New Witness...TRAYVON was beating Zimmerman up!

You don't get to chase someone, who is unarmed and has not committed a crime, and kill them, and then claim self-defense.

What law would that be under?

Dismissing your lie of omission in the quote, it's in most laws regarding self-defense.

who is unarmed and has not committed a crime
There is evidence from the 911 call that Trayvon had his hand in his waste band and had something. So from a distance was he unarmed?

You can kill them if you are defending your life.

So you can stalk and chase someone, and when they defend themselves, you can use deadly force? Do you have a "coon" stamp on your license?

Dismissing your lie of omission in the quote, it's in most laws regarding self-defense.
I didn't lie

There is evidence from the 911 call that Trayvon had his hand in his waste band and had something. So from a distance was he unarmed?

Is this the lie you think I said? Here you go dumb ass
[ame=]Trayvon Martin News [SHOCKING FULL] Murder Caught on Tape | Killed By George Zimmerman 911 Call # 1 - YouTube[/ame]
At 56 second now he's coming towards me At 1:04 he's got his hand in his waist band
1:21 he's coming to check me out 1:25 he's got something in his hands. That is the evidence from the 9:11 call you lying sack of shit.

So you can stalk and chase someone, and when they defend themselves, you can use deadly force? Do you have a "coon" stamp on your license?
What Zimmerman did is not considered stalking under the law and the use of coons is all in your racist lying mind.
It was worth risking everything they have including their freedom to set him free.

No ... but I wonder if they thought he cried wolf too many times.

So they let him go with murder ?

They did so because the county prosecutor wanted a slam dunk case before charging him. Lazy bastards.

A law enforcement source who has been informed by Sanford police investigators told Reuters that Serino was eager to make a case but encountered resistance from the prosecutor.

"Chris would have made a recommendation for manslaughter but Norm Wolfinger's office wanted it to be a slam dunk," the source said. "They don't want to hear that this is wrong or that is wrong with the case. That's the way this county does business."

A separate report by, unconfirmed by Reuters, said Wolfinger left his home the Sunday night of the shooting to meet with Sanford police in person.

"Why did he get out of his bed and go to the police station that night and overrule the lead investigator?" Crump said. "It doesn't fit well."
You are really a deceitful piece of shit. The woman called because she heard the yells, yet you cam to that ignorant conclusion that he never mentioned "gun", when in fact you don't know if he did or didn't.

You're calling me deceitful when you have already lied? The call was recorded and posted in completion in that video dumb ass lying piece of shit.

You're the one who claimed that Treyvon never used the words "he has a gun". But in fact you don't know whether he did or didn't. You just know the screams for help in the seconds before he was killed by Zimmerman.

You are a lying, deceitful piece of shit.

he was told by police stay by the mail boxes, and instead got out of his SUV, and by his breathing indicates that he was running. He had to get on a sidewalk path, make two turns to get to where the killing took place.

We were not there. We don't know for certain what happened.

No, we don't. And everyone would do well to remember that. But... we do have the conversation between Zimmerman and the 911 dispatcher. That does seem to back up what he said happened. I'm not saying he's innocent... only that he remains innocent until proven guilty. That is our process.
We were not there. We don't know for certain what happened.

No, we don't. And everyone would do well to remember that. But... we do have the conversation between Zimmerman and the 911 dispatcher. That does seem to back up what he said happened. I'm not saying he's innocent... only that he remains innocent until proven guilty. That is our process.

People when lied about should be defended. and what does appear here that Zimmerman is being lied about. Now if he is guilty it will be found out. People should not lie to get a conviction of guilt. The facts work really good.
There was an interview of (or statement by) the national group or whatever (sorry, fading fast here) that essentially said Zimmerman broke their rules (having a gun on him, following the person). The woman who helped set up this particular complex' watch group said basically the same thing.

My understanding is that Zimmerman was not on 'watch duty' when the incident occurred. I could be wrong on that... I've read a lot of crap from both sides... but, if he was not on 'watch duty'... there is no reason why he should not have a legal gun on him.

Personally, I think it's wise to get all the facts - and make sure we have the facts right - before we start assigning guilt.

I don't know either way ... it was reported that he ID'd himself as neighborhood watch ... but it could be that the police did that. Who knows anymore?

In the audio from the 911 call he didn't identify himself as neighborhood watch if he did I did not hear it and I have listen to that audio more than I would care to talk about.
You're calling me deceitful when you have already lied? The call was recorded and posted in completion in that video dumb ass lying piece of shit.

You're the one who claimed that Treyvon never used the words "he has a gun". But in fact you don't know whether he did or didn't. You just know the screams for help in the seconds before he was killed by Zimmerman.

You are a lying, deceitful piece of shit.

he was told by police stay by the mail boxes, and instead got out of his SUV, and by his breathing indicates that he was running. He had to get on a sidewalk path, make two turns to get to where the killing took place.


[ame=]George Zimmerman Trayvon Martin 911 Call - YouTube[/ame]

"Fucking coons.

Are you following him?


We don't need you to do that."


"Do you want to meet with them right near the mailboxes?

There was an interview of (or statement by) the national group or whatever (sorry, fading fast here) that essentially said Zimmerman broke their rules (having a gun on him, following the person). The woman who helped set up this particular complex' watch group said basically the same thing.

Here we go again. Was Zimmerman on patrol? If he was not on patrol how can he break the rules? If he was not on patrol are you saying that as a law abiding citizen he is not allowed to arm himself when he leaves his home?

I'm saying what THEY stated.

Did Zimmerman tell the dispatcher he was neighborhood patrol? Did he tell the officers on scene? I can't remember.

Dear God ... back to that damned link ...
No according to the 911 recorded call Zimmerman never ID himself as anything with neighborhood watch. And he wasn't on patrol. I may have missed it but I never heard him say it.
You're the one who claimed that Treyvon never used the words "he has a gun". But in fact you don't know whether he did or didn't. You just know the screams for help in the seconds before he was killed by Zimmerman.

You are a lying, deceitful piece of shit.

he was told by police stay by the mail boxes, and instead got out of his SUV, and by his breathing indicates that he was running. He had to get on a sidewalk path, make two turns to get to where the killing took place.


[ame=]George Zimmerman Trayvon Martin 911 Call - YouTube[/ame]

"Fucking coons.

Are you following him?


We don't need you to do that."


"Do you want to meet with them right near the mailboxes?


I notice you omit his response to 'we don't need you to do that'.... he said 'ok'.

Also.... that 'fucking coons' thing... I've heard another clip of that and it sounds like 'fucking punks'. You accept without question that which fits your preconceived idea. I don't do that.
You're the one who claimed that Treyvon never used the words "he has a gun". But in fact you don't know whether he did or didn't. You just know the screams for help in the seconds before he was killed by Zimmerman.

You are a lying, deceitful piece of shit.

he was told by police stay by the mail boxes, and instead got out of his SUV, and by his breathing indicates that he was running. He had to get on a sidewalk path, make two turns to get to where the killing took place.


[ame=]George Zimmerman Trayvon Martin 911 Call - YouTube[/ame]

"Fucking coons.

Are you following him?


We don't need you to do that."


"Do you want to meet with them right near the mailboxes?


What's wrong with the audio I posted it's the whole call with no pauses

[ame=]Trayvon Martin News [SHOCKING FULL] Murder Caught on Tape | Killed By George Zimmerman 911 Call # 1 - YouTube[/ame]
The dispatcher never told him to stay at the mailbox before or after he ran after Trayvon. You don't have to lie to show evidence of guilt The facts will do that. Maybe you're lying to convince yourself but when you do that it just makes you look like a liar to other people.

[ame=]George Zimmerman Trayvon Martin 911 Call - YouTube[/ame]

"Fucking coons.

Are you following him?


We don't need you to do that."


"Do you want to meet with them right near the mailboxes?


I notice you omit his response to 'we don't need you to do that'.... he said 'ok'.

Also.... that 'fucking coons' thing... I've heard another clip of that and it sounds like 'fucking punks'. You accept without question that which fits your preconceived idea. I don't do that.

What about the dispatcher telling Zimmerman to stay at the mailbox but Zimmerman ran thing, would you say that dick tuck lied when he said that?
What law would that be under?

Dismissing your lie of omission in the quote, it's in most laws regarding self-defense.

There is evidence from the 911 call that Trayvon had his hand in his waste band and had something. So from a distance was he unarmed?

So you can stalk and chase someone, and when they defend themselves, you can use deadly force? Do you have a "coon" stamp on your license?

I didn't lie

So it's OK with you that if someone stalks you and chases you, and you stand your ground, that that person has a right to kill you and claim self-defense. You are one sick puppy.

There is evidence from the 911 call that Trayvon had his hand in his waste band and had something. So from a distance was he unarmed?

Is this the lie you think I said? Here you go dumb ass
[ame=]Trayvon Martin News [SHOCKING FULL] Murder Caught on Tape | Killed By George Zimmerman 911 Call # 1 - YouTube[/ame]
At 56 second now he's coming towards me At 1:04 he's got his hand in his waist band
1:21 he's coming to check me out 1:25 he's got something in his hands. That is the evidence from the 9:11 call you lying sack of shit.

That's waist band, moron. I guess waste band is what gangstas wear to show their drawers. You know, like the fake photo that the righties were brandishing of Martin. Logic indicates that it was his phone, which he used to phone his girlfriend. Is your bullshitting argument now that Zimmerman was justified in stalking and chasing Martin because he suspected he had a weapon????? You really are a fucking idiot.

So you can stalk and chase someone, and when they defend themselves, you can use deadly force? Do you have a "coon" stamp on your license?
What Zimmerman did is not considered stalking under the law and the use of coons is all in your racist lying mind.

Zimmerman used the term, along with "up to no good", "he looks like he's high on drugs", and "fucking coons". Zimmerman prejudged Martin, and the fact remains that Martin was unarmed, had every right to be where he was, tried to run away from Zimmerman, and Zimmerman chased after him. You claim this is justifiable homicide, by reason of self-defense? Dude, you're the fucking racist lying pig.

[ame=]George Zimmerman Trayvon Martin 911 Call - YouTube[/ame]

"Fucking coons.

Are you following him?


We don't need you to do that."


"Do you want to meet with them right near the mailboxes?


I notice you omit his response to 'we don't need you to do that'.... he said 'ok'.

Also.... that 'fucking coons' thing... I've heard another clip of that and it sounds like 'fucking punks'. You accept without question that which fits your preconceived idea. I don't do that.

I've heard several analysis of it. The best real time version was done by CNN, that gets rid of the background noise, and there is no "P" or "K" sound in the word. The word used was "coons".
You don't yell for help then state the perceived criminal act. It's usually after the act has been committed that you yell "help, I've been shot."
You all need to cool off and let the trial decide this case because its obvious youre all a little sensitive at the moment.
the tapes have been profressionally ayalysed and the screams are NOT Zimmermans.

He was screaming for his life.

You glibly defend the man who murdered him all because the young man was black.

ANOTHER broad conclusion; maybe the victim was too scared to think rationally, maybe the victim didn't call out HELP either. Zimmerman's account is all there is, besides a few second witnesses.

There is much more evidence than Zimmerman account which is inconsistance and do not add up to self defense. 9-11 calls, his medical condition, his history of violence and obsession with black in the nighborhood and break ins. Zimmerman is his worse witness.

Zimmerman’s claim that he shot Trayvon in self-defense.
Dispatcher: OK, and this guy is he White, Black, or Hispanic?
Zimmerman: He looks Black… These assholes they always get away… Shit he’s running…
Dispatcher: Are you following him?
Zimmerman: YeahDispatcher: Ok, we don’t need you to do that.
Zimmerman: Ok… Fucking coons [aka "*******" barely audible under his breath]….
Last edited:
You don't yell for help then state the perceived criminal act. It's usually after the act has been committed that you yell "help, I've been shot."

Since Martin was found dead on the scene with a gunshot wound to his chest, I'd say it's safe to assume that he was unable to yell "help, I've been shot." He might have whispered it in the final seconds that he bled out.
You all need to cool off and let the trial decide this case because its obvious youre all a little sensitive at the moment.

A little sensitive? :evil:If we had not protested this would have remained in dead files. we will cool off when this ass hole is arreast and on trial.
You don't yell for help then state the perceived criminal act. It's usually after the act has been committed that you yell "help, I've been shot."

Unless you're trying to prevent Zimmerman from drawing his gun.
ANOTHER broad conclusion; maybe the victim was too scared to think rationally, maybe the victim didn't call out HELP either. Zimmerman's account is all there is, besides a few second witnesses.

And he's going to yell he's got a gun.

I don't think we can rationally expect him to yell anything about a gun... it appears that it all happened very quickly.

We do have independent witnesses who confirm it was Zimmerman calling for help. We have the parents (hardly independent) saying it was their son. We have a couple of 'experts' (who did not compare the voice clip to any recording of Trayvon) saying that it was Trayvon. Call me skeptical but how does one analyze a tape without using a comparison to the actual person you claim that voice to be?

Even the expert analysis shows the voice is almost a 50% match for Zimmerman's. It proves nothing either way. May as well flip a coin rather than rely on that analysis. I trust the 2 eye witnesses. All the other witnesses were only ear witnesses who are speculating just as we are with the sounds caught on 911 tape.

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