New Witness...TRAYVON was beating Zimmerman up!

You don't yell for help then state the perceived criminal act. It's usually after the act has been committed that you yell "help, I've been shot."

Since Martin was found dead on the scene with a gunshot wound to his chest, I'd say it's safe to assume that he was unable to yell "help, I've been shot." He might have whispered it in the final seconds that he bled out.

If is possible that when he say this ass hole had a gun and begin fight and screaming for help because immediate after the gun shot the screaming stopped. I doubt that if Zimmerman had the gun in his hand ready to fire he was screaming for help:doubt:
Another thing is Zimmerman was back at his car, how could he have shot trayvon yards form his home INSIDE the complex.
That he was looking for a house number is pig shit on a stick. all he had to do was give the name of the complex which 9-1 was familiar with. Zimmerman is digging his own shit hole.
George Zimmerman Trayvon Martin 911 Call - YouTube

"Fucking coons.

Are you following him?


We don't need you to do that."


"Do you want to meet with them right near the mailboxes?


I notice you omit his response to 'we don't need you to do that'.... he said 'ok'.

Also.... that 'fucking coons' thing... I've heard another clip of that and it sounds like 'fucking punks'. You accept without question that which fits your preconceived idea. I don't do that.

I've heard several analysis of it. The best real time version was done by CNN, that gets rid of the background noise, and there is no "P" or "K" sound in the word. The word used was "coons".

So you say. I've heard several analysis of it too. I don't know what word was used. Since Zimmerman volunteered with kids - including black ones - it is unlikely that he is a racist. But, either way... it proves nothing with regard to this incident.
Dismissing your lie of omission in the quote, it's in most laws regarding self-defense.

There is evidence from the 911 call that Trayvon had his hand in his waste band and had something. So from a distance was he unarmed?

So you can stalk and chase someone, and when they defend themselves, you can use deadly force? Do you have a "coon" stamp on your license?

I didn't lie

[ame=]Trayvon Martin News [SHOCKING FULL] Murder Caught on Tape | Killed By George Zimmerman 911 Call # 1 - YouTube[/ame]
At 56 second now he's coming towards me At 1:04 he's got his hand in his waist band
1:21 he's coming to check me out 1:25 he's got something in his hands. That is the evidence from the 9:11 call you lying sack of shit.

So it's OK with you that if someone stalks you and chases you, and you stand your ground, that that person has a right to kill you and claim self-defense. You are one sick puppy.

That's waist band, moron. I guess waste band is what gangstas wear to show their drawers. You know, like the fake photo that the righties were brandishing of Martin. Logic indicates that it was his phone, which he used to phone his girlfriend. Is your bullshitting argument now that Zimmerman was justified in stalking and chasing Martin because he suspected he had a weapon????? You really are a fucking idiot.

So you can stalk and chase someone, and when they defend themselves, you can use deadly force? Do you have a "coon" stamp on your license?
What Zimmerman did is not considered stalking under the law and the use of coons is all in your racist lying mind.

Zimmerman used the term, along with "up to no good", "he looks like he's high on drugs", and "fucking coons". Zimmerman prejudged Martin, and the fact remains that Martin was unarmed, had every right to be where he was, tried to run away from Zimmerman, and Zimmerman chased after him. You claim this is justifiable homicide, by reason of self-defense? Dude, you're the fucking racist lying pig.

That's waist band, moron.

Dumb ass I also spelled waistband correctly in the same post.

Logic indicates that it was his phone, which he used to phone his girlfriend. Is your bullshitting argument now that Zimmerman was justified in stalking and chasing Martin because he suspected he had a weapon????? You really are a fucking idiot.
You are not using logic you are using emotion built on lies.

Zimmerman used the term, along with "up to no good", "he looks like he's high on drugs", and "fucking coons".
Again you omit what was said Zimmerman said the guy look like he was up to no good and was on drugs. And for the coon response NO PROOF AS OF YET.
Which means, no common sense atall...but *feelings* which are filtered through her own bias.

I.e., "willful ignorance".

I based my "feelings" on the facts as we know them to be at this point in time.......zimmerman saw this young man, called 911, told them that the kid looked suspicious, had something in his waist or hand, had on a hoody and was black.......the cops asked him if he was following the kid, he said yes....The cops told him not to do that....It is quite apparent that he did not listen, but kept pursuing the young man.......according to the girlfriend, there was a confrontation---then she lost for me, "whatever" happened, Zimmerman "is" responsible for the death of Trayvon Martin.....he had "no" serious injuries, he had "no" trouble getting out of the police car, he is a coward and a killer......if that is biased, then so be it.........
My understanding is that Zimmerman was not on 'watch duty' when the incident occurred. I could be wrong on that... I've read a lot of crap from both sides... but, if he was not on 'watch duty'... there is no reason why he should not have a legal gun on him.

Personally, I think it's wise to get all the facts - and make sure we have the facts right - before we start assigning guilt.

I don't know either way ... it was reported that he ID'd himself as neighborhood watch ... but it could be that the police did that. Who knows anymore?

In the audio from the 911 call he didn't identify himself as neighborhood watch if he did I did not hear it and I have listen to that audio more than I would care to talk about.


Probably came out in an early press conference or something. My googler is broken ...
You don't yell for help then state the perceived criminal act. It's usually after the act has been committed that you yell "help, I've been shot."

Unless you're trying to prevent Zimmerman from drawing his gun.

Unless you're a dumbass, if you know that your attacker has a gun and you know that you don't, you STFU. You don't yell anything for fear of being shot and killed. I haven't had a gun pointed at me, but I've been shown a pistol when some asshole lifted his shirt wanting to know where one of my neighbors lived. My first thought was to answer his questions as quietyly as possible so he could be on his way. The fear had me frozen.
Why did the police reports lie about injuries to the perp?

Oh yeah:
- The police are lying.
- The ambulance EMS are lying.
- The doctors are lying.
- The coroner is lying.
- The eye witnesses are lying.
- The investigator is lying.
- The DA is lying.

Do you need another roll of tinfoil yet.

You don't yell for help then state the perceived criminal act. It's usually after the act has been committed that you yell "help, I've been shot."

Unless you're trying to prevent Zimmerman from drawing his gun.

Unless you're a dumbass, if you know that your attacker has a gun and you know that you don't, you STFU. You don't yell anything for fear of being shot and killed. I haven't had a gun pointed at me, but I've been shown a pistol when some asshole lifted his shirt wanting to know where one of my neighbors lived. My first thought was to answer his questions as quietyly as possible so he could be on his way. The fear had me frozen.

Not the point, moron. We still don't know what those yells were, except for the seconds before Zimmerman shot an unarmed kid, after stalking him and chasing him.

The point still remains as to why Zimmerman chased the kid in the first place, except for his paranoid rants on the 911 call. On that call, Zimmerman said he's reaching for something in waist band (probably his phone to call his girlfriend about the crazy guy stalking him), and then chases after him, after he runs.

Use your fucking brain.
have fund beating the dead corpse of a child for poltical fun
You have fun with your political lynching.

You seem to enjoy your defense of this paranoid, racist, vigilante wannabe, how stalked, chased, and subsequently killed a kid trying to go home after getting some Skittles and ice tea. If there's a lynching done, it was done by Zimmerman.

Zimmerman was not doing a political lynching. He was a democrat & helped blacks. Your entire post is full of political bullshit of witch there is zero evidence.
You have fun with your political lynching.

You seem to enjoy your defense of this paranoid, racist, vigilante wannabe, how stalked, chased, and subsequently killed a kid trying to go home after getting some Skittles and ice tea. If there's a lynching done, it was done by Zimmerman.

Zimmerman was not doing a political lynching. He was a democrat & helped blacks. Your entire post is full of political bullshit of witch there is zero evidence.

No, he was doing racial profiling, and in his paranoid peabrain, a person who is black became a criminal suspect, to the point that he stalked, chased, and subsequently killed a kid who was returning home from the store. What was Martin's crime or justification for Zimmerman's actions?
You don't yell for help then state the perceived criminal act. It's usually after the act has been committed that you yell "help, I've been shot."

Since Martin was found dead on the scene with a gunshot wound to his chest, I'd say it's safe to assume that he was unable to yell "help, I've been shot." He might have whispered it in the final seconds that he bled out.

If is possible that when he say this ass hole had a gun and begin fight and screaming for help because immediate after the gun shot the screaming stopped. I doubt that if Zimmerman had the gun in his hand ready to fire he was screaming for help:doubt:
Another thing is Zimmerman was back at his car, how could he have shot trayvon yards form his home INSIDE the complex.
That he was looking for a house number is pig shit on a stick. all he had to do was give the name of the complex which 9-1 was familiar with. Zimmerman is digging his own shit hole.

Correct. The killing occurred on an interior sidewalk, where Zimmerman would have had to leave his SUV, enter that pathway, and make two turns. I hope they have a complete video of Martin's interrogation.
I notice you omit his response to 'we don't need you to do that'.... he said 'ok'.

Also.... that 'fucking coons' thing... I've heard another clip of that and it sounds like 'fucking punks'. You accept without question that which fits your preconceived idea. I don't do that.

I've heard several analysis of it. The best real time version was done by CNN, that gets rid of the background noise, and there is no "P" or "K" sound in the word. The word used was "coons".

So you say. I've heard several analysis of it too. I don't know what word was used. Since Zimmerman volunteered with kids - including black ones - it is unlikely that he is a racist. But, either way... it proves nothing with regard to this incident.

You din't say that you couldn't discern the actual word. You said that you heard "fucking Punks". I can discern that the word sounds like coons, and can't hear any "P" or "K" sound in it. In context, "coons" seems to be the only logical word that Zimmerman would use, after his prior statements on that 911 call.

Not to worry though, as I'm sure that expert forensic analysts are going to find out exactly what was said, and the morons who thing that a word starting with a clear "C" sound and ending with a clear "NS" sound is "PUNKS", and have to do more back flips to claim that there was no racial motive in Zimmerman killing Martin.
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You don't yell for help then state the perceived criminal act. It's usually after the act has been committed that you yell "help, I've been shot."

Since Martin was found dead on the scene with a gunshot wound to his chest, I'd say it's safe to assume that he was unable to yell "help, I've been shot." He might have whispered it in the final seconds that he bled out.

If is possible that when he say this ass hole had a gun and begin fight and screaming for help because immediate after the gun shot the screaming stopped. I doubt that if Zimmerman had the gun in his hand ready to fire he was screaming for help:doubt:
Another thing is Zimmerman was back at his car, how could he have shot trayvon yards form his home INSIDE the complex.
That he was looking for a house number is pig shit on a stick. all he had to do was give the name of the complex which 9-1 was familiar with. Zimmerman is digging his own shit hole.

No one that I know of is saying Zimmerman did not chase Martin. But what you and others of the lynch mob are refusing to acknowledge is that Zimmerman said "OK" when the dispatcher told him he did not need to do that. It was pointed out to me that the shooting took place 150 feet from Zimmerman's SUV, I have shown that Zimmerman could have been that far when he stopped chasing Trayvon and was heading back to his SUV. Zimmerman is not digging his own shit hole but you and others of the Lynch mob sure like to dig shit holes.
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One expert said there was a 48% voice match with Zimmerman, but that if it were Zimmerman, he would expect a 90-something voice match?

Why would the expert expect such a high match between two small, poor-quality samples, where one voice is in nervous excitement and the other is in extreme fear and physical duress? And, why wouldn't he caution people not to jump to conclusions until he can run his magic box on Trayvon's voice?

If there is a trial, both sides will have voice experts insisting on opposite things.
You seem to enjoy your defense of this paranoid, racist, vigilante wannabe, how stalked, chased, and subsequently killed a kid trying to go home after getting some Skittles and ice tea. If there's a lynching done, it was done by Zimmerman.

Zimmerman was not doing a political lynching. He was a democrat & helped blacks. Your entire post is full of political bullshit of witch there is zero evidence.

No, he was doing racial profiling, and in his paranoid peabrain, a person who is black became a criminal suspect, to the point that he stalked, chased, and subsequently killed a kid who was returning home from the store. What was Martin's crime or justification for Zimmerman's actions?

No he wasn't doing Racial profiling you fucking assshat. The dispatcher asked Zimmerman the race of the person. Zimmerman said he looks black So he was not sure. There is some distance between them and it's dark. It can only be racial profiling when you know the race of the person you are profiling.
Unless you're trying to prevent Zimmerman from drawing his gun.

Unless you're a dumbass, if you know that your attacker has a gun and you know that you don't, you STFU. You don't yell anything for fear of being shot and killed. I haven't had a gun pointed at me, but I've been shown a pistol when some asshole lifted his shirt wanting to know where one of my neighbors lived. My first thought was to answer his questions as quietyly as possible so he could be on his way. The fear had me frozen.

Not the point, moron. We still don't know what those yells were, except for the seconds before Zimmerman shot an unarmed kid, after stalking him and chasing him.

The point still remains as to why Zimmerman chased the kid in the first place, except for his paranoid rants on the 911 call. On that call, Zimmerman said he's reaching for something in waist band (probably his phone to call his girlfriend about the crazy guy stalking him), and then chases after him, after he runs.

Use your fucking brain.

What? The point was why didn't Martin yell "help, he has a gun." Only a dumbass would yell that someone has a gun while their in the crosshairs. I was not debating the entire case, dude. But for you, I'll give it a go.

FACT-Martin was legally allowed to walk through the neighborhood. FACT-Zimmerman left his vehicle in pursuit of Martin because he looked suspicious. FACT-Zimmerman shot Martin. FACT-The police report stated that Zimmerman had blood on his nose and head. FACT-Zimmerman is a free man at this time. FACT-The grand jury will determine Zimmerman's fate on April 10th. Just about everything else is speculation.
Zimmerman was not doing a political lynching. He was a democrat & helped blacks. Your entire post is full of political bullshit of witch there is zero evidence.

No, he was doing racial profiling, and in his paranoid peabrain, a person who is black became a criminal suspect, to the point that he stalked, chased, and subsequently killed a kid who was returning home from the store. What was Martin's crime or justification for Zimmerman's actions?

No he wasn't doing Racial profiling you fucking assshat. The dispatcher asked Zimmerman the race of the person. Zimmerman said he looks black So he was not sure. There is some distance between them and it's dark. It can only be racial profiling when you know the race of the person you are profiling.

"They always get away", "He looks like he's on drugs", "Fucking coons" were the words describing a 17 year old going home after going to the store. Those were the words he used after he described Martin as a "black male in his late teens."

Yeah, there was a lynching alright. A good old fashion Southern lynching.

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