New Witness...TRAYVON was beating Zimmerman up!

Ah. So then he followed Trayvon in self-defense! Got it. Yes of course. Nothing stupid about that! :lol:

Once again. For the 15th time, since you're slow.

We don't know that he followed Trayvon. There's no evidence that he did. His statement is that he didn't.

Actually, if you look at the layout of where Trayvon was shot, you'd see that it was a sidewalk that went up the backside of the buildings, with NO ROAD. He said he'd followed him in his car, but in order for the car to get to where Trayvon was shot, you'd also see tire tracks on the grass.

Nope, sorry, he did follow Trayvon.

Are you talking about this map?
Here’s an estimate of Trayvon’s route back to Brandy Green’s townhouse with 911 call times included

A – The Clubhouse for Retreat at Twin Lakes.
B – Community mailboxes.
C – Where George Zimmerman parked his truck.
D – Brandy Green’s Townhouse, where Trayvon was staying.
E – Zimmerman stopped and completed his 911 call for approximately eighty seconds.
F – The fight and shooting took place in this area.
G – Eyewitness “John’s” townhouse.
Once again. For the 15th time, since you're slow.

We don't know that he followed Trayvon. There's no evidence that he did. His statement is that he didn't.

Actually, if you look at the layout of where Trayvon was shot, you'd see that it was a sidewalk that went up the backside of the buildings, with NO ROAD. He said he'd followed him in his car, but in order for the car to get to where Trayvon was shot, you'd also see tire tracks on the grass.

Nope, sorry, he did follow Trayvon.

Are you talking about this map?
Here’s an estimate of Trayvon’s route back to Brandy Green’s townhouse with 911 call times included

A – The Clubhouse for Retreat at Twin Lakes.
B – Community mailboxes.
C – Where George Zimmerman parked his truck.
D – Brandy Green’s Townhouse, where Trayvon was staying.
E – Zimmerman stopped and completed his 911 call for approximately eighty seconds.
F – The fight and shooting took place in this area.
G – Eyewitness “John’s” townhouse.

Looking at location F where he was shot, you can clearly see where he was followed, and that there is no place to drive a car, so to get to point F, Zimmerman would have had to follow him from the street up to the next sidewalk, then turn right, and follow him down the sidewalk to the place he was shot.

Nope, sorry, Zimmerman followed him.
Actually, if you look at the layout of where Trayvon was shot, you'd see that it was a sidewalk that went up the backside of the buildings, with NO ROAD. He said he'd followed him in his car, but in order for the car to get to where Trayvon was shot, you'd also see tire tracks on the grass.

Nope, sorry, he did follow Trayvon.

Are you talking about this map?
Here’s an estimate of Trayvon’s route back to Brandy Green’s townhouse with 911 call times included

A – The Clubhouse for Retreat at Twin Lakes.
B – Community mailboxes.
C – Where George Zimmerman parked his truck.
D – Brandy Green’s Townhouse, where Trayvon was staying.
E – Zimmerman stopped and completed his 911 call for approximately eighty seconds.
F – The fight and shooting took place in this area.
G – Eyewitness “John’s” townhouse.

Looking at location F where he was shot, you can clearly see where he was followed, and that there is no place to drive a car, so to get to point F, Zimmerman would have had to follow him from the street up to the next sidewalk, then turn right, and follow him down the sidewalk to the place he was shot.

Nope, sorry, Zimmerman followed him.

Point E is where Zimmerman stopped and finished his call. Trayvon should have been indoors by that time. being point D was where Trayvon was heading.
Nope Trayvon jumped zimmerman while he was going back to his truck.
I heard about this a week ago. Did this guy ever come forward and identify himself?
His statement is in the cop report, but his identity is redacted, for good reason. He was one of the witnesses who gave a statement that night.

Ah. Something substantive. Thanks. I've heard so much about this it all becomes grabled anymore. I know I heard there was a boy who said something that directly contradicted all of Zimmerman's claims but i don't know if he's been identified either.

I just find it interesting that The Left Wing all know this guy is guilty without a trial and the Right Wing all know he's innocent - or at minimum, each side jump to defend their political position based on either Zimmerman or Martin.

To me, it's more about the flaw in the law. As i understand it, anyone who murders a person can legally do so and not even be arrested, if there was no one else around and they claim Stand Your Ground. In this case, if Zimmerman hadn't been stupid enough to call 911 and then ignore their instructions, there would be no national outrage.
Could Zimmerman be innocent? Sure! I guess this could be one of those "Followthe danm coons in self-defense" cases..

:confused: Wrong, he himself did not claim "Stand Your Ground", the law applied only because he had injuries to substantiate his claim of self defence, where as if he wouldnot have had the injuries he had claimed, to be consistant with the story he gave to the police (or) could not have proven them, then the "Stand Your Ground" law wouldnot have applied in this case at all (or) it would have been hard to use as a defense in the case until proven otherwise.. Next an immediate investigation into the killing would have insued, and more than likely Zimmerman would have been arrested on the spot while the investigation were taking place against him, that's if he had no injuries involved. The self defense claim, coupled with the injuries involved, is why Zimmerman has not been jailed as of yet. That could change, but has to be proven first.. :eusa_silenced:
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Looking at location F where he was shot, you can clearly see where he was followed, and that there is no place to drive a car, so to get to point F, Zimmerman would have had to follow him from the street up to the next sidewalk, then turn right, and follow him down the sidewalk to the place he was shot.

Nope, sorry, Zimmerman followed him.

The shit-for-brains racist racist lynch mob looks at this map and concludes that Zimmerman followed (and attacked?) the African at point F. More likely, when the piece-of-shit African attacked Zimmerman, Zimmerman ran away in that direction, hoping to increase his chance of evading the African if he got off the street.

You should explain why the African wasn't already home by the time Zimmerman got around the block.
Looking at location F where he was shot, you can clearly see where he was followed, and that there is no place to drive a car, so to get to point F, Zimmerman would have had to follow him from the street up to the next sidewalk, then turn right, and follow him down the sidewalk to the place he was shot.

Nope, sorry, Zimmerman followed him.

The shit-for-brains racist racist lynch mob looks at this map and concludes that Zimmerman followed (and attacked?) the African at point F. More likely, when the piece-of-shit African attacked Zimmerman, Zimmerman ran away in that direction, hoping to increase his chance of evading the African if he got off the street.

You should explain why the African wasn't already home by the time Zimmerman got around the block.

Just go away will you?
he himself did not claim "Stand Your Ground", the law applied only because he had injuries to substantiate his claim of self defence,

Right. The DA concluded that it was a clear case of self-defense, so Zimmerman was released. Although, Zimmerman was arrested.
Ah, I see everyone is still trying to play amateur CSI and Homicide detective.


This is a discussion board this is what we do. Some try to embellish on the facts to fit their opinions other's try to present the facts.
Ah, I see everyone is still trying to play amateur CSI and Homicide detective.


The Justice System already did its job, and concluded Zimmerman acted in self-defense.

Now, the African community is trying to coerce the Justice System to change its mind and to hang an innocent man. And, in their corner is history's most corrupt Federal Department of Justice which would love to charge Zimmerman with violating the African's "civil rights."
Looking at location F where he was shot, you can clearly see where he was followed, and that there is no place to drive a car, so to get to point F, Zimmerman would have had to follow him from the street up to the next sidewalk, then turn right, and follow him down the sidewalk to the place he was shot.

Nope, sorry, Zimmerman followed him.

The shit-for-brains racist racist lynch mob looks at this map and concludes that Zimmerman followed (and attacked?) the African at point F. More likely, when the piece-of-shit African attacked Zimmerman, Zimmerman ran away in that direction, hoping to increase his chance of evading the African if he got off the street.

You should explain why the African wasn't already home by the time Zimmerman got around the block.

In other words:

Pot: "hey kettle, you're black":cuckoo:
Looking at location F where he was shot, you can clearly see where he was followed, and that there is no place to drive a car, so to get to point F, Zimmerman would have had to follow him from the street up to the next sidewalk, then turn right, and follow him down the sidewalk to the place he was shot.

Nope, sorry, Zimmerman followed him.

The shit-for-brains racist racist lynch mob looks at this map and concludes that Zimmerman followed (and attacked?) the African at point F. More likely, when the piece-of-shit African attacked Zimmerman, Zimmerman ran away in that direction, hoping to increase his chance of evading the African if he got off the street.

You should explain why the African wasn't already home by the time Zimmerman got around the block.

So you absolutely cannot communicate without parading your cowardice and stupidity?
Are you talking about this map?
Here’s an estimate of Trayvon’s route back to Brandy Green’s townhouse with 911 call times included

A – The Clubhouse for Retreat at Twin Lakes.
B – Community mailboxes.
C – Where George Zimmerman parked his truck.
D – Brandy Green’s Townhouse, where Trayvon was staying.
E – Zimmerman stopped and completed his 911 call for approximately eighty seconds.
F – The fight and shooting took place in this area.
G – Eyewitness “John’s” townhouse.

Looking at location F where he was shot, you can clearly see where he was followed, and that there is no place to drive a car, so to get to point F, Zimmerman would have had to follow him from the street up to the next sidewalk, then turn right, and follow him down the sidewalk to the place he was shot.

Nope, sorry, Zimmerman followed him.

Point E is where Zimmerman stopped and finished his call. Trayvon should have been indoors by that time. being point D was where Trayvon was heading.
Nope Trayvon jumped zimmerman while he was going back to his truck.

Looking at that map I have a million questions. None of which anyone on this board could probably answer, so I'll keep them to myself.

I will ask you this question though, how on Earth do you draw this conclusion from a map?
Ah, I see everyone is still trying to play amateur CSI and Homicide detective.


This is a discussion board this is what we do. Some try to embellish on the facts to fit their opinions other's try to present the facts.

Shouldn't speculation like this be posted on the the Law & Justice board though?

Why the hell is it that every Martin-Zimmerman thread has to be in the race section? The title is about a case in law & justice. These threads shouldn't be here just because it involves people of color, or a media designated "white guy".

I'm not trying to be a dick Bigreb, I like your posts from what I've seen and I don't remember a beef ever occurring between you and I.

Think about what the point of this post of mine here is, look at the thread title, and ask yourself why this is on this board? Because a black male's name is in the headline? I see nothing that warrants it being here.

I'd check with a mod but I'm not sure exactly where I go to ask this thread be moved to the proper board. You want to speculate that is to fine, continue it on this thread even.
Looking at location F where he was shot, you can clearly see where he was followed, and that there is no place to drive a car, so to get to point F, Zimmerman would have had to follow him from the street up to the next sidewalk, then turn right, and follow him down the sidewalk to the place he was shot.

Nope, sorry, Zimmerman followed him.

Point E is where Zimmerman stopped and finished his call. Trayvon should have been indoors by that time. being point D was where Trayvon was heading.
Nope Trayvon jumped zimmerman while he was going back to his truck.

Looking at that map I have a million questions. None of which anyone on this board could probably answer, so I'll keep them to myself.

I will ask you this question though, how on Earth do you draw this conclusion from a map?

It came from eyewitness statements and the 911 call and what Zimmerman reported.
Here's the audio
[ame=]ACTUAL UNCUT AUDIO!!! George Zimmerman's Trayvon Martin 911 - YouTube[/ame]
And here is the time notion on the map and where on the map it took place

0:15 – The best address I can give you is the clubhouse. [A]
0:45 – He’s just staring at the houses. Now he’s staring at me.
1:00 – He’s coming towards me.
1:20 – He’s coming to check me out.
2:08 – Shit, he’s running.
2:14 – Sound of truck door being closed. [C]
2:20 – He’s heading towards the back entrance. [referring to E]
2:25 – Are you following him? Yep.
2:45 – He ran… Zimmerman stops and completes the 911 call. [E]
4:05 – Call ends.
Looking at location F where he was shot, you can clearly see where he was followed, and that there is no place to drive a car, so to get to point F, Zimmerman would have had to follow him from the street up to the next sidewalk, then turn right, and follow him down the sidewalk to the place he was shot.

Nope, sorry, Zimmerman followed him.

Point E is where Zimmerman stopped and finished his call. Trayvon should have been indoors by that time. being point D was where Trayvon was heading.
Nope Trayvon jumped zimmerman while he was going back to his truck.

Looking at that map I have a million questions. None of which anyone on this board could probably answer, so I'll keep them to myself.

I will ask you this question though, how on Earth do you draw this conclusion from a map?

Another question, this one being as non-compative as possible, how was it determined where "point E" or the point where Zimmerman finished his 911 call was?
Point E is where Zimmerman stopped and finished his call. Trayvon should have been indoors by that time. being point D was where Trayvon was heading.
Nope Trayvon jumped zimmerman while he was going back to his truck.

Looking at that map I have a million questions. None of which anyone on this board could probably answer, so I'll keep them to myself.

I will ask you this question though, how on Earth do you draw this conclusion from a map?

It came from eyewitness statements and the 911 call and what Zimmerman reported.
Here's the audio
[ame=]ACTUAL UNCUT AUDIO!!! George Zimmerman's Trayvon Martin 911 - YouTube[/ame]
And here is the time notion on the map and where on the map it took place

0:15 – The best address I can give you is the clubhouse. [A]
0:45 – He’s just staring at the houses. Now he’s staring at me.
1:00 – He’s coming towards me.
1:20 – He’s coming to check me out.
2:08 – Shit, he’s running.
2:14 – Sound of truck door being closed. [C]
2:20 – He’s heading towards the back entrance. [referring to E]
2:25 – Are you following him? Yep.
2:45 – He ran… Zimmerman stops and completes the 911 call. [E]
4:05 – Call ends.

Eye witneses said Trayvon jumped Zimmerman while he was walking about to his vehicle?
Ah, I see everyone is still trying to play amateur CSI and Homicide detective.


This is a discussion board this is what we do. Some try to embellish on the facts to fit their opinions other's try to present the facts.

Shouldn't speculation like this be posted on the the Law & Justice board though?

Why the hell is it that every Martin-Zimmerman thread has to be in the race section? The title is about a case in law & justice. These threads shouldn't be here just because it involves people of color, or a media designated "white guy".

I'm not trying to be a dick Bigreb, I like your posts from what I've seen and I don't remember a beef ever occurring between you and I.

Think about what the point of this post of mine here is, look at the thread title, and ask yourself why this is on this board? Because a black male's name is in the headline? I see nothing that warrants it being here.

I'd check with a mod but I'm not sure exactly where I go to ask this thread be moved to the proper board. You want to speculate that is to fine, continue it on this thread even.
Why the hell is it that every Martin-Zimmerman thread has to be in the race section?

It could have been moved here because of one of the mods

I'm not trying to be a dick Bigreb, I like your posts from what I've seen and I don't remember a beef ever occurring between you and I.
I feel you brother, I don't understand why some thinks this is a race issue, I guess it started with how the media reported it.

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