New Witness...TRAYVON was beating Zimmerman up!

Looking at that map I have a million questions. None of which anyone on this board could probably answer, so I'll keep them to myself.

I will ask you this question though, how on Earth do you draw this conclusion from a map?

It came from eyewitness statements and the 911 call and what Zimmerman reported.
Here's the audio
[ame=]ACTUAL UNCUT AUDIO!!! George Zimmerman's Trayvon Martin 911 - YouTube[/ame]
And here is the time notion on the map and where on the map it took place

0:15 – The best address I can give you is the clubhouse. [A]
0:45 – He’s just staring at the houses. Now he’s staring at me.
1:00 – He’s coming towards me.
1:20 – He’s coming to check me out.
2:08 – Shit, he’s running.
2:14 – Sound of truck door being closed. [C]
2:20 – He’s heading towards the back entrance. [referring to E]
2:25 – Are you following him? Yep.
2:45 – He ran… Zimmerman stops and completes the 911 call. [E]
4:05 – Call ends.

Eye witneses said Trayvon jumped Zimmerman while he was walking about to his vehicle?

What eyewitness said that?
Point E is where Zimmerman stopped and finished his call. Trayvon should have been indoors by that time. being point D was where Trayvon was heading.
Nope Trayvon jumped zimmerman while he was going back to his truck.

Looking at that map I have a million questions. None of which anyone on this board could probably answer, so I'll keep them to myself.

I will ask you this question though, how on Earth do you draw this conclusion from a map?

Another question, this one being as non-compative as possible, how was it determined where "point E" or the point where Zimmerman finished his 911 call was?
I guess that's where Zimmerman said he stopped.
You should explain why the African wasn't already home by the time Zimmerman got around the block.

So you absolutely cannot communicate without parading your cowardice and stupidity?[/QUOTE]

I have a hard time pretending that shit-for-brain racists will give the evidence any honest thought. Thank you for proving my point my not answering my question.
I have a hard time pretending that shit-for-brain racists will give the evidence any honest thought. .

As a shit-for-brains racist yourself, you probably assume some insight into that sort of 'thinking.'
If Zimmerman ended his call in Point E and began walking back to Point C after he got off the phone, (which is his story). I guess the obvious question is, how did the altercation occur at Point F if Trayvon persued him alone from that point? I'd assume that Trayvon would have only been able to catch Zimmerman in between Point C and Point E, but Point F (the point of the altercation) is well off that track. In other words if Zimmerman left Point E and was (like he said) heading towards Point C... I don't see how on Earth he ended up at Point F. Did trayvon drag him behind the buildings? Did they roll behind the buildings?

While I'm thinking of those questions, what exactly is the official Zimmerman story? I've heard tow versions.

In the first version Zimmerman says he was jumped from behind "on his way" to his car after exchanging words with Trayvon once.

In the first version Zimmerman exchanged words with Trayvon TWICE. Once on his way to his car, and then when he got to his vehicle Trayvon came up to his vehicle and he was assaulted there.
If Zimmerman ended his call in Point E and began walking back to Point C after he got off the phone, (which is his story). I guess the obvious question is, how did the altercation occur at Point F if Trayvon persued him alone from that point? I'd assume that Trayvon would have only been able to catch Zimmerman in between Point C and Point E, but Point F (the point of the altercation) is well off that track. In other words if Zimmerman left Point E and was (like he said) heading towards Point C... I don't see how on Earth he ended up at Point F. Did trayvon drag him behind the buildings? Did they roll behind the buildings?

While I'm thinking of those questions, what exactly is the official Zimmerman story? I've heard tow versions.

In the first version Zimmerman says he was jumped from behind "on his way" to his car after exchanging words with Trayvon once.

In the first version Zimmerman exchanged words with Trayvon TWICE. Once on his way to his car, and then when he got to his vehicle Trayvon came up to his vehicle and he was assaulted there.

F is a general area it's showing a bigger area. F is in general in view of John's home. Point F is between two rows of home, when Zimmerman left point E to go back too his truck Travon jump[ed out of the shadows between the two rows of homes and they rowed in that general area of point F.

In the first version Zimmerman says he was jumped from behind "on his way" to his car after exchanging words with Trayvon once.

In the first version Zimmerman exchanged words with Trayvon TWICE. Once on his way to his car, and then when he got to his vehicle Trayvon came up to his vehicle and he was assaulted there
The first one would fit wouldn't think?
Ah. So then he followed Trayvon in self-defense! Got it. Yes of course. Nothing stupid about that! :lol:

Once again. For the 15th time, since you're slow.

We don't know that he followed Trayvon. There's no evidence that he did. His statement is that he didn't.

He admitted to the operator he was folling him,and told he didn't have to.....
why do you have to make up shit?

Dumb ass she clarified what she was saying.
If Zimmerman ended his call in Point E and began walking back to Point C after he got off the phone, (which is his story). I guess the obvious question is, how did the altercation occur at Point F if Trayvon persued him alone from that point? I'd assume that Trayvon would have only been able to catch Zimmerman in between Point C and Point E, but Point F (the point of the altercation) is well off that track. In other words if Zimmerman left Point E and was (like he said) heading towards Point C... I don't see how on Earth he ended up at Point F. Did trayvon drag him behind the buildings? Did they roll behind the buildings?

While I'm thinking of those questions, what exactly is the official Zimmerman story? I've heard tow versions.

In the first version Zimmerman says he was jumped from behind "on his way" to his car after exchanging words with Trayvon once.

In the first version Zimmerman exchanged words with Trayvon TWICE. Once on his way to his car, and then when he got to his vehicle Trayvon came up to his vehicle and he was assaulted there.

F is a general area it's showing a bigger area. F is in general in view of John's home. Point F is between two rows of home, when Zimmerman left point E to go back too his truck Travon jump[ed out of the shadows between the two rows of homes and they rowed in that general area of point F.

In the first version Zimmerman says he was jumped from behind "on his way" to his car after exchanging words with Trayvon once.

In the first version Zimmerman exchanged words with Trayvon TWICE. Once on his way to his car, and then when he got to his vehicle Trayvon came up to his vehicle and he was assaulted there
The first one would fit wouldn't think?

If F is a general area in view of the Witness John's home, I'd assume it could be closer to the path between Point E and Point C AND also it could be further from the path between Point E and Point C so you theory may check out and make sense, but then again it may not depending on where exactly Point F actually was. Is that fair to say?

As for the two stories one would fit better yes.
There are two narratives in this case.

Narrative A ( Racist Zimmerman kills Black Kid story ): Zimmerman left his car, approached Martin and shot him dead.

Narrative B ( Zimmermans own self defense story ) Zimmerman left his car, martin ran, Zimmerman gave chase but lost Martin, started back for his car but was attacked my Martin, then shot Martin dead.

In BOTH narratives, under the law, Zimmerman is a murderer. In fact, the Stand Your Ground law can ONLY be applied to narrative B and even then ONLY to Martin as Zimmerman gave chase.

Remember, Zimmerman himself says that Trayvon ran away.

Zimmerman told dispatchers the person he spotted was coming toward him, and then, moments later, he said the person was running.

Trayvon Martin: George Zimmerman's story may not hold up to scrutiny

even articles defending Zimmerman give the same story:

From the call released by the Sanford Police:

At 2:07, Zimmerman tells the dispatcher, “He’s running.”

At 2:09, you can hear a car door open and an alarm begins that is undoubtedly the “door open, keys in ignition” warning on Zimmerman’s truck.

At 2:13, you can clearly hear the car door slamming shut, and the alarm stops.

At 2:17, Zimmerman’s voice wobbles and he starts breathing heavily into the phone, indicating that he has started running.

At 2:22, without any prompting other than the aforementioned noises and breathing, the dispatcher asks “Are you following him?” to which Zimmerman responds, “Yeah.”

At 2:26, the dispatcher says, “Okay, we don’t need you to do that,” to which Zimmerman responds, “Okay.”

Zimmerman proceeds to give the dispatcher his name. Then he says, “He ran.”

Zimmerman can still be heard breathing into the phone until about 2:39, at which point the heavy breathing stops entirely, a mere 13 seconds after the dispatcher asked him to stop following. A very calm and collected Zimmerman then proceeds to give the dispatcher his own information, directions and a description of his location for another 1 minute and 33 seconds.

Read more: 911 call shows Zimmerman stopped following Martin after dispatcher

The FACT that Zimmerman RAN/CHASED after Trayvon, not just followed, gives Trayvon the protection of the Stand Your Ground law, as George Zimmerman then presented a direct threat to his person.

Which, under the Stand Your Ground law, makes George Zimmerman a murderer.
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If Zimmerman ended his call in Point E and began walking back to Point C after he got off the phone, (which is his story). I guess the obvious question is, how did the altercation occur at Point F if Trayvon persued him alone from that point? I'd assume that Trayvon would have only been able to catch Zimmerman in between Point C and Point E, but Point F (the point of the altercation) is well off that track. In other words if Zimmerman left Point E and was (like he said) heading towards Point C... I don't see how on Earth he ended up at Point F. Did trayvon drag him behind the buildings? Did they roll behind the buildings?

While I'm thinking of those questions, what exactly is the official Zimmerman story? I've heard tow versions.

In the first version Zimmerman says he was jumped from behind "on his way" to his car after exchanging words with Trayvon once.

In the first version Zimmerman exchanged words with Trayvon TWICE. Once on his way to his car, and then when he got to his vehicle Trayvon came up to his vehicle and he was assaulted there.

F is a general area it's showing a bigger area. F is in general in view of John's home. Point F is between two rows of home, when Zimmerman left point E to go back too his truck Travon jump[ed out of the shadows between the two rows of homes and they rowed in that general area of point F.

In the first version Zimmerman says he was jumped from behind "on his way" to his car after exchanging words with Trayvon once.

In the first version Zimmerman exchanged words with Trayvon TWICE. Once on his way to his car, and then when he got to his vehicle Trayvon came up to his vehicle and he was assaulted there
The first one would fit wouldn't think?

If F is a general area in view of the Witness John's home, I'd assume it could be closer to the path between Point E and Point C AND also it could be further from the path between Point E and Point C so you theory may check out and make sense, but then again it may not depending on where exactly Point F actually was. Is that fair to say?

As for the two stories one would fit better yes.

It's all estimates of what happened. there is a video where Trayvon's father comes walking up and he says that was my son and he looks on the ground where the reporter had just pointed out where the fight took place. You can take that video and the map and get a better idea of the distance was from F and the center of E and C

At 1:00 thats where I am talking aboiut

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Hopefully the move isn't to inconvenient. This was just an obvious L&J thread.

Thanks mods!

Damn you're good, I've never seen mods move a thread that quick unless they sent it to the flame zone or conspiracy theory board.:eusa_angel:

Im not going to look for it in every board and thread, but obvious threads like this need to be moved. Now I'm not accusing anyone of doing so on purpose, but a thread such as this being on the Race board is not only misleading but also inciteful of racial division. I am very aware of this kind of thing. I put out pamphlets paid fof out of my own pockets by the 10's of 1,000's every month to combat politicians & media reports that mislead or flat out lie to the black community. I write with no bias, I report the truth, source it to exhaustion, and hand them out to my fellow americans of any race, but it is aimed primarily to inform black folks of attempts to dupe them into believing lies and distortions.

Sadly I cannot do it this month as I have a lot on my plate.
There are two narratives in this case.

Narrative A ( Racist Zimmerman kills Black Kid story ): Zimmerman left his car, approached Martin and shot him dead.

Narrative B ( Zimmermans own self defense story ) Zimmerman left his car, martin ran, Zimmerman gave chase but lost Martin, started back for his car but was attacked my Martin, then shot Martin dead.

In BOTH narratives, under the law, Zimmerman is a murderer. In fact, the Stand Your Ground law can ONLY be applied to narrative B and even then ONLY to Martin as Zimmerman gave chase.

Remember, Zimmerman himself says that Trayvon ran away.

Zimmerman told dispatchers the person he spotted was coming toward him, and then, moments later, he said the person was running.

Trayvon Martin: George Zimmerman's story may not hold up to scrutiny

even articles defending Zimmerman give the same story:

From the call released by the Sanford Police:

At 2:07, Zimmerman tells the dispatcher, “He’s running.”

At 2:09, you can hear a car door open and an alarm begins that is undoubtedly the “door open, keys in ignition” warning on Zimmerman’s truck.

At 2:13, you can clearly hear the car door slamming shut, and the alarm stops.

At 2:17, Zimmerman’s voice wobbles and he starts breathing heavily into the phone, indicating that he has started running.

At 2:22, without any prompting other than the aforementioned noises and breathing, the dispatcher asks “Are you following him?” to which Zimmerman responds, “Yeah.”

At 2:26, the dispatcher says, “Okay, we don’t need you to do that,” to which Zimmerman responds, “Okay.”

Zimmerman proceeds to give the dispatcher his name. Then he says, “He ran.”

Zimmerman can still be heard breathing into the phone until about 2:39, at which point the heavy breathing stops entirely, a mere 13 seconds after the dispatcher asked him to stop following. A very calm and collected Zimmerman then proceeds to give the dispatcher his own information, directions and a description of his location for another 1 minute and 33 seconds.

Read more: 911 call shows Zimmerman stopped following Martin after dispatcher

The FACT that Zimmerman RAN/CHASED after Trayvon, not just followed, gives Trayvon the protection of the Stand Your Ground law, as George Zimmerman then presented a direct threat to his person.

Which, under the Stand Your Ground law, makes George Zimmerman a murderer.

If Zimmerman stopped chasing Trayvon Martin, returned to his truck and Martin attacked him and began beating him mercilessly for no reason Zimmerman had every right to defend himself under the law in ANY state. In most states he would have to prove that this was actually self-defense, and that Trayvon viciously and brutally attacked him.

That is not the case in the state of Florida as it has been noted here before. According to the Law in the state of Florida he would only have to prove that he thought he was in danger of his life at one point, so most of the other issues don't matter much. All Zimmerman has to do is prove he feared for his life. From my understanding of the law it really doesn't matter who started it, it doesn't matter if Trayvon saw the gun and feared for HIS life as well and then started beating Zimmerman's head into the sidewalk to protect HIMSELF... Stand Your Ground absolutely applies to Zimmerman in this case, it will be the basis of his defense, and it will be the reason why he will be acquitted guilty or not.

I personally do not believe Zimmerman acted in self-defense by the standard of the laws in most states. However the standards in the state of Florida are dangerously low. It is an incomprehensibly irresponsable law and it in my view after reading it and what has been said about it on this board may prove to be the sole reason Zimmerman will not go to prison for this.
There are two narratives in this case.

Narrative A ( Racist Zimmerman kills Black Kid story ): Zimmerman left his car, approached Martin and shot him dead.

Narrative B ( Zimmermans own self defense story ) Zimmerman left his car, martin ran, Zimmerman gave chase but lost Martin, started back for his car but was attacked my Martin, then shot Martin dead.

In BOTH narratives, under the law, Zimmerman is a murderer. In fact, the Stand Your Ground law can ONLY be applied to narrative B and even then ONLY to Martin as Zimmerman gave chase.

Remember, Zimmerman himself says that Trayvon ran away.

Zimmerman told dispatchers the person he spotted was coming toward him, and then, moments later, he said the person was running.

Trayvon Martin: George Zimmerman's story may not hold up to scrutiny

even articles defending Zimmerman give the same story:

From the call released by the Sanford Police:

At 2:07, Zimmerman tells the dispatcher, “He’s running.”

At 2:09, you can hear a car door open and an alarm begins that is undoubtedly the “door open, keys in ignition” warning on Zimmerman’s truck.

At 2:13, you can clearly hear the car door slamming shut, and the alarm stops.

At 2:17, Zimmerman’s voice wobbles and he starts breathing heavily into the phone, indicating that he has started running.

At 2:22, without any prompting other than the aforementioned noises and breathing, the dispatcher asks “Are you following him?” to which Zimmerman responds, “Yeah.”

At 2:26, the dispatcher says, “Okay, we don’t need you to do that,” to which Zimmerman responds, “Okay.”

Zimmerman proceeds to give the dispatcher his name. Then he says, “He ran.”

Zimmerman can still be heard breathing into the phone until about 2:39, at which point the heavy breathing stops entirely, a mere 13 seconds after the dispatcher asked him to stop following. A very calm and collected Zimmerman then proceeds to give the dispatcher his own information, directions and a description of his location for another 1 minute and 33 seconds.

Read more: 911 call shows Zimmerman stopped following Martin after dispatcher

The FACT that Zimmerman RAN/CHASED after Trayvon, not just followed, gives Trayvon the protection of the Stand Your Ground law, as George Zimmerman then presented a direct threat to his person.

Which, under the Stand Your Ground law, makes George Zimmerman a murderer.

Trayvon ran and got away according to zimmerman when he returned he was no longer protected by stand your ground.
1. The police told him to stand down, they were on their way.
2. If someone was scaring me and stalking me like that and I was big enough to kick his ass I probably would. I would think Zimmerman was trying to rob me.
3. Why didn't this neighborhood watch person just carry pepper spray or a stun gun.
4. Are people not allowed to walk around at 7:00 on a Sunday night in that neighborhood? What reason did Zimmerman give that he thought that he needed to stop and detain Treyvon and didn't want him to keep going? Wouldn't that be unlawfully restraining someone, or keeping someone against their will? Especially if you are carrying a deadly weapon? He should be charged with that and at least manslaughter. Where is the common sense in Florida?

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