New WSJ/NBC poll - Donald losing more ground

Find us a real news story about ONE such confirmed incident not involving Kris Kobach or any of the other usual suspects.

You know, with the bus full of illegal aliens and index cards of dead people rolling into a polling place.

If such a thing happened there would be arrests made on the spot which would have created a real news story.

Otherwise, buzz off
I would never report an Illegal because some of them are nicer than assholes such as yourself.
My true beef is with Business Visas and Off-Shoring and assholes such as yourself.

No link - not one story on the entire Internet?

Nope .. your story is BS and it doesn't happen -

Not too shabby...
It only took you 24 to resort to that tactic.

It's not a "tactic" Reasonable request my friend -- Link or skedaddle
Like Links to Climate Change?
Nobody’s gonna go to so much trouble for $180.00 for an exhausting 24 hour stint.
That’s right...shit pay for 24 hours.

Sorry - there are disagreements on climate change.

A real news story that includes more than one eyewitness AND a police report is hard evidence and should be easy.

Otherwise - Sayonara
I would never report an Illegal because some of them are nicer than assholes such as yourself.
My true beef is with Business Visas and Off-Shoring and assholes such as yourself.

No link - not one story on the entire Internet?

Nope .. your story is BS and it doesn't happen -

Not too shabby...
It only took you 24 to resort to that tactic.

It's not a "tactic" Reasonable request my friend -- Link or skedaddle
Like Links to Climate Change?
Nobody’s gonna go to so much trouble for $180.00 for an exhausting 24 hour stint.
That’s right...shit pay for 24 hours.

Sorry - there are disagreements on climate change.

A real news story that includes more than one eyewitness AND a police report is hard evidence and should be easy.

Otherwise - Sayonara
Describe to us what happens to a pollster’s life who reports an Illegal.
Let’s see if you get it right.
Cherry picking polls is just that, cherry picking.

One can find a poll to suit any desired agenda

Who need polls? One only needs to reference the 40 elections you guys have lost over the past several months.

Yep - and most of those in districts Trump won, many involving the unseating of a Republican incumbent.

Point them out and they just laugh and call it a one-off.

Trump Brand Blinders I guess.

Cherry picking polls is just that, cherry picking.

One can find a poll to suit any desired agenda

Sorry no - The poll averages are indeed within the statistical margins of error. This one was 3.7 points. Take 6 or 8 of them, average out and you get a fairly accurate snapshot.

Even if Rasmussen is included. :wink:

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

Yeah so were the ones assuring you Cankles would win....polls are worthless

They have a great more worth than anything you echo. Ever had Stats? Damn sure you haven't.
Cherry picking polls is just that, cherry picking.

One can find a poll to suit any desired agenda

Who need polls? One only needs to reference the 40 elections you guys have lost over the past several months.

Yep - and most of those in districts Trump won, many involving the unseating of a Republican incumbent.

Point them out and they just laugh and call it a one-off.

Trump Brand Blinders I guess.


Cherry picking polls is just that, cherry picking.

One can find a poll to suit any desired agenda

Who need polls? One only needs to reference the 40 elections you guys have lost over the past several months.

Yep - and most of those in districts Trump won, many involving the unseating of a Republican incumbent.

Point them out and they just laugh and call it a one-off.

Trump Brand Blinders I guess.

And if you go to the poll itself - You'll not that the "strongly approve" number is 22% and "strongly disapprove" is double that at 44. Sad :)

President Trump’s job approval rating slipped 4 points in a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll.

Thirty-nine percent of respondents now approve of the job the president is doing, compared to 57 percent who disapprove.

Trump's support fell among Republicans, whites, men, independents, women and Democrats.​

Trump job approval slips 4 points to 39 percent in NBC poll

New WSJ headline...


Wait. That’s old one. Still good through 2024 though:)
Indeependent, post: 19756490,
Dem who brought them in didn’t put up an argument.

So they didn't vote. Why did you tell us that Illegals vote? Based on your little story you have only made a case that illegals can't vote.

Where I vote they match my name and address to a list of registered voters and check me in before I get a ballot.

That means that your imaginary Dem operative bus driver has to be oblivious to the fact that his or her entire operation (for which he could be arrested) could never work if he brings illegals to vote that cannot communicate their name and address to the election volunteer who must match the name to the list.

I therefore can do nothing other than to be certain that your little story is bullshit.
Indeependent, post: 19756490,
Dem who brought them in didn’t put up an argument.

So they didn't vote. Why did you tell us that Illegals vote? Based on your little story you have only made a case that illegals can't vote.

Where I vote they match my name and address to a list of registered voters and check me in before I get a ballot.

That means that your imaginary Dem operative bus driver has to be oblivious to the fact that his or her entire operation (for which he could be arrested) could never work if he brings illegals to vote that cannot communicate their name and address to the election volunteer who must match the name to the list.

I therefore can do nothing other than to be certain that your little story is bullshit.
I don’t know how many Dem districts don’t stop them from voting.
Indeependent, post: 19756490,
Dem who brought them in didn’t put up an argument.

So they didn't vote. Why did you tell us that Illegals vote? Based on your little story you have only made a case that illegals can't vote.

Where I vote they match my name and address to a list of registered voters and check me in before I get a ballot.

That means that your imaginary Dem operative bus driver has to be oblivious to the fact that his or her entire operation (for which he could be arrested) could never work if he brings illegals to vote that cannot communicate their name and address to the election volunteer who must match the name to the list.

I therefore can do nothing other than to be certain that your little story is bullshit.
Because you believe Libs are honest.
How’s your therapist?
Indeependent, post: 19756972
They ask my name and street to make sure I’m at the correct table.

Is that so?

Indeependent, post: 19752223
What! ID is required to vote? Where the hell do you live?

Where you live and worked the polling station you make it clear that showing an ID is not required to cast a vote.

Indeependent, post: 19752256
You don’t need ID to vote in place of someone who’s dead or moved and never removed from the registry...

Voters don't need ID but they do have to identify themselves as registered voters residing in the district.

So your bullshit story is exposed.

Indeependent, post: 19756490
Not one bothered displaying one piece of ID.

Why did you turn them away? You said they had names on index cards. You did not bother to check the names against the registry.

You are the only one here breaking the law and bragging about.

If you suspected something illegal was going on you are obliged to cross check the names on the index cards. You know, dead Bill Thompson been voting for forty years, is on one of the index cards held by a very Hispanic young man. I'm sure could make a case if that were true.

But what did you do you claim? You used viterintimidation based on racial profiling instead and admit you are a coward to boot.

Hillary was right. You are deplorable.
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Indeependent, post: 19756972
They ask my name and street to make sure I’m at the correct table.

Is that so?

Indeependent, post: 19752223
What! ID is required to vote? Where the hell do you live?

Where you live and worked the polling station you make it clear that showing an ID is not required to cast a vote.

Indeependent, post: 19752256
You don’t need ID to vote in place of someone who’s dead or moved and never removed from the registry...

Voters don't need ID but they do have to identify themselves as registered voters residing in the district.

So your bullshit story is exposed.

Indeependent, post: 19756490
Not one bothered displaying one piece of ID.

Why did you turn them away? You said they had names on index cards. You did not bother to check the names against the registry.

You are the only one here breaking the law and bragging about.

If you suspected something illegal was going on you are obliged to cross check the names on the index cards. You know, dead Bill Thompson been voting for forty years, is on one of the index cards held by a very Hispanic young man. I'm sure could make a case if that were true.

But what did you do you claim? You used viterintimidation based on racial profiling instead and admit you are a coward to boot.

Hillary was right. You are deplorable.
Just how illiterate are you?
ID is not required.
Knowing your name and street is required.
Go crawl back under your rock.
You’ll recognize it by it’s address, “An idiot lives here.”
And I don’t give a flea’s ass about your post.

Truly - You are NEEDED ..

So for the Love of GOD, hoist your pathetic ass off to Kansas ...

Kris needs you to testify in court as to the busloads of illegals you turned away at polling places!! :)

It's not voter suppression when you prevent illegal aliens from voting. It's not voter suppression when you file charges against. Citizensl of Kansas voting there AND in Colordo.
WoW Roudy - Im MESMERIZED by well, Your STUPIDITY

Do Continue

You gotta admit, it was "a day of days" when Trump stuck the wooden stake right into the heart of the Leftwing Dracula that has been sucking America's blood.


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