New Witness...TRAYVON was beating Zimmerman up!

No he wasn't doing Racial profiling you fucking assshat. The dispatcher asked Zimmerman the race of the person. Zimmerman said he looks black So he was not sure. There is some distance between them and it's dark. It can only be racial profiling when you know the race of the person you are profiling.

"They always get away", "He looks like he's on drugs", "Fucking coons" were the words describing a 17 year old going home after going to the store. Those were the words he used after he described Martin as a "black male in his late teens."

Yeah, there was a lynching alright. A good old fashion Southern lynching.
"They always get away", "He looks like he's on drugs", "Fucking coons"
It sounds like you are Racially stereotyping a group of people.
They always get away could be the ones who broke in the homes in that area.
He looks like he is on drugs? What does that mean to you?

were the words describing a 17 year old going home after going to the store.
What proof do you have that Trayvon didn't also use that time to case homes to break into them? if we're going to assume let's both assume.

I doubt you'd have constructed that idiotic strawman if Martin were white.

I walk down my streets, in my neighborhood, seeing what kinds of plantings people have. Am I casing their house? No, I'm just looking, and enjoying a stroll. A short time back I took a legitimate path through a power grid. I found this magnificent vegetable garden. As I was admiring it, I was confronted by this (what seemed to be) belligerent old Jamaican lady. I guess she was worried about someone stealing her veggies.

We wound up BSing about her pumpkin recipes and composting, and the simple steps to use the power company land for a veg garden.

The old dear might have felt the need to confront me, but she didn't put a 9 in my chest.

That is what I keep telling my wife. She insists it is an i instead of a j.

adiavat is not the same as that translation is the bold but she says the j was accepted later on in Latin but that the i was the brave and adiuvat was the bold for centuries.
I am going with what I had to begin with, the j and not what the so called lady of the house "expert" told me, the i.

e, i and j in Latin always confused the hell out of me.
I feel like once Zimmerman exited his vehicle in pursuit of Martin, the law no longer applied. Screams, blood, concrete, etc makes no difference to me.

Exactly. You as an adult leave your vehicle in your neighborhood regarding a suspicious teen prowler you have called 911 on your ass deserves to beat down and your head bashed into the sidewalk.

Street law beeotches.
One item that I find curious is that no other neighborhood watch members have spoken either for or against in this case. Is this because Zimmerman is Hispanic and there is a fair amount of discrimination against Hispanics in places like Florida, Arizone, and California where there are so many of them. I also wonder about their program. I have lived in 3 neighborhoods where we had a neighborhood watch. They were always out in twos and not alone. Where is their neighborhood watch committee on this?

I saw something on tv with the former neighborhood watch captain talking about zimmerman. He seemed to like zimmerman and said he did a good job.
What about when they found an inordinate amount of "potentially" stolen jewelry in his locker when looking for graffiti markers? Wonder why the MSM doesn't mention his three suspensions? That neighborhood had an inordinate amount of burglaries lately, which is why Zimmerman was suspicious.

1. what was he doing in that neighborhood?
2. why did he have that jewelry in his locker?

Al Sharpton was on earlier and his explanation of the jewlery in the locker was very convincing.

Trayvon was preparing to go as Mr. T to the school Halloween Party.

Just burglary residue.
I feel like once Zimmerman exited his vehicle in pursuit of Martin, the law no longer applied. Screams, blood, concrete, etc makes no difference to me.

Exactly. You as an adult leave your vehicle in your neighborhood regarding a suspicious teen prowler you have called 911 on your ass deserves to beat down and your head bashed into the sidewalk.

Street law beeotches.

Yep. Just like you being a 17 year old black male walking on a sidewalk, through a neighbor where you have been invited to stay, carrying candy, tea and talking on a cell phone means you deserve to be shot to death.
I feel like once Zimmerman exited his vehicle in pursuit of Martin, the law no longer applied. Screams, blood, concrete, etc makes no difference to me.

Exactly. You as an adult leave your vehicle in your neighborhood regarding a suspicious teen prowler you have called 911 on your ass deserves to beat down and your head bashed into the sidewalk.

Street law beeotches.

Yep. Just like you being a 17 year old black male walking on a sidewalk, through a neighbor where you have been invited to stay, carrying candy, tea and talking on a cell phone means you deserve to be shot to death.

I'll add he was on a public path to his home, after being stalked and chased, when he was killed, with a 9 to his chest.
So the experts say it's not, but the eye witnesses, and both families who have heard it say it's Zimmerman. Clearly the expert knows better than his parents would know their childs voice.
Exactly. You as an adult leave your vehicle in your neighborhood regarding a suspicious teen prowler you have called 911 on your ass deserves to beat down and your head bashed into the sidewalk.

Street law beeotches.

Yep. Just like you being a 17 year old black male walking on a sidewalk, through a neighbor where you have been invited to stay, carrying candy, tea and talking on a cell phone means you deserve to be shot to death.

I'll add he was on a public path to his home, after being stalked and chased, when he was killed, with a 9 to his chest.
His home? His home in Miami? Public path in a gated community? If it's a public path why is it called a gated community?
Go to any med/mal trial and see the expert doctor for the plaintiff tell one side of the story "the treating doctor totally botched the operation and treatment in my professional opinion as a doctor in the same field for 35 years." and then hear the expert doctor for the defendant tell his side of the story "the treating doctor did not deviate from the standard practice and procedures of sound professional and ethical care not once and the subesquent condition of this patient is not a reflection of any negligence of the treating doctor in my expert medical opinion based on 35 years as a doctor in the same field."
Experts are WHORES.
Yep. Just like you being a 17 year old black male walking on a sidewalk, through a neighbor where you have been invited to stay, carrying candy, tea and talking on a cell phone means you deserve to be shot to death.

I'll add he was on a public path to his home, after being stalked and chased, when he was killed, with a 9 to his chest.
His home? His home in Miami? Public path in a gated community? If it's a public path why is it called a gated community?

You lying piece of shit. His father was living there, and his SO owned the property, and his parents had joint custody. Yeah, he was living there.

He had every right to go to the store for some Skittles and ice tea, before he got a 9 to the chest.
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I have asked this question several times in those Trayvon Martin threads which has yet to be answered, so I will ask the question in a separate thread.

In the video where you can hear someone yelling help some say it's Trayvon yelling others say it Zimmerman.
So here's the question If it's Trayvon yelling for help why is he yelling just help? Why didn't he yell help he has a gun help he's going to shoot me? Can anyone answer this question logically?

How do you know he saw the gun prior to being shot?

Do you have a brain? Can you reason? Can you think logically for one minute?
If Trayvon was yelling for help that would mean Zimmerman was beating him up. Why would Zimmerman use physical force against Trayvon since Zimmerman had the gun And if Zimmerman had pulled his gun why didn't Trayvon yell don't shoot me or he's got a gun don't hurt me Some one help me he's gong to shoot me. And why did Zimmerman knowing that the police were on the way shoot Trayvon? If you have a brain use it for once.
I'll add he was on a public path to his home, after being stalked and chased, when he was killed, with a 9 to his chest.
His home? His home in Miami? Public path in a gated community? If it's a public path why is it called a gated community?

You lying piece of shit. His father was living there, and his SO owned the property, and his parents had joint custody. Yeah, he was living there.

He had every right to go to the store for some Skittles and ice tea, before he got a 9 to the chest.

Lying piece of shit? Trayvon was visiting his father because Trayvon had been suspended from school for ten days because of drugs. So Trayvon did not live their. Yep he probably had the munchies after busting open that nickel bag.

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