, can't wait to see this dance
Not that it matters because you don't have to actually point the gun at someone for it to be aggravated assault ... but let's see your evidence Travis didn't point his gun at Arbery....
They are carrying a tool
For protecting, if you don’t want it pointing at you don’t run towards him and his father
If Travis was that afraid of Arbery, he should have stayed in the truck.
So? Were there cops present when he was assaulted by the vigilante McMichaels?

You really need to educate yourself on the terms you use. Arbery assaulted McMichaels not the other way around.

If you really need yet another lesson in the law I'll be happy to provide it.

Actually. I live in Georgia. So chances are that I know the terms I am using. But I am not alone.

That is written by an experienced defense attorney in Georgia who has handled capital cases before. So what qualifications do you have? Are you a lawyer with experience in Georgia? Otherwise I do not think you are in a position to teach.

Its pretty clear you don't.

Let's review the law itself.

2010 Georgia Code
§ 16-5-20 - Simple assault

O.C.G.A. 16-5-20 (2010)
16-5-20. Simple assault

(a) A person commits the offense of simple assault when he or she either:

(1) Attempts to commit a violent injury to the person of another; or

(2) Commits an act which places another in reasonable apprehension of immediately receiving a violent injury.

(b) Except as provided in subsections (c) through (h) of this Code section, a person who commits the offense of simple assault shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.

(c) Any person who commits the offense of simple assault in a public transit vehicle or station shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished for a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature. For purposes of this Code section, "public transit vehicle" means a bus, van, or rail car used for the transportation of passengers within a system which receives a subsidy from tax revenues or is operated under a franchise contract with a county or municipality of this state.

(d) If the offense of simple assault is committed between past or present spouses, persons who are parents of the same child, parents and children, stepparents and stepchildren, foster parents and foster children, or other persons excluding siblings living or formerly living in the same household, the defendant shall be punished for a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature. In no event shall this subsection be applicable to corporal punishment administered by a parent or guardian to a child or administered by a person acting in loco parentis.

(e) Any person who commits the offense of simple assault against a person who is 65 years of age or older shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished for a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature.

(f) Any person who commits the offense of simple assault against an employee of a public school system of this state while such employee is engaged in official duties or on school property shall, upon conviction of such offense, be punished for a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature. For purposes of this Code section, "school property" shall include public school buses and stops for public school buses as designated by local school boards of education.

(g) Any person who commits the offense of simple assault against a female who is pregnant at the time of the offense shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished for a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature.

(h) Nothing in this Code section shall be construed to permit the prosecution of:

(1) Any person for conduct relating to an abortion for which the consent of the pregnant woman, or person authorized by law to act on her behalf, has been obtained or for which such consent is implied by law;

(2) Any person for any medical treatment of the pregnant woman or her unborn child; or

(3) Any woman with respect to her unborn child.

For the purposes of this subsection, the term "unborn child" means a member of the species homo sapiens at any stage of development who is carried in the womb.

Now, go ahead and point to any part of that law based on the video where Arbury was assaulted.

I can easily point to where he was guilty of assault:

(1) Attempts to commit a violent injury to the person of another;

Your thief is on video attacking McMichaels without anyone moving toward him or raising any weapon at him.

Go ahead, can't wait to see this dance
Not that it matters because you don't have to actually point the gun at someone for it to be aggravated assault ... but let's see your evidence Travis didn't point his gun at Arbery....

lol So you want to play too.

Here is the Georgia law in aggravated assault

2017 Georgia Code
Title 16 - Crimes and Offenses
Chapter 5 - Crimes Against the Person
Article 2 - Assault and Battery
§ 16-5-21. Aggravated assault

Universal Citation: GA Code § 16-5-21 (2017)
  • (a) A person commits the offense of aggravated assault when he or she assaults:
    • (1) With intent to murder, to rape, or to rob;
    • (2) With a deadly weapon or with any object, device, or instrument which, when used offensively against a person, is likely to or actually does result in serious bodily injury;
    • (3) With any object, device, or instrument which, when used offensively against a person, is likely to or actually does result in strangulation; or
    • (4) A person or persons without legal justification by discharging a firearm from within a motor vehicle toward a person or persons.
  • (b) Except as provided in subsections (c) through (k) of this Code section, a person convicted of the offense of aggravated assault shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than one nor more than 20 years.
  • (c)
    • (1) A person who knowingly commits the offense of aggravated assault upon a public safety officer while he or she is engaged in, or on account of the performance of, his or her official duties shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished as follows:
      • (A) When such assault occurs by the discharge of a firearm by a person who is at least 17 years of age, such person shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than ten nor more than 20 years and shall be sentenced to a mandatory minimum term of imprisonment of ten years and no portion of the mandatory minimum sentence imposed shall be suspended, stayed, probated, deferred, or withheld by the sentencing court; provided, however, that in the court's discretion, the court may depart from such mandatory minimum sentence when the prosecuting attorney and defendant have agreed to a sentence that is below such mandatory minimum;
      • (B) When such assault does not involve the discharge of a firearm by a person who is at least 17 years of age, and does not involve only the use of the person's body, such person shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than five nor more than 20 years and, for persons who are at least 17 years of age, shall be sentenced to a mandatory minimum term of imprisonment of three years and no portion of the mandatory minimum sentence imposed shall be suspended, stayed, probated, deferred, or withheld by the sentencing court; provided, however, that in the court's discretion, the court may depart from such mandatory minimum sentence when the prosecuting attorney and defendant have agreed to a sentence that is below such mandatory minimum; or
      • (C) When such assault occurs only involving the use of the person's body, by imprisonment for not less than five nor more than 20 years.
    • (2) A person convicted under this subsection shall be punished, in addition to any term of imprisonment imposed, by a fine as provided by law which shall be at least $2,000.00. With respect to $2,000.00 of the fine imposed, after distributing the surcharges and deductions required by Chapter 21 of Title 15, Code Sections 36-15-9 and 42-8-34, and Title 47, it shall be earmarked for the Georgia State Indemnification Fund for purposes of payment of indemnification for death or disability as provided for in Part 1 of Article 5 of Chapter 9 of Title 45.
    • (3) As used in this subsection, the term "firearm" means any handgun, rifle, shotgun, or similar device or weapon which will or can be converted to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive or electrical charge.
  • (d) Any person who commits the offense of aggravated assault against a person who is 65 years of age or older shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by imprisonment for not less than three nor more than 20 years.
  • (e) Any person who commits the offense of aggravated assault in a public transit vehicle or station shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by imprisonment for not less than three nor more than 20 years.
  • (f) Any person who commits the offense of aggravated assault upon a person in the course of violating Code Section 16-8-2 where the property that was the subject of the theft was a vehicle engaged in commercial transportation of cargo or any appurtenance thereto, including without limitation any such trailer, semitrailer, container, or other associated equipment, or the cargo being transported therein or thereon, shall upon conviction be punished by imprisonment for not less than five nor more than 20 years, a fine not less than $50,000.00 nor more than $200,000.00, or both such fine and imprisonment. For purposes of this subsection, the term "vehicle" includes without limitation any railcar.
  • (g) Except as provided in subsection (c) of this Code section, a person convicted of an offense described in paragraph (4) of subsection (a) of this Code section shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than five nor more than 20 years.
  • (h) Any person who commits the offense of aggravated assault involving the use of a firearm upon a student or teacher or other school personnel within a school safety zone as defined in Code Section 16-11-127.1 shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by imprisonment for not less than five nor more than 20 years.
  • (i) If the offense of aggravated assault is committed between past or present spouses, persons who are parents of the same child, parents and children, stepparents and stepchildren, foster parents and foster children, or other persons excluding siblings living or formerly living in the same household, the defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than three nor more than 20 years.
  • (j) Any person who commits the offense of aggravated assault with intent to rape against a child under the age of 14 years shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than 25 nor more than 50 years. Any person convicted under this subsection shall, in addition, be subject to the sentencing and punishment provisions of Code Section 17-10-6.2.
  • (k) A person who knowingly commits the offense of aggravated assault upon an officer of the court while such officer is engaged in, or on account of the performance of, his or her official duties shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by imprisonment for not less than five nor more than 20 years.

Now please, cite the specific law that justified Arbery attacking McMichaels with evidence from the video.

Go ahead new player :)
I don't understand the need to act rebellious and put yourself in a bad situation.
I know. But TWICE they made him grovel on the ground. He complied with everything they required he do, but I would be pretty frustrated, too, if I were him. How would you feel if a cop did that to you for walking in the park in broad daylight? The body cam doesn't show why the police thought he should be checked out. The big winter coat when it was obviously a warm day? What did he mean, he was just "rapping" to relax?
Neither can you, apparently.
prove it
Your favorite non answer.

They made him get down after he got aggressive. Before that it just looked like a routine stop and check ID.

Let's play a game... A cop stops you and asked for ID and proceeds to check it. When he comes back, for some reason you desire to be made to grovel on the ground by the cop. The proper response is:

A. "Is there a problem officer" (in a calm voice)
B. You don't say anything (fair enough. most lawyers would tell you this option)
C. "Is there anything else I can help you wit officer" (nice response, but maybe not recommended)
D. "I ain't got SHIT on ME. What the FUCK you Fucking with me for!!"
The vid has been cut. If I really were to get into a deep discussion about what this "shows" about Arbery, I would insist on seeing the whole thing. What got him so frustrated? All in all, it doesn't matter if Arbery loses his temper with what he sees as police harassment.

Of course, I see your point, as well. Arbery was not a saint, and the people who are treating him like one are biased, too. But Arbery didn't have to be a saint to be defended. He didn't deserve to be chased down by armed men, stopped and then -- oops -- killed for doing nothing wrong. Maybe he lost his temper with the cops because this kind of shit happens to him time and time again. Who knows? Maybe he lost his temper with Travis McMichael, too, which caused him to fight instead of flee. Did he run for the gun to defend himself or to pop McMichael in the nose? We'll never know. Those who want to paint a picture of him as a trouble making thug who got what he asked for are loving this video. And I don't agree with that.

This page has the whole video: Ahmaud Arbery case: 2017 video emerges of Georgia cops trying to tase victim

He didn't appear to be a saint. But, even after all these videos I still think this is manslaughter. Ordinary citizens can't grab guns and become the police.

However, I posted something a few days ago where it's believed the McMichaels became unofficial deputies by the police. If that's true that adds a whole new wrinkle in the case.
This case has more twists than a mad mouse roller coaster....I'm still not sure what to make of it.

All of which are ultimately irrelevant; these guys should have called the police, followed the guy until the police showed up, and let them handle it. That's literally ALL that needed to happen in order to spare us this entire ordeal, and them a great deal of legal assistance.
This case has more twists than a mad mouse roller coaster....I'm still not sure what to make of it.

All of which are ultimately irrelevant; these guys should have called the police, followed the guy until the police showed up, and let them handle it. That's literally ALL that needed to happen in order to spare us this entire ordeal, and them a great deal of legal assistance.
they did that and arbrey attacked them,,,
This case has more twists than a mad mouse roller coaster....I'm still not sure what to make of it.

All of which are ultimately irrelevant; these guys should have called the police, followed the guy until the police showed up, and let them handle it. That's literally ALL that needed to happen in order to spare us this entire ordeal, and them a great deal of legal assistance.
oh wait.................. that's what they did. ain't you the scholar.
So? Were there cops present when he was assaulted by the vigilante McMichaels?

You really need to educate yourself on the terms you use. Arbery assaulted McMichaels not the other way around.

If you really need yet another lesson in the law I'll be happy to provide it.

Actually. I live in Georgia. So chances are that I know the terms I am using. But I am not alone.

That is written by an experienced defense attorney in Georgia who has handled capital cases before. So what qualifications do you have? Are you a lawyer with experience in Georgia? Otherwise I do not think you are in a position to teach.

Its pretty clear you don't.

Let's review the law itself.

2010 Georgia Code
§ 16-5-20 - Simple assault

O.C.G.A. 16-5-20 (2010)
16-5-20. Simple assault

(a) A person commits the offense of simple assault when he or she either:

(1) Attempts to commit a violent injury to the person of another; or

(2) Commits an act which places another in reasonable apprehension of immediately receiving a violent injury.

(b) Except as provided in subsections (c) through (h) of this Code section, a person who commits the offense of simple assault shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.

(c) Any person who commits the offense of simple assault in a public transit vehicle or station shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished for a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature. For purposes of this Code section, "public transit vehicle" means a bus, van, or rail car used for the transportation of passengers within a system which receives a subsidy from tax revenues or is operated under a franchise contract with a county or municipality of this state.

(d) If the offense of simple assault is committed between past or present spouses, persons who are parents of the same child, parents and children, stepparents and stepchildren, foster parents and foster children, or other persons excluding siblings living or formerly living in the same household, the defendant shall be punished for a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature. In no event shall this subsection be applicable to corporal punishment administered by a parent or guardian to a child or administered by a person acting in loco parentis.

(e) Any person who commits the offense of simple assault against a person who is 65 years of age or older shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished for a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature.

(f) Any person who commits the offense of simple assault against an employee of a public school system of this state while such employee is engaged in official duties or on school property shall, upon conviction of such offense, be punished for a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature. For purposes of this Code section, "school property" shall include public school buses and stops for public school buses as designated by local school boards of education.

(g) Any person who commits the offense of simple assault against a female who is pregnant at the time of the offense shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished for a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature.

(h) Nothing in this Code section shall be construed to permit the prosecution of:

(1) Any person for conduct relating to an abortion for which the consent of the pregnant woman, or person authorized by law to act on her behalf, has been obtained or for which such consent is implied by law;

(2) Any person for any medical treatment of the pregnant woman or her unborn child; or

(3) Any woman with respect to her unborn child.

For the purposes of this subsection, the term "unborn child" means a member of the species homo sapiens at any stage of development who is carried in the womb.

Now, go ahead and point to any part of that law based on the video where Arbury was assaulted.

I can easily point to where he was guilty of assault:

(1) Attempts to commit a violent injury to the person of another;

Your thief is on video attacking McMichaels without anyone moving toward him or raising any weapon at him.

Go ahead, can't wait to see this dance
Not that it matters because you don't have to actually point the gun at someone for it to be aggravated assault ... but let's see your evidence Travis didn't point his gun at Arbery....

lol So you want to play too.

Here is the Georgia law in aggravated assault

2017 Georgia Code
Title 16 - Crimes and Offenses
Chapter 5 - Crimes Against the Person
Article 2 - Assault and Battery
§ 16-5-21. Aggravated assault

Universal Citation: GA Code § 16-5-21 (2017)
  • (a) A person commits the offense of aggravated assault when he or she assaults:
    • (1) With intent to murder, to rape, or to rob;
    • (2) With a deadly weapon or with any object, device, or instrument which, when used offensively against a person, is likely to or actually does result in serious bodily injury;
    • (3) With any object, device, or instrument which, when used offensively against a person, is likely to or actually does result in strangulation; or
    • (4) A person or persons without legal justification by discharging a firearm from within a motor vehicle toward a person or persons.
  • (b) Except as provided in subsections (c) through (k) of this Code section, a person convicted of the offense of aggravated assault shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than one nor more than 20 years.
  • (c)
    • (1) A person who knowingly commits the offense of aggravated assault upon a public safety officer while he or she is engaged in, or on account of the performance of, his or her official duties shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished as follows:
      • (A) When such assault occurs by the discharge of a firearm by a person who is at least 17 years of age, such person shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than ten nor more than 20 years and shall be sentenced to a mandatory minimum term of imprisonment of ten years and no portion of the mandatory minimum sentence imposed shall be suspended, stayed, probated, deferred, or withheld by the sentencing court; provided, however, that in the court's discretion, the court may depart from such mandatory minimum sentence when the prosecuting attorney and defendant have agreed to a sentence that is below such mandatory minimum;
      • (B) When such assault does not involve the discharge of a firearm by a person who is at least 17 years of age, and does not involve only the use of the person's body, such person shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than five nor more than 20 years and, for persons who are at least 17 years of age, shall be sentenced to a mandatory minimum term of imprisonment of three years and no portion of the mandatory minimum sentence imposed shall be suspended, stayed, probated, deferred, or withheld by the sentencing court; provided, however, that in the court's discretion, the court may depart from such mandatory minimum sentence when the prosecuting attorney and defendant have agreed to a sentence that is below such mandatory minimum; or
      • (C) When such assault occurs only involving the use of the person's body, by imprisonment for not less than five nor more than 20 years.
    • (2) A person convicted under this subsection shall be punished, in addition to any term of imprisonment imposed, by a fine as provided by law which shall be at least $2,000.00. With respect to $2,000.00 of the fine imposed, after distributing the surcharges and deductions required by Chapter 21 of Title 15, Code Sections 36-15-9 and 42-8-34, and Title 47, it shall be earmarked for the Georgia State Indemnification Fund for purposes of payment of indemnification for death or disability as provided for in Part 1 of Article 5 of Chapter 9 of Title 45.
    • (3) As used in this subsection, the term "firearm" means any handgun, rifle, shotgun, or similar device or weapon which will or can be converted to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive or electrical charge.
  • (d) Any person who commits the offense of aggravated assault against a person who is 65 years of age or older shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by imprisonment for not less than three nor more than 20 years.
  • (e) Any person who commits the offense of aggravated assault in a public transit vehicle or station shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by imprisonment for not less than three nor more than 20 years.
  • (f) Any person who commits the offense of aggravated assault upon a person in the course of violating Code Section 16-8-2 where the property that was the subject of the theft was a vehicle engaged in commercial transportation of cargo or any appurtenance thereto, including without limitation any such trailer, semitrailer, container, or other associated equipment, or the cargo being transported therein or thereon, shall upon conviction be punished by imprisonment for not less than five nor more than 20 years, a fine not less than $50,000.00 nor more than $200,000.00, or both such fine and imprisonment. For purposes of this subsection, the term "vehicle" includes without limitation any railcar.
  • (g) Except as provided in subsection (c) of this Code section, a person convicted of an offense described in paragraph (4) of subsection (a) of this Code section shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than five nor more than 20 years.
  • (h) Any person who commits the offense of aggravated assault involving the use of a firearm upon a student or teacher or other school personnel within a school safety zone as defined in Code Section 16-11-127.1 shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by imprisonment for not less than five nor more than 20 years.
  • (i) If the offense of aggravated assault is committed between past or present spouses, persons who are parents of the same child, parents and children, stepparents and stepchildren, foster parents and foster children, or other persons excluding siblings living or formerly living in the same household, the defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than three nor more than 20 years.
  • (j) Any person who commits the offense of aggravated assault with intent to rape against a child under the age of 14 years shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than 25 nor more than 50 years. Any person convicted under this subsection shall, in addition, be subject to the sentencing and punishment provisions of Code Section 17-10-6.2.
  • (k) A person who knowingly commits the offense of aggravated assault upon an officer of the court while such officer is engaged in, or on account of the performance of, his or her official duties shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by imprisonment for not less than five nor more than 20 years.

Now please, cite the specific law that justified Arbery attacking McMichaels with evidence from the video.

Go ahead new player :)

a) Brandishing a firearm during a dispute is illegal in Georgia...

Georgia senators are pursuing a bill that would make it legal to brandish a gun during a dispute.

The bill put forth by state Sen. Tyler Harper passed out of committee Monday, and would allow residents to pull a gun if they feel threatened, so long as they don’t aim it at anybody.

Under current Georgia law, brandishing a firearm can earn a felony aggravated assault charge, carrying a sentence of up 20 years, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported.​

b) You forgot to post your evidence that Travis wasn't pointing his shotgun at Arbery.....
So? Were there cops present when he was assaulted by the vigilante McMichaels?

You really need to educate yourself on the terms you use. Arbery assaulted McMichaels not the other way around.

If you really need yet another lesson in the law I'll be happy to provide it.

Actually. I live in Georgia. So chances are that I know the terms I am using. But I am not alone.

That is written by an experienced defense attorney in Georgia who has handled capital cases before. So what qualifications do you have? Are you a lawyer with experience in Georgia? Otherwise I do not think you are in a position to teach.

Its pretty clear you don't.

Let's review the law itself.

2010 Georgia Code
§ 16-5-20 - Simple assault

O.C.G.A. 16-5-20 (2010)
16-5-20. Simple assault

(a) A person commits the offense of simple assault when he or she either:

(1) Attempts to commit a violent injury to the person of another; or

(2) Commits an act which places another in reasonable apprehension of immediately receiving a violent injury.

(b) Except as provided in subsections (c) through (h) of this Code section, a person who commits the offense of simple assault shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.

(c) Any person who commits the offense of simple assault in a public transit vehicle or station shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished for a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature. For purposes of this Code section, "public transit vehicle" means a bus, van, or rail car used for the transportation of passengers within a system which receives a subsidy from tax revenues or is operated under a franchise contract with a county or municipality of this state.

(d) If the offense of simple assault is committed between past or present spouses, persons who are parents of the same child, parents and children, stepparents and stepchildren, foster parents and foster children, or other persons excluding siblings living or formerly living in the same household, the defendant shall be punished for a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature. In no event shall this subsection be applicable to corporal punishment administered by a parent or guardian to a child or administered by a person acting in loco parentis.

(e) Any person who commits the offense of simple assault against a person who is 65 years of age or older shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished for a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature.

(f) Any person who commits the offense of simple assault against an employee of a public school system of this state while such employee is engaged in official duties or on school property shall, upon conviction of such offense, be punished for a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature. For purposes of this Code section, "school property" shall include public school buses and stops for public school buses as designated by local school boards of education.

(g) Any person who commits the offense of simple assault against a female who is pregnant at the time of the offense shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished for a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature.

(h) Nothing in this Code section shall be construed to permit the prosecution of:

(1) Any person for conduct relating to an abortion for which the consent of the pregnant woman, or person authorized by law to act on her behalf, has been obtained or for which such consent is implied by law;

(2) Any person for any medical treatment of the pregnant woman or her unborn child; or

(3) Any woman with respect to her unborn child.

For the purposes of this subsection, the term "unborn child" means a member of the species homo sapiens at any stage of development who is carried in the womb.

Now, go ahead and point to any part of that law based on the video where Arbury was assaulted.

I can easily point to where he was guilty of assault:

(1) Attempts to commit a violent injury to the person of another;

Your thief is on video attacking McMichaels without anyone moving toward him or raising any weapon at him.

Go ahead, can't wait to see this dance
Not that it matters because you don't have to actually point the gun at someone for it to be aggravated assault ... but let's see your evidence Travis didn't point his gun at Arbery....
They are carrying a tool
For protecting, if you don’t want it pointing at you don’t run towards him and his father
If Travis was that afraid of Arbery, he should have stayed in the truck.
Why he had a gun.. it’s protecting

This video shows Arbery disrespect the cops, refused to take commands a couple of times, tazer malfunctioned, to bad.
This kid obviously has some issues, stemming from his parenting, I think that’s a females jacket he’s wearing, he’s exposing his underwear in a public park.

he almost attacked the cops just doing his job

the area is known for drugs and but AA couldn’t understand what he was saying.
Thiers another video out....shoplifting at "cameras and store dt's everywhere "walmart ....


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