New video of Arbery swearing at cops, almost got tased

This video shows Arbery disrespect the cops, refused to take commands a couple of times, tazer malfunctioned, to bad.
This kid obviously has some issues, stemming from his parenting, I think that’s a females jacket he’s wearing, he’s exposing his underwear in a public park.

he almost attacked the cops just doing his job

the area is known for drugs and but AA couldn’t understand what he was saying.

What does this have to do with the McMichaels murdering this young man.
Like the Ferguson propaganda pushed by the traitorous media committed to creating and maintaining racial strife, the facts will not matter.

The opportunists are all over this and their good little sheep like lebron the multi millionaire slave, make ignorant statements. All in an attempt to get Trump to tweet or remark something in support of the WHITE MEN.

All minorities are nothing but political tools for the left who use minorities (especially blacks) for political expediency or monetary gain.

All to perpetuate the GRIEVANCE INDUSTRY. which has no intention of solving grievances but only to find new and clever ways to hold fundraisers.

There has not been a republican within 50 miles of downtown Chicago, or Baltimore or Philadelphia etc etc for over 50 years and yet the white conservative capitalist always gets the blame for any suffering the residents in those dilapidated cities experience.

Yea doesn't have anything to do with the fact 2 racist clowns chased down an unarmed man and murdered him. That part of the story really doesn't matter.
And multiple people had entered the home while it was under construction. Were they all chased down and stopped by the McMichaels vigilante’s?

Were they caught in the act? Comeon man

You mean entering the property? Yes they were.
And multiple people had entered the home while it was under construction. Were they all chased down and stopped by the McMichaels vigilante’s?

They werent contacted by the home owner during those times. The home owner only contacted them when Arbery entered the most recent time. You can learn all about it here...

Are you sure about that?
And multiple people had entered the home while it was under construction. Were they all chased down and stopped by the McMichaels vigilante’s?

he has been a jackass thug his whole a TV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
..he's just as bad, if not worse, than Mike Brown:
stole a TV---this was a jackass thug criminal and AGAIN!!! you dumbfucks defend a criminal
..I've asked many times why do you love criminals--and I get no answer
stole a TV---this was a jackass thug criminal and AGAIN!!! you dumbfucks defend a criminal
..I've asked many times why do you love criminals--and I get no answer

That's a damn good question, is that why racist trash is trying to defend these 2 racist murderers. I notice none of you want to address all the whites who were entering this house illegally. Are they Thugs or Trash?
Self defense of what? Arbery ran at the guy from 50 feet away (at least).
The runner actually used the truck as a shield so he could gain momentum and use that momentum to attack the kid with the gun. It was thought out while he approached. he had no intention of jogging, he was going to engage. So he failed.

Exactly....what seems insane (perhaps it was since he has a mental history) was actually a pretty good plan for a surprise you point out...he cleverly used the truck as cover increased his momentum and suddenly darted to the left attacking Travis McMichaels the white guy with the shotgun....if da black dude had been a little stronger or the white guy a little weaker....the black dude may very well have been able to take the shotgun away and use it against the son and the father.

Why wouldn’t he hold them at gunpoint until the police arrived? The defenders of the criminal McMichaels claim all they wanted to do was talk, or detain, or just engage with the fellow until police arrived, which is why they grabbed guns and set off in pursuit. But why is it you are convinced that AA would have killed them both, instead of just holding them until police arrived? After all the McMichaels were the criminals.

Your nonsense is getting more ridiculous with every post.

Neither of the McMichaels had ever been arrested for anything unlike Ahmaud....neither of the McMichaels had ever been convicted o anything.....unlike Ahmaud who in fact was in violation of his parole when this incident happened.

In fact the McMichals were part of the police community.

When Ahmaud Arbary decided of his own free will and with malice to attack Travis McMichael --Travis had to assume his life was in danger....if you had a weapon and someone attacked you...punching you and trying to take your weapon from you....what would you do?

Well here we have a few problems. First. I know that pulling my gun is Aggravated Assault by Georgia law unless my life or someone else’s life is in danger. Second. I know that my license does not give me the authority to chase someone down. I know this because lawyers have said it and the cop instructors at both of the courses I attended regarding the law and my weapon and defensive shooting said do not chase the guy down. If he flees let him go.

So I know that waving my weapon around trying to get someone to stop running is a crime. I would not do it. So the chances of an unarmed individual trying to wrestle it away are pretty much nil. Next. The same instructors and common sense says to be polite and respectful. You do not want to escalate a situation where guns come into play. I call everyone I don’t know Sir or Ma’am anyway. I especially do it when I am armed. Concealed.

Now that means I would never be in a situation like the McMichaels. I am not that dumb. So that means that any shootings I get into in public were when the baddie was armed and acting aggressive. You know. Like the McMichaels. Or they would be at my house or on my land. Where my rights to defend myself are well established. Also unlike the morons I would not talk to the cops until I had a lawyer.

You see. I know the line between a legal use of force and an illegal act is perilously thin. And I know my description of my thoughts and actions and motivations may be the difference between legal and criminal. There was literally nothing they did right that entire day. They armed up and set out as a posse without the authority to do so. They attempted to stop, detain, or arrest, a man they had no right to try and stop. They armed up and set off in pursuit. They confronted a man they had no reason to suspect. They were waving the bang sticks around in public. They killed the man. Then they talked to the police issuing a statement.

I misspoke. They did do one thing right. They did not flee the scene. Although they probably should have headed for Mexico.

So when you try and justify their actions by asking me to pretend I was in their shoes I have trouble imagining it. Because my brain is incapable of pretending I was that damned dumb.
stole a TV---this was a jackass thug criminal and AGAIN!!! you dumbfucks defend a criminal
..I've asked many times why do you love criminals--and I get no answer

So the Bible and the law must be ignored? Great. Because I was taught to forgive and forget the actions of others. And in law I am supposed to think they have paid their debt and rejoined society. Or when Travis gets out of Prison time served am I supposed to follow him around screaming murderer?
I don't understand the need to act rebellious and put yourself in a bad situation.
I know. But TWICE they made him grovel on the ground. He complied with everything they required he do, but I would be pretty frustrated, too, if I were him. How would you feel if a cop did that to you for walking in the park in broad daylight? The body cam doesn't show why the police thought he should be checked out. The big winter coat when it was obviously a warm day? What did he mean, he was just "rapping" to relax?
Neither can you, apparently.
prove it
Your favorite non answer.
The rapping means he was high.
Sure, he told the cops that.

I know high. LOTS of drug addicts around here. He doesn't appear high.
My condolences on living in the fourth world
Remember when he was the "peaceful jogger"? Boy, that narrative sure fell apart.

Not really. He was committed no crime. He was minding his own business in a park. A cop decided to search him "just because" and when he got irate about it, another cop tried to use a taser on him (which malfunctioned).

If anyone looks worse for this, it's law enforcement.

You'd have to wonder what these cops would have tried to pull if they weren't required to wear body cams.
I find it amusing that the same white folks who are SCREAMING that they have to wear masks in a public place during a pandemic are perfectly okay with the police harassing this black guy in a park.
I find it amusing that the same white folks who are SCREAMING that they have to wear masks in a public place during a pandemic are perfectly okay with the police harassing this black guy in a park.
You know if that was a black republican you would be so happy! Lol your protecting your modern day slaves, sick! Absolutely sick
And multiple people had entered the home while it was under construction. Were they all chased down and stopped by the McMichaels vigilante’s?

he has been a jackass thug his whole a TV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
..he's just as bad, if not worse, than Mike Brown:

Ok. So he was being detained for something he did what? Years ago? No. McMichaels had no knowledge of that. That case was handled by the system. And if you argue that McMichaels knew and all that it is actually worse for him. He did not tell the 911 dispatcher the identity or that he knew AA which means he was withholding vital information from the police. That is also against the law isn’t it?

How many criminal acts of the McMichaels are you going to argue were justified? I laugh at idiots who say that Trump Supporters would still follow Trump if he murdered a man in the street. Then someone like you comes along.

The McMichaels had no justification in law. They had no justification by any sane sense of reason. That is why the Glynn County Cops wanted to arrest them on the day.

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