New Witness...TRAYVON was beating Zimmerman up!

Assuming it was him yelling, he could have been yelling because he was shot.

OK I was looking at what happen from a more normal situation. If it was you would you being yelling just help, or would you be yelling at least once something about the person having a gun? Or at least don't shoot me?
Assuming it was him yelling, he could have been yelling because he was shot.

Not quite. You hear both the yelling followed by the gunshot on the woman's 911 call. The stupidity is the moron who started this thread believes those were the only yells, in spite of the fact that the woman decided to call 911 AFTER hearing them.

Assuming there was one shot.
Assuming it was him yelling, he could have been yelling because he was shot.

Not quite. You hear both the yelling followed by the gunshot on the woman's 911 call. The stupidity is the moron who started this thread believes those were the only yells, in spite of the fact that the woman decided to call 911 AFTER hearing them.

The women never mentioned anyone yelling about a gun and the dumb bitch would have mentioned that in her 911 call
There is no dispute that Zimmerman shot Trayvon Martin. He's guilty of that, on the face of the facts and by his own statements. Was he justified or excused? That's the issue. Not whether he pulled the trigger.

The left is no more prepared to accept circumstances in which Zimmerman was justified or excused than they were prepared to accept circumstances in which the Duke Lacrosse players were not gulty of rape.

You don't get to chase someone, who is unarmed and has not committed a crime, and kill them, and then claim self-defense.

You don't get to chase someone
What law would that be under?

Dismissing your lie of omission in the quote, it's in most laws regarding self-defense.

who is unarmed and has not committed a crime
There is evidence from the 911 call that Trayvon had his hand in his waste band and had something. So from a distance was he unarmed?

You can kill them if you are defending your life.

So you can stalk and chase someone, and when they defend themselves, you can use deadly force? Do you have a "coon" stamp on your license?
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Assuming it was him yelling, he could have been yelling because he was shot.

Not quite. You hear both the yelling followed by the gunshot on the woman's 911 call. The stupidity is the moron who started this thread believes those were the only yells, in spite of the fact that the woman decided to call 911 AFTER hearing them.

The women never mentioned anyone yelling about a gun and the dumb bitch would have mentioned that in her 911 call

You are really a deceitful piece of shit. The woman called because she heard the yells, yet you cam to that ignorant conclusion that he never mentioned "gun", when in fact you don't know if he did or didn't.

So everyone but your reach around buddies can see what a liar you are, here's the call again:

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Not quite. You hear both the yelling followed by the gunshot on the woman's 911 call. The stupidity is the moron who started this thread believes those were the only yells, in spite of the fact that the woman decided to call 911 AFTER hearing them.

The women never mentioned anyone yelling about a gun and the dumb bitch would have mentioned that in her 911 call

You are really a deceitful piece of shit. The woman called because she heard the yells, yet you cam to that ignorant conclusion that he never mentioned "gun", when in fact you don't know if he did or didn't.

You're calling me deceitful when you have already lied? The call was recorded and posted in completion in that video dumb ass lying piece of shit.
Just becauase there's a call doesn't mean it wasn't edited. NBC is some some pretty hot water for editing a tape then trying to pass it off as legitimate.
Not quite. You hear both the yelling followed by the gunshot on the woman's 911 call. The stupidity is the moron who started this thread believes those were the only yells, in spite of the fact that the woman decided to call 911 AFTER hearing them.

The women never mentioned anyone yelling about a gun and the dumb bitch would have mentioned that in her 911 call

You are really a deceitful piece of shit. The woman called because she heard the yells, yet you cam to that ignorant conclusion that he never mentioned "gun", when in fact you don't know if he did or didn't.

So everyone but your reach around buddies can see what a liar you are, here's the call again:

[ame=]CAUTION 911 call Trayvon Martin yelling for help gunshot heard in background - YouTube[/ame]
Thanks for posting and proving that you lied here also.
Dumb ass the woman never mentioned anything about a gun until the shot was fired. If the person that was yelling said something about a gun she would have said it on the 911 call.
It was worth risking everything they have including their freedom to set him free.

No ... but I wonder if they thought he cried wolf too many times.

So they let him go with murder ?

Didn't say that. I've wondered if (until the subsequent calls) they were thinking "oh shit, not HIM again". Depending on where the officers were at the time Zimmerman called, they may have arrived sooner.
The women never mentioned anyone yelling about a gun and the dumb bitch would have mentioned that in her 911 call

You are really a deceitful piece of shit. The woman called because she heard the yells, yet you cam to that ignorant conclusion that he never mentioned "gun", when in fact you don't know if he did or didn't.

You're calling me deceitful when you have already lied? The call was recorded and posted in completion in that video dumb ass lying piece of shit.

You're the one who claimed that Treyvon never used the words "he has a gun". But in fact you don't know whether he did or didn't. You just know the screams for help in the seconds before he was killed by Zimmerman.

You are a lying, deceitful piece of shit.
There was an interview of (or statement by) the national group or whatever (sorry, fading fast here) that essentially said Zimmerman broke their rules (having a gun on him, following the person). The woman who helped set up this particular complex' watch group said basically the same thing.

My understanding is that Zimmerman was not on 'watch duty' when the incident occurred. I could be wrong on that... I've read a lot of crap from both sides... but, if he was not on 'watch duty'... there is no reason why he should not have a legal gun on him.

Personally, I think it's wise to get all the facts - and make sure we have the facts right - before we start assigning guilt.
I have a CPL. I would certainly carry my gun if I thought I could be in a dangerous situation

Dad carries his everywhere, regardless. Supposedly secures it in his car if he's going someplace where guns aren't allowed. Once went with him to a doctor's appointment and as I was bringing his car around to pick him up, I got smacked in the heel by his fucking .357 as it slid out from under the seat. :evil:
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"Hate" crimes are stupid. Who cares if the person is "hating" on someone or not when they gun them down in cold blood? This was a murder. Murder is murder whether you are "hating" or not.

And your proof of that is.... what exactly?

Yea... that will be no proof.
There was an interview of (or statement by) the national group or whatever (sorry, fading fast here) that essentially said Zimmerman broke their rules (having a gun on him, following the person). The woman who helped set up this particular complex' watch group said basically the same thing.

My understanding is that Zimmerman was not on 'watch duty' when the incident occurred. I could be wrong on that... I've read a lot of crap from both sides... but, if he was not on 'watch duty'... there is no reason why he should not have a legal gun on him.

Personally, I think it's wise to get all the facts - and make sure we have the facts right - before we start assigning guilt.

I don't know either way ... it was reported that he ID'd himself as neighborhood watch ... but it could be that the police did that. Who knows anymore?
There was an interview of (or statement by) the national group or whatever (sorry, fading fast here) that essentially said Zimmerman broke their rules (having a gun on him, following the person). The woman who helped set up this particular complex' watch group said basically the same thing.

My understanding is that Zimmerman was not on 'watch duty' when the incident occurred. I could be wrong on that... I've read a lot of crap from both sides... but, if he was not on 'watch duty'... there is no reason why he should not have a legal gun on him.

Personally, I think it's wise to get all the facts - and make sure we have the facts right - before we start assigning guilt.

I don't know either way ... it was reported that he ID'd himself as neighborhood watch ... but it could be that the police did that. Who knows anymore?

Well.... that would be logical.... even if he wasn't on watch duty.... he'd identify himself as a member... That seems fairly logical to me.... but... he says he was on route to the store... that seems rational.... one would logically expect a member of a neighborhood watch to call in and report a suspicious person even if they were not on watch duty... don't you think?

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