New Witness...TRAYVON was beating Zimmerman up!

Open your eyes, Helen Keller. That side walk is forty feet from the F oval.

Try again sparky, the F oval is ON the sidewalk. There is a sidewalk running the length of the units.

If Zimmermans story is true, then it's placement is wrong. If its placement is correct, then Zimmerman is lying.

Since you base your idiocy on falsehood, your conclusion is meaningless.
I just worked the polls this Tuesday April 3rd, 2012. I was the only white election official there. The rest of them were all black. They all support Obama 100% even though half claim to be Republican. I told them I would not vote for their man Obama, Romney or Santorum because Obama signed the NDAA & Romney & Santorum said they would have also signed it. They all said no he would never do that. I showed them the bill & several YouTubes from their favorite MSNBC talking heads & the ACLU. Every one of those idiots said I don't care. Obama is giving the black people things so we will vote for him. I told them they were all Uncle Toms House *******. You traded your Civil Liberties & Freedom for Food Stamps.

Here is the reason for the race baiting over Trayvon Martin. They wanted to get people marching in the streets so they can take away your rights.
The Congressional Black Caucus unveiled a resolution on Wednesday that honors the life of Trayvon Martin and calls for the repeal of "Stand Your Ground" gun laws in every state that has one, including Florida, where Martin was killed.
I just worked the polls this Tuesday April 3rd, 2012. I was the only white election official there. The rest of them were all black. They all support Obama 100% even though half claim to be Republican. I told them I would not vote for their man Obama, Romney or Santorum because Obama signed the NDAA & Romney & Santorum said they would have also signed it. They all said no he would never do that. I showed them the bill & several YouTubes from their favorite MSNBC talking heads & the ACLU. Every one of those idiots said I don't care. Obama is giving the black people things so we will vote for him. I told them they were all Uncle Toms House *******. You traded your Civil Liberties & Freedom for Food Stamps.

Here is the reason for the race baiting over Trayvon Martin. They wanted to get people marching in the streets so they can take away your rights.
The Congressional Black Caucus unveiled a resolution on Wednesday that honors the life of Trayvon Martin and calls for the repeal of "Stand Your Ground" gun laws in every state that has one, including Florida, where Martin was killed.

You are full of don't have the balls to say this.....fucking racist scum

You don't know me fagot. I did it. The other 7 election officials were the racist scum. I got tired of their shit. You pussies don't scare me. I have been held at gun point 5 times by 7 people & 7 guns. One of you black fagots pulled the trigger & the gun misfired. I beat his ass to a bloody pulp after that.
If the placement of F is correct, then Zimmerman is lying. There's no concrete there for Martin to slam Zimmermans head into.

Other than the concrete sidewalk....

Yer not the sharpest marshmallow in the bag, comrade.

Open your eyes, Helen Keller. That side walk is forty feet from the F oval.

If Zimmermans story is true, then it's placement is wrong. If its placement is correct, then Zimmerman is lying.
Fuck wit there is a sidewalk in the center of the two housing rows.

Google Maps something....because im not reading a 2000k post thread.

You really are a black helicoptor dipshit.

You're really a head up obama's ass aren't you?

Was this before or after you pos repped me for saying ndaa was disgusting and obama lost my vote for signing it?

But you keep talking out your ass black heli,its amusing to watch you assume and lie.

What in the fuck are you talking about? Are you drunk? or is it the fumes from obama's ass that make you talk dumb shit?
Open your eyes, Helen Keller. That side walk is forty feet from the F oval.

Try again sparky, the F oval is ON the sidewalk. There is a sidewalk running the length of the units.

If Zimmermans story is true, then it's placement is wrong. If its placement is correct, then Zimmerman is lying.

Since you base your idiocy on falsehood, your conclusion is meaningless.

DAMMIT! you're right. Didn't see it under the yellow line.

Greenies incoming
I just worked the polls this Tuesday April 3rd, 2012. I was the only white election official there. The rest of them were all black. They all support Obama 100% even though half claim to be Republican. I told them I would not vote for their man Obama, Romney or Santorum because Obama signed the NDAA & Romney & Santorum said they would have also signed it. They all said no he would never do that. I showed them the bill & several YouTubes from their favorite MSNBC talking heads & the ACLU. Every one of those idiots said I don't care. Obama is giving the black people things so we will vote for him. I told them they were all Uncle Toms House *******. You traded your Civil Liberties & Freedom for Food Stamps.

Here is the reason for the race baiting over Trayvon Martin. They wanted to get people marching in the streets so they can take away your rights.
The Congressional Black Caucus unveiled a resolution on Wednesday that honors the life of Trayvon Martin and calls for the repeal of "Stand Your Ground" gun laws in every state that has one, including Florida, where Martin was killed.

First off, you're a liar

Second, if you HAD done what you claim, you were campaigning at the polling place, which is illegal. So you're a criminal

Third, but you're not a criminal because you're a liar.
I just worked the polls this Tuesday April 3rd, 2012. I was the only white election official there. The rest of them were all black. They all support Obama 100% even though half claim to be Republican. I told them I would not vote for their man Obama, Romney or Santorum because Obama signed the NDAA & Romney & Santorum said they would have also signed it. They all said no he would never do that. I showed them the bill & several YouTubes from their favorite MSNBC talking heads & the ACLU. Every one of those idiots said I don't care. Obama is giving the black people things so we will vote for him. I told them they were all Uncle Toms House *******. You traded your Civil Liberties & Freedom for Food Stamps.

Here is the reason for the race baiting over Trayvon Martin. They wanted to get people marching in the streets so they can take away your rights.
The Congressional Black Caucus unveiled a resolution on Wednesday that honors the life of Trayvon Martin and calls for the repeal of "Stand Your Ground" gun laws in every state that has one, including Florida, where Martin was killed.

First off, you're a liar

Second, if you HAD done what you claim, you were campaigning at the polling place, which is illegal. So you're a criminal

Third, but you're not a criminal because you're a liar.

We can talk about anything we want in the polling place when there are no voters present. IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!
I just worked the polls this Tuesday April 3rd, 2012. I was the only white election official there. The rest of them were all black. They all support Obama 100% even though half claim to be Republican. I told them I would not vote for their man Obama, Romney or Santorum because Obama signed the NDAA & Romney & Santorum said they would have also signed it. They all said no he would never do that. I showed them the bill & several YouTubes from their favorite MSNBC talking heads & the ACLU. Every one of those idiots said I don't care. Obama is giving the black people things so we will vote for him. I told them they were all Uncle Toms House *******. You traded your Civil Liberties & Freedom for Food Stamps.

Here is the reason for the race baiting over Trayvon Martin. They wanted to get people marching in the streets so they can take away your rights.

First off, you're a liar

Second, if you HAD done what you claim, you were campaigning at the polling place, which is illegal. So you're a criminal

Third, but you're not a criminal because you're a liar.

We can talk about anything we want in the polling place when there are no voters present. IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!

Including what a big fat liar you are?
Was this before or after you pos repped me for saying ndaa was disgusting and obama lost my vote for signing it?

But you keep talking out your ass black heli,its amusing to watch you assume and lie.

What in the fuck are you talking about? Are you drunk? or is it the fumes from obama's ass that make you talk dumb shit?

I thought what I said was clear? Calm down killer, I k now you don't want to be caught in your lies,but it has to be this way.

What are you drinking?
But you keep talking out your ass black heli,its amusing to watch you assume and lie.
As far as the shooting goes we've all assumed about what happened. I have used what has been presented by the evidence to support my assumption, plus what I know from my experience
But as far as black helicopters and lying goes I haven't mentioned either one.
Then explain how the fight and shooting took place off-street, halfway up that courtyard. Explain why instead of meeting the police at the mailboxes/clubhouse (from where he initially called), he changed his mind and told the dispatcher to have the officer call him on his cell and he'd tell them where he was. If he wasn't following Martin, that is.
The hard RW are peddling the false claim that Trayvon Martin was the aggressor and attacked the killer George Zimmerman. So it doesn't matter where Zimmerman was you see, because he was viciously attacked by the now dead victim Trayvon Martin.
Then explain how the fight and shooting took place off-street, halfway up that courtyard. Explain why instead of meeting the police at the mailboxes/clubhouse (from where he initially called), he changed his mind and told the dispatcher to have the officer call him on his cell and he'd tell them where he was. If he wasn't following Martin, that is.
The hard RW are peddling the false claim that Trayvon Martin was the aggressor and attacked the killer George Zimmerman. So it doesn't matter where Zimmerman was you see, because he was viciously attacked by the now dead victim Trayvon Martin.

Since you want not reply to the rebuttal to that comment here's what I said.

Oh yes, I know he initially did.

I thought he was referring to following after he said he lost him, and the 911 operator told him he didn't need to follow him.

Let's try to keep what we say factually correct, and not be like the less than factual emotionally charged lynch mob.
Then explain how the fight and shooting took place off-street, halfway up that courtyard. Explain why instead of meeting the police at the mailboxes/clubhouse (from where he initially called), he changed his mind and told the dispatcher to have the officer call him on his cell and he'd tell them where he was. If he wasn't following Martin, that is.

How many times must I explain it over and over and over?

According to the evidence and statements. Zimmerman turns rights off of retreat view circle onto the cut through at twin trees here's a map to look at
Google Maps

Now here's another map that you can trace the estimated route

A – The Clubhouse for Retreat at Twin Lakes.
B – Community mailboxes.
C – Where George Zimmerman parked his truck.
D – Brandy Green’s Townhouse, where Trayvon was staying.
E – Zimmerman stopped and completed his 911 call for approximately eighty seconds.
F – The fight and shooting took place in this area.
G – Eyewitness “John’s” townhouse.
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First off, you're a liar

Second, if you HAD done what you claim, you were campaigning at the polling place, which is illegal. So you're a criminal

Third, but you're not a criminal because you're a liar.

We can talk about anything we want in the polling place when there are no voters present. IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!

Who cares? Your a racist....your opinion is worthless.

I am not racist. I defend Obama plenty. I just don't take shit from you racist pussies.

There are plenty of blacks who agree with me.

[ame=""]Black man against Obama signing the NDAA[/ame]
[ame=""]Black woman against Obama signing the NDAA[/ame]
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Wow and it appears nobody said *fucking coon* after all.

It's amazing what racists will read into things.

“Now it does sound less like that racial slur. … From listening in this room, and this is a state-of-the-art room, it doesn’t sound like that slur anymore. It sounds like … we‘re hearing the swear word at first and then the word ’cold.’ And the reason some say that would be relevant, is because it was unseasonably cold in Florida that night and raining.”
The audio expert agreed it sounded like “cold,” and said the new method gets rid of a lot more background noise but doesn’t change the voice or words."

CNN Enhances Zimmerman 911 Again, Finds He May Have Not Used Racial Slur | Video |
Wow and it appears nobody said *fucking coon* after all.

It's amazing what racists will read into things.

“Now it does sound less like that racial slur. … From listening in this room, and this is a state-of-the-art room, it doesn’t sound like that slur anymore. It sounds like … we‘re hearing the swear word at first and then the word ’cold.’ And the reason some say that would be relevant, is because it was unseasonably cold in Florida that night and raining.”
The audio expert agreed it sounded like “cold,” and said the new method gets rid of a lot more background noise but doesn’t change the voice or words."

CNN Enhances Zimmerman 911 Again, Finds He May Have Not Used Racial Slur | Video |

The media baited the hook saying it was a slur & had all the racist marching in the streets. I hope Homeland Security took video of those protest so they can lock up all those racist terrorist. Apparently most of them believe in the NDAA.
Zimmerman is older and stronger and had a weight advantage and a gun...
At some point if he was really getting the crap beat out of him just showing the gun
would have stopped the kid...

I still don't see the reason why he had to shoot the kid...

Seriously? "Just show the gun" you obviously have no experience is such matters (which of course doesn't make you a bad guy). That is an extremely dangerous thing to do. Personally in the same situation I would have also killed Trayvon Martin.
I would have too. I've been slapped into unconsciousness more than once, people who have never experienced it have no idea what it's like to have your head walloped a few times or how seriously it incapacitates you.

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