New York governor inching closer to legalizing prostitution

Bringing into the open will be better for all concerned.
Not the women and girls who will be kidnapped, raped, imprisoned and murdered in far greater numbers.

But their problem, right?

Ok, I can see your point, that legalizing sex work increases trafficking. You make a good point. Can’t argue that.

What about drugs!? Can we at least legalize drugs?! What one does in the privacy of their own home is nobody’s business!
Drugs a separate topic, but thank you. :)
You need to read this small excerpt from The Guardian article I posted above about a LEGAL brothel in the United States:

"I saw a grated iron door in one brothel," says Farley. "The women's food was shoved through the door's steel bars between the kitchen and the brothel area. One pimp starved a woman he considered too fat. She made a friend outside the brothel who would throw food over the fence for her." Another pimp told Farley matter-of-factly that many of the women working for him had histories of sexual abuse and mental ill-health. "Most," he said, "have been sexually abused as kids. Some are bipolar, some are schizophrenic."

There's a lot more, but I understand that those who support the kidnapping, rape, imprisonment and murder of women and girls just want legal prostitution, and don't give two shits about the horrendous consequences.

Take care.



Every time my fellow conservatives bang on about "the good old days", I think of the prostitute cages on the West Coast, using mostly Asian women, during the Gold Rush. Literally, they kept women in cages doped up on opium at all times. Most of them died within a year.

A horror. Just abject horror.
If they were that smart, they wouldn't be prostitutes.
Well, I think if they (most, not all I speak of here) didn't tend to have numerous serious issues, including histories of sexual abuse, drug addiction, mental illness, poverty, youth/innocence/ignorance/vulnerability and so forth, maybe they could be Fortune 500 CEOs.

I mean, who knows, right? :)
Well, I think if they (most, not all I speak of here) didn't tend to have numerous serious issues, including histories of sexual abuse, drug addiction, mental illness, poverty, youth/innocence/ignorance/vulnerability and so forth, maybe they could be Fortune 500 CEOs.

I mean, who knows, right? :)

I'm a libertarian-leaning conservative in many things, but not a libertarian. Prostitution is a net loss for society in all ways. It should be illegal.
Not really logical.

Would you eat at an unlicensed restaurant when legal ones are available?

At a legal brothel, you know the girls are all there of their own free will, you know they've been checked for diseases, and you know the cops aren't going to kick in the door while your pants are down.

Actually, a lot of them tend to be pretty savvy businesswomen. They are often experts at reading their customers and knowing how to extract the most amount of money for the least amount of effort.
^ Refuses to read the articles posted here about the horrendous conditions in ACTUAL legal brothels in the US, and the studies that show how much worse legal prostitution makes the lives of an ever-expanding tsunami of victims.

Simply does not care.

In other words, a liberal.

I used to agree with you but I am no long so sure. I have no idea how this causes a real increase in human trafficking but the how is actually far less important than the reality. It seems that actual studies in this subject by people that are not interested in the outcome almost universally come up with data showing that human trafficking increases, including child sex trafficking. There is no doubt in my mind that it would be FAR better for prostitutes for them to have legal recognition and protections BUT it seems that a larger number of people will be trafficked, abused and harmed.

This goes heavily against my priors, as I think it does yours, but a serous look at the data has forced me to change my stance on the issue. I do not know why this profession results are so at odds with prohibition but I cant argue with reality.

It would be nice if any of the 'pro' side would actually address these facts as well. Most of these types of discussions simply boil down to ideological bickering rather an actual look at any data.
^ Great post. :)
Is that even constitutional, RW? You do know that there are religious denominations that oppose contraception- like Roman Catholic- as well as medical science- like the Christian Science among others.

Do you really want to fight this out in court?
Its never going to be mandatory but I don't see any moral argument against birth control. It isn't abortion in any way. Most American women use it.
Its never going to be mandatory but I don't see any moral argument against birth control. It isn't abortion in any way. Most American women use it.

Its not a "moral" argument, but a religious one. There is no "moral" requirement to abstain from pork, but we still don't force our Jewish friends to eat bacon, regardless of how tremendous this wonder food is.
Its not a "moral" argument, but a religious one. There is no "moral" requirement to abstain from pork, but we still don't force our Jewish friends to eat bacon, regardless of how tremendous this wonder food is.
I agree. But I don't understand the religious aspect. Do they not want married couples to enjoy each other without the possibility of having a kid if kids are not desired?
Hookers have to eat, too.

Legalization works in Europe.
Works in exponentially increasing the kidnapping, rape, imprisonment and murder of women and girls.

Boys too.

Maybe read the thread before responding? :)

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