New Witness...TRAYVON was beating Zimmerman up!

Perhaps at that point he didn't know that Zimmerman was armed. He just wanted someone to call the police because this dude followed and then chased after him. The police report said that he had a gun and holster, which means it was probably clipped onto his belt.

That's still speculation, but your strawman seems to have holes.

All we have are the known facts. Zimmerman chased Martin, even though the police told him not to. Zimmerman has a documented history of violence, and was even forced into anger management classes by the court. Martin was on the phone with his girlfriend at this time, and she told him to run. It's unlikely that a 150 lb kid would go out of his way to attack a 200 pound guy, armed with Skittles and iced tea, unless he feared for his life or safety.
You are a lying sack of shit you told a bold face lie in that other thread.
The fact you omit is he was told by police stay by the mail boxes, and instead got out of his SUV, and by his breathing indicates that he was running. He had to get on a sidewalk path, make two turns to get to where the killing took place. Those two turns by Martin were on the direct route back to where he was staying with his father. The 911 call made by Zimmerman, clearly indicates that he had already decided that Martin was up to no good. Terms like "these assholes always get away" demonstrate Zimmmerman's prejudice, even if you discount "fucking coons," which the experts will testify about.

Then we have his girlfriend's testimony, and it's been reported that the phone records support her. That Martin was scared, because some big guy was following him. She claims she told him to run, which he must have, else why would Zimmerman run?

If anyone had "stand your grounds" rights it was Treyvor. And Zimmerman gave him reasonable cause to feel himself in danger. The best outcome I can see for Zimmerman is negligent homicide.
Fucking liar.

You dishonest piece of pond scum. On the 911 tape, he was asked if he was following Martin, when he said yes, and was told you don't need to do that. Then the police told him to wait for them by the mailboxes, to which Zimmerman agreed. Then he said, "he's running".

Now how the fuck do you catch him after turning two corners, if you're not running too?

No fucking way you lying sack of shit. You are lying about what the dispatcher said to zimmerman

[ame=]Trayvon Martin News [SHOCKING FULL] Murder Caught on Tape | Killed By George Zimmerman 911 Call # 1 - YouTube[/ame]
EXACTLY when did the dispatcher tell Zimmerman toi wait at the mail box? Before he left the truck or after Zimmerman said he's running.

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Here's an interesting turn of events that shoots a big hole in Zimmerman's story.

It's not George Zimmerman crying for help on 911 recording, 2 experts say

Many more details in the story. It's not one, but two experts, working apart, and in different parts of the country, that came to this conclusion.

Holy fucking shit we no longer need witnesses let's just tell them to stay home and hire us some experts.:cuckoo:

You have a witness. The woman who was on 911, when the screams for help were heard along with the shot being fired into the boys chest, and recorded on the 911 tape.

Ya the woman's HUSBAND stated Zimmerman was yelling for help dumb ass. The child that witnessed the fight STATED Zimmerman was on the bottom. But don't let facts deter you from making a moron of yourself.
Here Emm. I posted this a week ago:

From the moment he hung up the phone (7:14) to the time the police arrived (7:17). 3 minutes.

Zimmerman's call ended 7:14 p.m.
The first witness 911 call comes in at 7:16:11 p.m.

The call at 7:16:11 p.m is the one where in the background you can hear the struggle and then the sound of the pistol being fired.

At 7:17 p.m. the calls to 911 flood in with residents hearing gunshots.

"Records show Zimmerman's first call to authorities was at 7:09:34 p.m., followed by seven witness calls at 7:16:11, 7:16:41, 7:17:06, 7:17:15, 7:17:54, 7:18:00 and 7:19:04."
Lawyer: Trayvon Martin's girlfriend heard altercation | News - Home

The first Sanford police units arrive at that 7:17 mark.

Timeline. It matters.


Where is the Sanford PD link? to support YOUR facts?
In case people missed it, the police released 6 separate videos of Zimmerman at the Police Station. Amounting to over 6 minutes there.
SPD Security Cams.wmv - YouTube
That came from the Sanford PD website:

City of Sanford

I don't think anyone has missed those video's but what appears you have missed is the enhanced pictures showing a swollen head and a cut to the back of the head, and the video showing a police officer looking at the back of the head of zimmerman.
Listen up Bigfatsouthernrebel:

I don't pay attention to you. Get that through your head now. Your posts are boringly repetitious, meaningless, and not worthy of my time. I'll respond to posters I think have merit. I long ago deduced you do not.
Yes. In the backseat of the police car. Read the report.
I might have missed the link to the written report, where the EMT's treated Zimmerman, do you have a link ? I have been following other people's info here, and have been commenting on that info given, otherwise when I think it makes sence, and I have followed a few links here also, but I havn't read the written report by the EMT's as of yet...Thanks
There is no written report of the EMT's available.

The Police report (all we have) notes he was treated in the backseat of the police car.
PARTIAL POLICE REPORT: Lakes Shooting Initial Report.pdf

Also was reported the officer over heard Zimmerman say "I was yelling for someone to help me, but no one did."
"Hate" crimes are stupid. Who cares if the person is "hating" on someone or not when they gun them down in cold blood? This was a murder. Murder is murder whether you are "hating" or not.
"Hate" crimes are stupid. Who cares if the person is "hating" on someone or not when they gun them down in cold blood? This was a murder. Murder is murder whether you are "hating" or not.

Keep that in mind if YOU are ever attacked and YOU are defending YOUR life and their are no witnesses.
One item that I find curious is that no other neighborhood watch members have spoken either for or against in this case. Is this because Zimmerman is Hispanic and there is a fair amount of discrimination against Hispanics in places like Florida, Arizone, and California where there are so many of them. I also wonder about their program. I have lived in 3 neighborhoods where we had a neighborhood watch. They were always out in twos and not alone. Where is their neighborhood watch committee on this?
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Listen up Bigfatsouthernrebel:

I don't pay attention to you. Get that through your head now. Your posts are boringly repetitious, meaningless, and not worthy of my time. I'll respond to posters I think have merit. I long ago deduced you do not.
So you have nothing to defend your argument with against me, I'm not surprised that you are ignoring me. You need to stay as far away from facts and keep that flame of ignorance burning inside you.
There was an interview of (or statement by) the national group or whatever (sorry, fading fast here) that essentially said Zimmerman broke their rules (having a gun on him, following the person). The woman who helped set up this particular complex' watch group said basically the same thing.
One item that I find curious is that no other neighborhood watch members have spoken either for or against in this case. Is this because Zimmerman is Hispanic and there is a fair amount of discrimination against Hispanics in places like Florida, Arizone, and California where there are so many of them. I also wonder about their program. I have lived in 3 neighborhoods where we had a neighborhood watch. They were always out in twos and not alone. Where is their neighborhood watch committee on this?
In my neighborhood, as well - at least two are out when on 'patrol'.

As Zimmerman was alone, that fact supports his claim that he was on his way to the grocery store when he first spotted Martin. So, he wasn't on patrol, likely. Also, according to a handbook linked to earlier, neighborhood watch does not want the folks armed when on 'patrol'. Zimmerman was both alone and armed, and he says he was on his way to the grocery. Seems to fit that he was not on 'patrol' at the time.
There was an interview of (or statement by) the national group or whatever (sorry, fading fast here) that essentially said Zimmerman broke their rules (having a gun on him, following the person). The woman who helped set up this particular complex' watch group said basically the same thing.

Here we go again. Was Zimmerman on patrol? If he was not on patrol how can he break the rules? If he was not on patrol are you saying that as a law abiding citizen he is not allowed to arm himself when he leaves his home?
The witness, identified only as John, says those cries were made by Zimmerman who was on the ground being beaten by Martin.
“The guy on the bottom who had a red sweater on was yelling to me: ‘help, help … and I told him to stop and I was calling 911,” he said.
Martin was wearing a gray hoodie, while Zimmerman was wearing red.
“When I got upstairs and looked down, the guy who was on top beating up the other guy, was the one laying in the grass, and I believe he was dead at that point,” John said.
Zimmerman claimed the shooting was self-defense. Zimmerman said he was going back to his SUV when he was attacked by the teen. Sanford police say Zimmerman was bloody in his face and head, and the back of his shirt was wet and had grass stains, indicating a struggle took place before the shooting.
Meanwhile, the attack has been portrayed by most media outlets as a racist, vigilante-style assault by Zimmerman – a half-Hispanic, half-white, self-style neighborhood crime-watch captain – on an innocent role-model black teen-ager carrying only a cell phone and some Skittles.
I have asked this question several times in those Trayvon Martin threads which has yet to be answered, so I will ask the question in a separate thread.

In the video where you can hear someone yelling help some say it's Trayvon yelling others say it Zimmerman.
So here's the question If it's Trayvon yelling for help why is he yelling just help? Why didn't he yell help he has a gun help he's going to shoot me? Can anyone answer this question logically?
Trayvon's parents insist it was him. They are his parents. I expect that. As far as their statements being evidence that would prove it was him, it's not.
the tapes have been profressionally ayalysed and the screams are NOT Zimmermans.

He was screaming for his life.

You glibly defend the man who murdered him all because the young man was black.

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