New video of Arbery swearing at cops, almost got tased

So? Were there cops present when he was assaulted by the vigilante McMichaels?

You really need to educate yourself on the terms you use. Arbery assaulted McMichaels not the other way around.

If you really need yet another lesson in the law I'll be happy to provide it.

Actually. I live in Georgia. So chances are that I know the terms I am using. But I am not alone.

That is written by an experienced defense attorney in Georgia who has handled capital cases before. So what qualifications do you have? Are you a lawyer with experience in Georgia? Otherwise I do not think you are in a position to teach.

Its pretty clear you don't.

Let's review the law itself.

2010 Georgia Code
§ 16-5-20 - Simple assault

O.C.G.A. 16-5-20 (2010)
16-5-20. Simple assault

(a) A person commits the offense of simple assault when he or she either:

(1) Attempts to commit a violent injury to the person of another; or

(2) Commits an act which places another in reasonable apprehension of immediately receiving a violent injury.

(b) Except as provided in subsections (c) through (h) of this Code section, a person who commits the offense of simple assault shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.

(c) Any person who commits the offense of simple assault in a public transit vehicle or station shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished for a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature. For purposes of this Code section, "public transit vehicle" means a bus, van, or rail car used for the transportation of passengers within a system which receives a subsidy from tax revenues or is operated under a franchise contract with a county or municipality of this state.

(d) If the offense of simple assault is committed between past or present spouses, persons who are parents of the same child, parents and children, stepparents and stepchildren, foster parents and foster children, or other persons excluding siblings living or formerly living in the same household, the defendant shall be punished for a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature. In no event shall this subsection be applicable to corporal punishment administered by a parent or guardian to a child or administered by a person acting in loco parentis.

(e) Any person who commits the offense of simple assault against a person who is 65 years of age or older shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished for a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature.

(f) Any person who commits the offense of simple assault against an employee of a public school system of this state while such employee is engaged in official duties or on school property shall, upon conviction of such offense, be punished for a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature. For purposes of this Code section, "school property" shall include public school buses and stops for public school buses as designated by local school boards of education.

(g) Any person who commits the offense of simple assault against a female who is pregnant at the time of the offense shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished for a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature.

(h) Nothing in this Code section shall be construed to permit the prosecution of:

(1) Any person for conduct relating to an abortion for which the consent of the pregnant woman, or person authorized by law to act on her behalf, has been obtained or for which such consent is implied by law;

(2) Any person for any medical treatment of the pregnant woman or her unborn child; or

(3) Any woman with respect to her unborn child.

For the purposes of this subsection, the term "unborn child" means a member of the species homo sapiens at any stage of development who is carried in the womb.

Now, go ahead and point to any part of that law based on the video where Arbury was assaulted.

I can easily point to where he was guilty of assault:

(1) Attempts to commit a violent injury to the person of another;

Your thief is on video attacking McMichaels without anyone moving toward him or raising any weapon at him.

Go ahead, can't wait to see this dance

First, nothing was stolen. So my “thief” as you say, stole nothing. That kind of means he wasn’t stealing, and therefore was not a thief. But wait, there is more to consider.

Yay, you can quote the text of the law. But the Courts decide what the law means, and how it is applied to cases. Those decisions are called Precedence. In Georgia, the precedence including decisions in the State Supreme Court means that the McMichaels are in a seriously deep pit of trouble.

Here’s the thing about justification: you typically cannot raise it if you are the “aggressor” or if you “provoke the use of force” with the intent to use that force as an excuse. To use deadly force, the other person must pose a deadly risk.

So the big issue with the defendant’s case here is that they pointed guns at Arbery. We know this because, according to one District Attorney’s memo, the first shot went through Arbery’s hand as he was trying to grab the barrel. In Georgia, pointing a gun at someone is aggravated assault even if you had no intent to intimidate them.

The McMichaels will have to establish that they were in the middle of a lawful arrest when the assault began, and that will be difficult because they escalated force so quickly. Or they will have to establish that they made a “reasonable mistake of fact” that led them to believe their actions were justified. But that’s tricky, because their response was far from ordinary. Or they will have to show that it was reasonable to point weapons at an unarmed person in an effort to get him to stop — a ruling you would probably not want extended to muggers.

So using precedence according to the aforementioned Experienced Defense Attorney who has argued capital cases on appeal before, the McMichaels don’t have much of a case. The chances are very very slim that they can prove the shooting was justified.

You like many others, start the dance of who committed what crime at the moment that Arbury is rounding the truck. Unfortunately the events start long before that. And those events mean that the McMichaels were the aggressors, and that is why they are charged in full compliance with the laws.

Now, I may not like Precedence, or the way our court system works. But until someone gives me a better system to support, I am stuck with it, just as you and the rest are. The McMichaels were in the wrong. Absolutely and clearly in the wrong. There is no justification for what they have done. There is no excuse for it. And they are finding out how bad it is. They are being held without bail. Two citizens who never were in any trouble before, and being held without bail. By now, serious lawyers instead of the local yahoos are on scene and representing them. And still no bail.

What bothers you is that you can’t gun down a man in the street for no reason. You don’t get to instigate the shooting and then claim self defense. And it was instigated by the McMichaels. They did everything wrong from start to finish, and that includes talking to the cops afterwards. But they had to to get the Good Old Boys network to try and protect them. It tried, and failed. Now, they are in deep shit. Their statements are evidence against them. Their statements are really bad. My prediction, as a Georgian, is that they are going to Prison. There is one chance in a thousand that they will get a hung jury in the trial. There is virtually none that they are found not guilty.

They have one hope, and that one hope is the same one that freed Bundy and many others. Prosecutorial Misconduct. If the DA holds anything back, or breaks the rules, then I will support a dismissal of charges. I always support an individual civil rights, no matter the color, or the charge against them. If the police, or the DA lies, and they are in the habit of doing so, then the charges should be dismissed. But until that happens, they are entitled to a fair trial, and a jury of their peers. But with the evidence I have seen, and my training with the laws concerning bang sticks as a CCW holder, I think they are going to prison for a long time. For Daddy McMichaels, it is liable to be a life sentence.
First, nothing was stolen. So my “thief” as you say, stole nothing. That kind of means he wasn’t stealing, and therefore was not a thief. But wait, there is more to consider.
How do you know? We don’t have the full video we do t have a statement from the construction workers

Meanwhile, an attorney for Larry English, the owner of the construction site where surveillance footage shows Arbery moments before the shooting, has presented a text message to English from a Glynn County police officer in December 2019 in which the officer directs English to call Greg McMichael “day or night” if he sees anyone trespassing on his surveillance cameras.

“Your neighbor at [redacted address] is Greg McMichael,” the text reads. “Greg is retired Law Enforcement and also a Retired Investigator from the DA’s office. He said please call him day or night when you get action on your camera. His number is [redacted number].”

The police sorta deputized him
First, nothing was stolen. So my “thief” as you say, stole nothing. That kind of means he wasn’t stealing, and therefore was not a thief. But wait, there is more to consider.
How do you know? We don’t have the full video we do t have a statement from the construction workers

Meanwhile, an attorney for Larry English, the owner of the construction site where surveillance footage shows Arbery moments before the shooting, has presented a text message to English from a Glynn County police officer in December 2019 in which the officer directs English to call Greg McMichael “day or night” if he sees anyone trespassing on his surveillance cameras.

“Your neighbor at [redacted address] is Greg McMichael,” the text reads. “Greg is retired Law Enforcement and also a Retired Investigator from the DA’s office. He said please call him day or night when you get action on your camera. His number is [redacted number].”

The police sorta deputized him


Oh, and English never reached out to McMichael.
First, nothing was stolen. So my “thief” as you say, stole nothing. That kind of means he wasn’t stealing, and therefore was not a thief. But wait, there is more to consider.
How do you know? We don’t have the full video we do t have a statement from the construction workers

Meanwhile, an attorney for Larry English, the owner of the construction site where surveillance footage shows Arbery moments before the shooting, has presented a text message to English from a Glynn County police officer in December 2019 in which the officer directs English to call Greg McMichael “day or night” if he sees anyone trespassing on his surveillance cameras.

“Your neighbor at [redacted address] is Greg McMichael,” the text reads. “Greg is retired Law Enforcement and also a Retired Investigator from the DA’s office. He said please call him day or night when you get action on your camera. His number is [redacted number].”

The police sorta deputized him


Oh, and English never reached out to McMichael.
Has all the evidence been released with the break ins?
I don't understand the need to act rebellious and put yourself in a bad situation.
I know. But TWICE they made him grovel on the ground. He complied with everything they required he do, but I would be pretty frustrated, too, if I were him. How would you feel if a cop did that to you for walking in the park in broad daylight? The body cam doesn't show why the police thought he should be checked out. The big winter coat when it was obviously a warm day? What did he mean, he was just "rapping" to relax?
Neither can you, apparently.
prove it
Your favorite non answer.

They made him get down after he got aggressive. Before that it just looked like a routine stop and check ID.

Let's play a game... A cop stops you and asked for ID and proceeds to check it. When he comes back, for some reason you desire to be made to grovel on the ground by the cop. The proper response is:

A. "Is there a problem officer" (in a calm voice)
B. You don't say anything (fair enough. most lawyers would tell you this option)
C. "Is there anything else I can help you wit officer" (nice response, but maybe not recommended)
D. "I ain't got SHIT on ME. What the FUCK you Fucking with me for!!"
The vid has been cut. If I really were to get into a deep discussion about what this "shows" about Arbery, I would insist on seeing the whole thing. What got him so frustrated? All in all, it doesn't matter if Arbery loses his temper with what he sees as police harassment.

Of course, I see your point, as well. Arbery was not a saint, and the people who are treating him like one are biased, too. But Arbery didn't have to be a saint to be defended. He didn't deserve to be chased down by armed men, stopped and then -- oops -- killed for doing nothing wrong. Maybe he lost his temper with the cops because this kind of shit happens to him time and time again. Who knows? Maybe he lost his temper with Travis McMichael, too, which caused him to fight instead of flee. Did he run for the gun to defend himself or to pop McMichael in the nose? We'll never know. Those who want to paint a picture of him as a trouble making thug who got what he asked for are loving this video. And I don't agree with that.

This page has the whole video: Ahmaud Arbery case: 2017 video emerges of Georgia cops trying to tase victim

He didn't appear to be a saint. But, even after all these videos I still think this is manslaughter. Ordinary citizens can't grab guns and become the police.

However, I posted something a few days ago where it's believed the McMichaels became unofficial deputies by the police. If that's true that adds a whole new wrinkle in the case.
Thanks for the whole video, Fang. Arbery was defensive about his check (probably knew his license was suspended) and about them searching his car, so yeah, probably had some weed like the cop thought.
This case has more twists than a mad mouse roller coaster....I'm still not sure what to make of it.

All of which are ultimately irrelevant; these guys should have called the police, followed the guy until the police showed up, and let them handle it. That's literally ALL that needed to happen in order to spare us this entire ordeal, and them a great deal of legal assistance.
oh wait.................. that's what they did. ain't you the scholar.

Oh really? Can you please provide the exact time stamp in the video where Mr. McMichael STAYS IN HIS VEHICLE and let's the actual police handle the incident?
First, nothing was stolen. So my “thief” as you say, stole nothing. That kind of means he wasn’t stealing, and therefore was not a thief. But wait, there is more to consider.
How do you know? We don’t have the full video we do t have a statement from the construction workers

Meanwhile, an attorney for Larry English, the owner of the construction site where surveillance footage shows Arbery moments before the shooting, has presented a text message to English from a Glynn County police officer in December 2019 in which the officer directs English to call Greg McMichael “day or night” if he sees anyone trespassing on his surveillance cameras.

“Your neighbor at [redacted address] is Greg McMichael,” the text reads. “Greg is retired Law Enforcement and also a Retired Investigator from the DA’s office. He said please call him day or night when you get action on your camera. His number is [redacted number].”

The police sorta deputized him

You can’t be sorta deputized. The cop who sent is was absolutely wrong.

The department is disavowing it. And Rash is about to be disciplined again.
This case has more twists than a mad mouse roller coaster....I'm still not sure what to make of it.
Victim hood mentality took this little boy out.. he was taught the white man is out to get him.. and that gives him a license to attack white man anytime he wants.. and he lost
There's certainly that aspect of it...But then I go back to the Philando Castile shooting -which was definitely a bad shoot for anyone who saw the police video of it- and wonder if I'm getting a straight story.
There is also a aspect of police being constantly disrespected by black people in the community.. At a level I’ve never seen before. The body language of blacks towards cops is very confrontational very aggravated. It’s never ending.. i don’t blame them for wanting to take em out.. black parents need to do a better job

Police officers don't expect (or even necessarily want) respect from the public they deal with. What they do expect, and require, is compliance.
First, nothing was stolen. So my “thief” as you say, stole nothing. That kind of means he wasn’t stealing, and therefore was not a thief. But wait, there is more to consider.
How do you know? We don’t have the full video we do t have a statement from the construction workers

Meanwhile, an attorney for Larry English, the owner of the construction site where surveillance footage shows Arbery moments before the shooting, has presented a text message to English from a Glynn County police officer in December 2019 in which the officer directs English to call Greg McMichael “day or night” if he sees anyone trespassing on his surveillance cameras.

“Your neighbor at [redacted address] is Greg McMichael,” the text reads. “Greg is retired Law Enforcement and also a Retired Investigator from the DA’s office. He said please call him day or night when you get action on your camera. His number is [redacted number].”

The police sorta deputized him


Oh, and English never reached out to McMichael.
Has all the evidence been released with the break ins?
Nope, but nothing that's been released helps the McMichaels.
This case has more twists than a mad mouse roller coaster....I'm still not sure what to make of it.
Victim hood mentality took this little boy out.. he was taught the white man is out to get him.. and that gives him a license to attack white man anytime he wants.. and he lost
There's certainly that aspect of it...But then I go back to the Philando Castile shooting -which was definitely a bad shoot for anyone who saw the police video of it- and wonder if I'm getting a straight story.
There is also a aspect of police being constantly disrespected by black people in the community.. At a level I’ve never seen before. The body language of blacks towards cops is very confrontational very aggravated. It’s never ending.. i don’t blame them for wanting to take em out.. black parents need to do a better job

Police officers don't expect (or even necessarily want) respect from the public they deal with. What they do expect, and require, is compliance.
Do you live in a urban inner city?
First, nothing was stolen. So my “thief” as you say, stole nothing. That kind of means he wasn’t stealing, and therefore was not a thief. But wait, there is more to consider.
How do you know? We don’t have the full video we do t have a statement from the construction workers

Meanwhile, an attorney for Larry English, the owner of the construction site where surveillance footage shows Arbery moments before the shooting, has presented a text message to English from a Glynn County police officer in December 2019 in which the officer directs English to call Greg McMichael “day or night” if he sees anyone trespassing on his surveillance cameras.

“Your neighbor at [redacted address] is Greg McMichael,” the text reads. “Greg is retired Law Enforcement and also a Retired Investigator from the DA’s office. He said please call him day or night when you get action on your camera. His number is [redacted number].”

The police sorta deputized him


Oh, and English never reached out to McMichael.
Has all the evidence been released with the break ins?
Nope, but nothing that's been released helps the McMichaels.
Cool story
This case has more twists than a mad mouse roller coaster....I'm still not sure what to make of it.
Victim hood mentality took this little boy out.. he was taught the white man is out to get him.. and that gives him a license to attack white man anytime he wants.. and he lost
There's certainly that aspect of it...But then I go back to the Philando Castile shooting -which was definitely a bad shoot for anyone who saw the police video of it- and wonder if I'm getting a straight story.
There is also a aspect of police being constantly disrespected by black people in the community.. At a level I’ve never seen before. The body language of blacks towards cops is very confrontational very aggravated. It’s never ending.. i don’t blame them for wanting to take em out.. black parents need to do a better job

Police officers don't expect (or even necessarily want) respect from the public they deal with. What they do expect, and require, is compliance.
Do you live in a urban inner city?

I work in an urban city, I don't live there.
This case has more twists than a mad mouse roller coaster....I'm still not sure what to make of it.
Victim hood mentality took this little boy out.. he was taught the white man is out to get him.. and that gives him a license to attack white man anytime he wants.. and he lost
There's certainly that aspect of it...But then I go back to the Philando Castile shooting -which was definitely a bad shoot for anyone who saw the police video of it- and wonder if I'm getting a straight story.
There is also a aspect of police being constantly disrespected by black people in the community.. At a level I’ve never seen before. The body language of blacks towards cops is very confrontational very aggravated. It’s never ending.. i don’t blame them for wanting to take em out.. black parents need to do a better job

Police officers don't expect (or even necessarily want) respect from the public they deal with. What they do expect, and require, is compliance.
Do you live in a urban inner city?

I work in an urban city, I don't live there.
Just take my word for it.. it affects them.. especially the body language.
So? Were there cops present when he was assaulted by the vigilante McMichaels?

You really need to educate yourself on the terms you use. Arbery assaulted McMichaels not the other way around.

If you really need yet another lesson in the law I'll be happy to provide it.

Actually. I live in Georgia. So chances are that I know the terms I am using. But I am not alone.

That is written by an experienced defense attorney in Georgia who has handled capital cases before. So what qualifications do you have? Are you a lawyer with experience in Georgia? Otherwise I do not think you are in a position to teach.

Its pretty clear you don't.

Let's review the law itself.

2010 Georgia Code
§ 16-5-20 - Simple assault

O.C.G.A. 16-5-20 (2010)
16-5-20. Simple assault

(a) A person commits the offense of simple assault when he or she either:

(1) Attempts to commit a violent injury to the person of another; or

(2) Commits an act which places another in reasonable apprehension of immediately receiving a violent injury.

(b) Except as provided in subsections (c) through (h) of this Code section, a person who commits the offense of simple assault shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.

(c) Any person who commits the offense of simple assault in a public transit vehicle or station shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished for a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature. For purposes of this Code section, "public transit vehicle" means a bus, van, or rail car used for the transportation of passengers within a system which receives a subsidy from tax revenues or is operated under a franchise contract with a county or municipality of this state.

(d) If the offense of simple assault is committed between past or present spouses, persons who are parents of the same child, parents and children, stepparents and stepchildren, foster parents and foster children, or other persons excluding siblings living or formerly living in the same household, the defendant shall be punished for a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature. In no event shall this subsection be applicable to corporal punishment administered by a parent or guardian to a child or administered by a person acting in loco parentis.

(e) Any person who commits the offense of simple assault against a person who is 65 years of age or older shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished for a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature.

(f) Any person who commits the offense of simple assault against an employee of a public school system of this state while such employee is engaged in official duties or on school property shall, upon conviction of such offense, be punished for a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature. For purposes of this Code section, "school property" shall include public school buses and stops for public school buses as designated by local school boards of education.

(g) Any person who commits the offense of simple assault against a female who is pregnant at the time of the offense shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished for a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature.

(h) Nothing in this Code section shall be construed to permit the prosecution of:

(1) Any person for conduct relating to an abortion for which the consent of the pregnant woman, or person authorized by law to act on her behalf, has been obtained or for which such consent is implied by law;

(2) Any person for any medical treatment of the pregnant woman or her unborn child; or

(3) Any woman with respect to her unborn child.

For the purposes of this subsection, the term "unborn child" means a member of the species homo sapiens at any stage of development who is carried in the womb.

Now, go ahead and point to any part of that law based on the video where Arbury was assaulted.

I can easily point to where he was guilty of assault:

(1) Attempts to commit a violent injury to the person of another;

Your thief is on video attacking McMichaels without anyone moving toward him or raising any weapon at him.

Go ahead, can't wait to see this dance

First, nothing was stolen.

Yes there was. A 65 inch tv. Your hero is a thief. No surprise you didn't know that either.

So my “thief” as you say, stole nothing. That kind of means he wasn’t stealing, and therefore was not a thief. But wait, there is more to consider.

Actually he did. If you did the slightest bit of research you would have known that.

Yay, you can quote the text of the law. But the Courts decide what the law means, and how it is applied to cases. Those decisions are called Precedence. In Georgia, the precedence including decisions in the State Supreme Court means that the McMichaels are in a seriously deep pit of trouble.

Perfect liberal response. No my little friend the courts interpret the law they don't decide what it means.

Still waiting for you to quote the law and video evidence to support it. Somehow I think you will run away again.

Here’s the thing about justification: you typically cannot raise it if you are the “aggressor” or if you “provoke the use of force” with the intent to use that force as an excuse. To use deadly force, the other person must pose a deadly risk.

And there ended your claim. Well done.

So the big issue with the defendant’s case here is that they pointed guns at Arbery. We know this because, according to one District Attorney’s memo, the first shot went through Arbery’s hand as he was trying to grab the barrel. In Georgia, pointing a gun at someone is aggravated assault even if you had no intent to intimidate them.

And wrong again. He was attacked which triggered the gun going off. Arbery was the aggressor. He attacked. Your inability to admit the truth with video evidence in front of you is staggering. The video proves no one pointed a gun at him until AFTER he attacked.

If you want to continue to lie about this reality post the video portion where a gun is pointed at your thief before he attacked. Go ahead. We both know it doesn't exist and you just made it up as usual.

The McMichaels will have to establish that they were in the middle of a lawful arrest when the assault began, and that will be difficult because they escalated force so quickly. Or they will have to establish that they made a “reasonable mistake of fact” that led them to believe their actions were justified. But that’s tricky, because their response was far from ordinary. Or they will have to show that it was reasonable to point weapons at an unarmed person in an effort to get him to stop — a ruling you would probably not want extended to muggers.
So using precedence according to the aforementioned Experienced Defense Attorney who has argued capital cases on appeal before, the McMichaels don’t have much of a case. The chances are very very slim that they can prove the shooting was justified.

No sport they do not because to arrest someone under Georgia law you have to attempt to detain that person to make a citizen's arrest. Since no one moved towards him no attempt to detain him ever happened. And you pretend to know the law and didn't even know that?

You like many others, start the dance of who committed what crime at the moment that

Yes because we have read the law unlike you.

Arbury is rounding the truck. Unfortunately the events start long before that. And those events mean that the McMichaels were the aggressors, and that is why they are charged in full compliance with the laws.

Wrong again. You cannot point to any moment where Arbery was in physical danger according to Georgia law and every time I challenge you to prove it citing Georgia law you run. And you don't disappoint once again.

Now, I may not like Precedence, or the way our court system works. But until someone gives me a better system to support, I am stuck with it, just as you and the rest are. The McMichaels were in the wrong. Absolutely and clearly in the wrong. There is no justification for what they have done. There is no excuse for it. And they are finding out how bad it is. They are being held without bail. Two citizens who never were in any trouble before, and being held without bail. By now, serious lawyers instead of the local yahoos are on scene and representing them. And still no bail.

What bothers you is that you can’t gun down a man in the street for no reason. You don’t get to instigate the shooting and then claim self defense. And it was instigated by the McMichaels. They did everything wrong from start to finish, and that includes talking to the cops afterwards. But they had to to get the Good Old Boys network to try and protect them. It tried, and failed. Now, they are in deep shit. Their statements are evidence against them. Their statements are really bad. My prediction, as a Georgian, is that they are going to Prison. There is one chance in a thousand that they will get a hung jury in the trial. There is virtually none that they are found not guilty.

They have one hope, and that one hope is the same one that freed Bundy and many others. Prosecutorial Misconduct. If the DA holds anything back, or breaks the rules, then I will support a dismissal of charges. I always support an individual civil rights, no matter the color, or the charge against them. If the police, or the DA lies, and they are in the habit of doing so, then the charges should be dismissed. But until that happens, they are entitled to a fair trial, and a jury of their peers. But with the evidence I have seen, and my training with the laws concerning bang sticks as a CCW holder, I think they are going to prison for a long time. For Daddy McMichaels, it is liable to be a life sentence.

So once again I ask you to quote the specific part of the law that supports your laughable claim Arbery was justified in attacking McMillion with video evidence to support you and you ran from it. Again.

Come back when you grow a pair and actually read the law and cite it to support your worthless theories. Your lack of basic knowledge is making this far too easy.
This case has more twists than a mad mouse roller coaster....I'm still not sure what to make of it.
Victim hood mentality took this little boy out.. he was taught the white man is out to get him.. and that gives him a license to attack white man anytime he wants.. and he lost
There's certainly that aspect of it...But then I go back to the Philando Castile shooting -which was definitely a bad shoot for anyone who saw the police video of it- and wonder if I'm getting a straight story.
There is also a aspect of police being constantly disrespected by black people in the community.. At a level I’ve never seen before. The body language of blacks towards cops is very confrontational very aggravated. It’s never ending.. i don’t blame them for wanting to take em out.. black parents need to do a better job

Police officers don't expect (or even necessarily want) respect from the public they deal with. What they do expect, and require, is compliance.
Do you live in a urban inner city?

I work in an urban city, I don't live there.
Just take my word for it.. it affects them.. especially the body language.

Cops watch everyone's body language. Regardless of race. Just as many white idiots jack up as black, Asian, Hispanic, or Jewish idiots.

This video shows Arbery disrespect the cops, refused to take commands a couple of times, tazer malfunctioned, to bad.
This kid obviously has some issues, stemming from his parenting, I think that’s a females jacket he’s wearing, he’s exposing his underwear in a public park.

he almost attacked the cops just doing his job

the area is known for drugs and but AA couldn’t understand what he was saying.
Another case of Driving While Black
First, nothing was stolen. So my “thief” as you say, stole nothing. That kind of means he wasn’t stealing, and therefore was not a thief. But wait, there is more to consider.
How do you know? We don’t have the full video we do t have a statement from the construction workers

Meanwhile, an attorney for Larry English, the owner of the construction site where surveillance footage shows Arbery moments before the shooting, has presented a text message to English from a Glynn County police officer in December 2019 in which the officer directs English to call Greg McMichael “day or night” if he sees anyone trespassing on his surveillance cameras.

“Your neighbor at [redacted address] is Greg McMichael,” the text reads. “Greg is retired Law Enforcement and also a Retired Investigator from the DA’s office. He said please call him day or night when you get action on your camera. His number is [redacted number].”

The police sorta deputized him


Oh, and English never reached out to McMichael.
Has all the evidence been released with the break ins?
Nope, but nothing that's been released helps the McMichaels.
Cool story
It's cool 'cause it's true. :cool:

This video shows Arbery disrespect the cops, refused to take commands a couple of times, tazer malfunctioned, to bad.
This kid obviously has some issues, stemming from his parenting, I think that’s a females jacket he’s wearing, he’s exposing his underwear in a public park.

he almost attacked the cops just doing his job

the area is known for drugs and but AA couldn’t understand what he was saying.
Another case of Driving While Black
You don’t know any black ppl lol
First, nothing was stolen. So my “thief” as you say, stole nothing. That kind of means he wasn’t stealing, and therefore was not a thief. But wait, there is more to consider.
How do you know? We don’t have the full video we do t have a statement from the construction workers

Meanwhile, an attorney for Larry English, the owner of the construction site where surveillance footage shows Arbery moments before the shooting, has presented a text message to English from a Glynn County police officer in December 2019 in which the officer directs English to call Greg McMichael “day or night” if he sees anyone trespassing on his surveillance cameras.

“Your neighbor at [redacted address] is Greg McMichael,” the text reads. “Greg is retired Law Enforcement and also a Retired Investigator from the DA’s office. He said please call him day or night when you get action on your camera. His number is [redacted number].”

The police sorta deputized him


Oh, and English never reached out to McMichael.
Has all the evidence been released with the break ins?
Nope, but nothing that's been released helps the McMichaels.
Cool story
It's cool 'cause it's true. :cool:
What ever makes you feel better
Self defense of what? Arbery ran at the guy from 50 feet away (at least).
The runner actually used the truck as a shield so he could gain momentum and use that momentum to attack the kid with the gun. It was thought out while he approached. he had no intention of jogging, he was going to engage. So he failed.

Exactly....what seems insane (perhaps it was since he has a mental history) was actually a pretty good plan for a surprise you point out...he cleverly used the truck as cover increased his momentum and suddenly darted to the left attacking Travis McMichaels the white guy with the shotgun....if da black dude had been a little stronger or the white guy a little weaker....the black dude may very well have been able to take the shotgun away and use it against the son and the father.

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