New Witness...TRAYVON was beating Zimmerman up!

Wow Wow Wow.

Trayvon Martin: Zimmerman attorneys withdraw, say they've lost contact with him

The two attorneys who have been representing George Zimmerman announced at a press conference moments ago that they are withdrawing as his legal counsel.

The lawyers said Zimmerman called Sean Hannity of Fox News without consulting with them. He also called the Special Prosecutor in the case, something the attorneys said they'd never have told him to do.

"On Sunday, we lost track of George, in that he would not return our calls," attorney Hal Uhrig said. Said attorney Craig Sonner, "I've lost contact with him at this point."

Sonner and Uhrig, who have been publicly representing Zimmerman in the media, said that Zimmerman has not been answering their phone calls.

Trayvon Martin George Zimmerman press conference: Attorney announces press conference, Zimmerman may speak -
Who's lying?

They said they didn't withdraw. He says if he calls, they're on. He took it on pro-bono, Zimmerman had to go into hiding and he hasn't heard from him for 2 days.

I think it's reasonable to believe one of the lynch mob killed him.

And the call to his prosecutor was one of those famous "post death" calls like the "post death" 911 call on Trayvon's phone.
Wow Wow Wow.

Trayvon Martin: Zimmerman attorneys withdraw, say they've lost contact with him

The two attorneys who have been representing George Zimmerman announced at a press conference moments ago that they are withdrawing as his legal counsel.

The lawyers said Zimmerman called Sean Hannity of Fox News without consulting with them. He also called the Special Prosecutor in the case, something the attorneys said they'd never have told him to do.

"On Sunday, we lost track of George, in that he would not return our calls," attorney Hal Uhrig said. Said attorney Craig Sonner, "I've lost contact with him at this point."

Sonner and Uhrig, who have been publicly representing Zimmerman in the media, said that Zimmerman has not been answering their phone calls.

Trayvon Martin George Zimmerman press conference: Attorney announces press conference, Zimmerman may speak -

From the lawyers statements there however it could be read as Zimmerman dumping them too.
Wow Wow Wow.

Trayvon Martin: Zimmerman attorneys withdraw, say they've lost contact with him

The two attorneys who have been representing George Zimmerman announced at a press conference moments ago that they are withdrawing as his legal counsel.

The lawyers said Zimmerman called Sean Hannity of Fox News without consulting with them. He also called the Special Prosecutor in the case, something the attorneys said they'd never have told him to do.

"On Sunday, we lost track of George, in that he would not return our calls," attorney Hal Uhrig said. Said attorney Craig Sonner, "I've lost contact with him at this point."

Sonner and Uhrig, who have been publicly representing Zimmerman in the media, said that Zimmerman has not been answering their phone calls.

Trayvon Martin George Zimmerman press conference: Attorney announces press conference, Zimmerman may speak -

From the lawyers statements there however it could be read as Zimmerman dumping them too.

Good point. lol.
I sure as shit would, and I suspect that's exactly what is happening. He's got a different attorney.

They're idiots. They have been from the beginning.
Wow Wow Wow.

Trayvon Martin: Zimmerman attorneys withdraw, say they've lost contact with him

The two attorneys who have been representing George Zimmerman announced at a press conference moments ago that they are withdrawing as his legal counsel.

The lawyers said Zimmerman called Sean Hannity of Fox News without consulting with them. He also called the Special Prosecutor in the case, something the attorneys said they'd never have told him to do.

"On Sunday, we lost track of George, in that he would not return our calls," attorney Hal Uhrig said. Said attorney Craig Sonner, "I've lost contact with him at this point."

Sonner and Uhrig, who have been publicly representing Zimmerman in the media, said that Zimmerman has not been answering their phone calls.

Trayvon Martin George Zimmerman press conference: Attorney announces press conference, Zimmerman may speak -

I would really love to see Zimmerman do an interview, especially with an idiot like Hannity. Let him go out in public and repeat all his claims that don't make sense, and then let's see the blind apologists babble about how the story isn't coming from George himself.
Unlike you, I have been a real LEO, not one voted in by people. ie, we had to actually pass both practical and law exams. We had to know verbatim, the meaning of the word 'assault' in law terms, the meaning of a 'public place' in law terms - that was just the beginning... You don't get voted in by a popularity contest like your deputies do over there. You have to meet stringent intelligence, moral and physical criteria. You have to pass a series of physical exams, as well as six written exams, be interviewed by four officers including an inspector. Your whole family and extended family background are looked into. They concoct at dossier an inch or two thick on your schooling and previous employment. It takes anywhere from six months to two years to complete your application.

Once that is all done, and they are satisfied, you then have to go to the police college for six months, whereby you have to pass more law and practical exams where the minimal pass rate for all activities is 75 percent, although they frown upon that result, and really want you to get 85 percent or more.

I am pretty sure that in the big city police departments, and with the likes of the ATF and FBI, it is similiar which is probably the antithesis of your experience.

So while you might strut your stuff around here, I doubt you'd get first base over here. That being said, investigations are universal, and you don't have anything particularly special about the way you carry investigations over there (in fact we'd often use experiences from US, GB and Aus as practical examples of how to carry out an investigation). Your law, like ours, is based on British Common Law as opposed to the other Western Norm, the Napoleonic Code. There is nothing too hard about it as long as you have a few brain cells to rub together.

As for my original contention, I still stand by it. You assume because GZ has a CCW license, the way his attitude towards that right is discharged, would be the same as yours. Seems like an amateur thought process from an amateur 'investigator'...

Unlike you, I have been a real LEO, not one voted in by people. ie, we had to actually pass both practical and law exams.
The only elected Law enforcement officer in America is a sheriff. I wasn't even a Deputy I was a police officer. I went through BLET and was tested. So blow it out your ass FOREIGNER

Well, then you are a liar. You absolutely inferred, in the past, that you were a deputy sheriff (and yes, I know they are elected - thus my point)

That aside, nice rebuttal of the bolded part, which was your point....

And it makes sense Basic Law Enforcement Training...

You are a lying shack of shit. Post the link where I have said I was a deputy sheriff? You have to have the course BLET and take the state exam to be a deputy or police officer in North Carolina. But you are a lying bitch.
Prosecutor Angela Corey eliminated the possibility that George Zimmerman could be charged with first-degree murder for shooting Trayvon Martin

The Palm Beach Post: George Zimmerman
Special prosecutor Angela Corey is investigating the fatal shooting. The Jacksonville prosecutor announced Monday that she wouldn't present the case to a grand jury, leaving any decision about whether Zimmerman will be charged solely up to her. That decision also eliminated the possibility that Zimmerman could be charged with first-degree murder since Florida law requires all first-degree murder cases to go before a grand jury.
What the hell is a deputy sheriff?

There are sheriff's deputies..who are not elected...

the Sheriff is elected, but that's different.

This is by far the most entertaining thread I've seen in ages.
Prosecutor Angela Corey eliminated the possibility that George Zimmerman could be charged with first-degree murder for shooting Trayvon Martin

The Palm Beach Post: George Zimmerman
Special prosecutor Angela Corey is investigating the fatal shooting. The Jacksonville prosecutor announced Monday that she wouldn't present the case to a grand jury, leaving any decision about whether Zimmerman will be charged solely up to her. That decision also eliminated the possibility that Zimmerman could be charged with first-degree murder since Florida law requires all first-degree murder cases to go before a grand jury.

This is a good thing.
Nothing about this has said pre-meditated murder to me. Now possibly they can move on to a legitimate investigation.
These legal scholars and amateur detectives do not have a clue what evidence, chain of custody and memorializing of evidence are.
The burden of proof lays solely ON THE PROSECUTION and the degree of certitude of proof is beyond a reasonable doubt, NOT preponderance of the evidence.
Many believe that the side that has THE MOST evidence will win but especially in criminal court where the burden is on the prosecution and the standard is beyond a reasonable doubt it is THE QUALITY of the evidence, or lack of it, that the prosecution puts up that has to meet the burden of beyond a reasonable doubt.

Good point. It could be that the criminal aspect falls apart but the Martin family prevails in a civil case, ala OJ. Of course, Zimmerman doesn't have much to pay a judgement with.

If I was the plaintiffs attorney I would immediately file suit against The Homeowners' Association he was the Community Watchman for. I guarantee they have a liability policy of at least a mil, probably 2.
And I would go after it in a heart beat and see nothing wrong with doing it.

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