New Witness...TRAYVON was beating Zimmerman up!

I have asked this question several times in those Trayvon Martin threads which has yet to be answered, so I will ask the question in a separate thread.

In the video where you can hear someone yelling help some say it's Trayvon yelling others say it Zimmerman.
So here's the question If it's Trayvon yelling for help why is he yelling just help? Why didn't he yell help he has a gun help he's going to shoot me? Can anyone answer this question logically?

How do you know he didn't? The woman called 911 after she heard the screams for help. That means some time and screams occurred before we even hear them.

And here we have the fucking liar. enough said to you.
We do have independent witnesses who confirm it was Zimmerman calling for help. We have the parents (hardly independent) saying it was their son. We have a couple of 'experts' (who did not compare the voice clip to any recording of Trayvon) saying that it was Trayvon. Call me skeptical but how does one analyze a tape without using a comparison to the actual person you claim that voice to be?

Agreed; only the SP can decide to make use of this or not, in making her decision.

I'm not prepared to take a side on this until there is hard evidence one way or the other. I feel sorry for both families... but we really need to calmly wait for the due process to ensure that we:

a. do not allow a guilty person to get away with killing another individual.
b. do not railroad an innocent man into prison just to satisfy the race baiter.

Seems quite rational to me... but then, I am rational.... the TruthMockers of the world are not rational.
If I felt he was guilty I would say it. From what evidence we have been shown I don't see it. I am pretty sure the police has not released all the evidence they have. They never do.

That is standard procedure for the police. We are not yet entitled to know all the details. In due course, we will.

Until then, I won't find anyone guilty or innocent. I like to know ALL the facts before I decide.
ANOTHER broad conclusion; maybe the victim was too scared to think rationally, maybe the victim didn't call out HELP either. Zimmerman's account is all there is, besides a few second witnesses.

And he's going to yell he's got a gun.

So you believe the woman who called 911 was prescient? She called because she hear the cries for help. You have no idea what was said between the time the woman heard the screams, decided to call 911, and the time that we hear those screams.

Fucking liar, fucking liar fucking liar fucking liar Fucking liar, fucking liar fucking liar fucking liar
Fucking liar, fucking liar fucking liar fucking liar Fucking liar, fucking liar fucking liar fucking liar Fucking liar, fucking liar fucking liar fucking liar Fucking liar, fucking liar fucking liar fucking liar
Fucking liar, fucking liar fucking liar fucking liar Fucking liar, fucking liar fucking liar fucking liar Fucking liar, fucking liar fucking liar fucking liar Fucking liar, fucking liar fucking liar fucking liar
Fucking liar, fucking liar fucking liar fucking liar Fucking liar, fucking liar fucking liar fucking liar Fucking liar, fucking liar fucking liar fucking liar Fucking liar, fucking liar fucking liar fucking liar
Fucking liar, fucking liar fucking liar fucking liar Fucking liar, fucking liar fucking liar fucking liar Fucking liar, fucking liar fucking liar fucking liar Fucking liar, fucking liar fucking liar fucking liar
Fucking liar, fucking liar fucking liar fucking liar Fucking liar, fucking liar fucking liar fucking liar Fucking liar, fucking liar fucking liar fucking liar Fucking liar, fucking liar fucking liar fucking liar
Fucking liar, fucking liar fucking liar fucking liar Fucking liar, fucking liar fucking liar fucking liar Fucking liar, fucking liar fucking liar fucking liar Fucking liar, fucking liar fucking liar fucking liar
Fucking liar, fucking liar fucking liar fucking liar Fucking liar, fucking liar fucking liar fucking liar Fucking liar, fucking liar fucking liar fucking liar Fucking liar, fucking liar fucking liar fucking liar
Fucking liar, fucking liar fucking liar fucking liar Fucking liar, fucking liar fucking liar fucking liar
And he's going to yell he's got a gun.

I don't think we can rationally expect him to yell anything about a gun... it appears that it all happened very quickly.

We do have independent witnesses who confirm it was Zimmerman calling for help. We have the parents (hardly independent) saying it was their son. We have a couple of 'experts' (who did not compare the voice clip to any recording of Trayvon) saying that it was Trayvon. Call me skeptical but how does one analyze a tape without using a comparison to the actual person you claim that voice to be?

We do have independent witnesses who confirm it was Zimmerman calling for help.

Yes I agree. However, I was making an attempt to look at it from a different angle so the lynch mob could realize how wrong they are.

Fuck you and your "lynchmob" statement. If there were someone looking for a lynching, you ought to look at the self-appointed vigilante who killed a 17 year old, on a public sidewalk, in a neighborhood that he was living (yes his parents had joint custody), armed with Skittles and iced tea. As for your different angle, I hope you now realize how stupid your logic was when building that strawman.
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I don't think we can rationally expect him to yell anything about a gun... it appears that it all happened very quickly.

We do have independent witnesses who confirm it was Zimmerman calling for help. We have the parents (hardly independent) saying it was their son. We have a couple of 'experts' (who did not compare the voice clip to any recording of Trayvon) saying that it was Trayvon. Call me skeptical but how does one analyze a tape without using a comparison to the actual person you claim that voice to be?

We do have independent witnesses who confirm it was Zimmerman calling for help.

Yes I agree. However, I was making an attempt to look at it from a different angle so the lynch mob could realize how wrong they are.

Fuck you and your "lynchmob" statement. If there were someone looking for a lynching, you ought to look at the self-appointed vigilante who killed a 17 year old. As for your different angle, I hope you now realize how stupid your logic was when building that strawman.

You don't see offering a 'dead or alive' reward of $10k as calling for a lynchmob? Interesting.
powder burns on the hands?

Blood tests for intoxicants?

Why was the boy labeled a JOHN DOE for days when they had his phone in their possesion?
This case has an obvious coverup involved with it.

The perp was KNOWN by the police and his dad was a retired judge.

The same station let off the son of a friend who is ON TAPE beating a homeless man.
powder burns on the hands?

Blood tests for intoxicants?

Why was the boy labeled a JOHN DOE for days when they had his phone in their possesion?

You think those tests were not done? Just because the police have not made it public does not mean they did not investigate. Idiot.
Do all of you feel good about yourselves,hiding in front of your computer screen calling a young Blackboy names.Just remember he cant hear you now only God hears you.And "vengence is mine saith the Lord".
Yes I agree. However, I was making an attempt to look at it from a different angle so the lynch mob could realize how wrong they are.

Fuck you and your "lynchmob" statement. If there were someone looking for a lynching, you ought to look at the self-appointed vigilante who killed a 17 year old. As for your different angle, I hope you now realize how stupid your logic was when building that strawman.

You don't see offering a 'dead or alive' reward of $10k as calling for a lynchmob? Interesting.

If factual, I see no one here supporting that. Asking that a COMPLETE investigation is done, and looking for justice in this case, doesn't equate to a "lynchmob". bigrebnc1775 was addressing his illogical "angle" to the posters on this board, ergo calling us a "lynchmob".

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