New York governor inching closer to legalizing prostitution

There are plenty of unregulated hoes and pimps operating in Nevada.

Not everyone wants to operate within the legal system and they don't.
LOL, anyone walking down the strip in Vegas on any given evening can attest to that. The street is littered with whore cards and hookers walk around all day long. Prostitution is illegal in Clark county. However, there are bunny ranches in various counties around the state.
I don't give a shit about NY these days....

They can cease to exist any minute as far I am concerned.:dunno:
They're called "pathetic fucking losers."
Ok, but you’re talking about most men here. I mean, a majority of men have cheated on their wife/gf at some point.

Either they hired a prostitute or they banged a coworker or a neighbor or something. No difference.
The NY we all knew and liked is gone.


Not that I care, I don't have any real estate over there LOL....:laugh:
Of course...the crazy cat lady lacks the deductive reasoning ability to connect the dots.

She's terrified that someone, somewhere, might be having UNAPPROVED fun. want a return to prohibition?

You need to read Cop To Call Girl by Norma Jean Almodovar.
You need to read this small excerpt from The Guardian article I posted above about a LEGAL brothel in the United States:

"I saw a grated iron door in one brothel," says Farley. "The women's food was shoved through the door's steel bars between the kitchen and the brothel area. One pimp starved a woman he considered too fat. She made a friend outside the brothel who would throw food over the fence for her." Another pimp told Farley matter-of-factly that many of the women working for him had histories of sexual abuse and mental ill-health. "Most," he said, "have been sexually abused as kids. Some are bipolar, some are schizophrenic."

There's a lot more, but I understand that those who support the kidnapping, rape, imprisonment and murder of women and girls just want legal prostitution, and don't give two shits about the horrendous consequences.

Take care.

We accept the dangers and deprivations of alcohol. We agree that there will be a level of death and human misery and find that level an acceptable price to pay for the "pleasures" of drinking.

The same bargain will be made with legalized prostitution. We will accept a level of trafficking of women and children. We will find a way to accept abuse of women the same way we accept deaths from drunk driving. This is the bargain to be made because men want to fuck without thought.

Just don't delude yourself into imagining that prostitution can be harmlessly legalized.
Well said.
Because the message is the wrong one. Once you treat sex work like any other kind of work, it gets the respect it deserves

Uh, hey, check out the clothes on your back. Chances are they were made in a dangerous factory by child labor.
Or the IPhone you are typing this out one. Probably made in a Chinese factory where the employees were locked in during Covid.
Everything that you enjoy was probably made by someone who hates his job.

You thought Reefer Madness was a documentary, didn't you?
^ Garbage/false equivalencies/fallacies.

But I get it - liberals don't care if women and girls are kidnapped, raped, imprisoned and murdered as a result of legal prostitution.

Take care.

The mob is into prostitution because it's illegal.

Make it legal, the prostitutes will set up an LLC and run it themselves.
Read the article I posted about LEGAL brothels in Nevada and get back to me, dudebro.

Here's an excerpt:

Those in control of the women were confident that they would not be honest about the conditions, she says. "Pimps love to brag, and I know how to listen," she adds. Although left alone with the women during interviews, Farley noted that they were all very nervous, constantly looking out for the brothel owners.
Investigating the sex industry - even the legal part - can be dangerous. During one visit to a brothel, Farley asked the owner what the women thought of their work. "I was polite," she writes in her book, "as he condescendingly explained what a satisfying and lucrative business prostitution was for his 'ladies'. I tried to keep my facial muscles expressionless, but I didn't succeed. He whipped a revolver out of his waistband, aimed it at my head and said: 'You don't know nothing about Nevada prostitution, lady. You don't even know whether I will kill you in the next five minutes.'"

Your kinda guy, right dudebro?
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Because prostitution cannot be safely legalized the best the ordinary person can do is just not trouble yourself by caring what happens to them, or their pimps, or brothels. Save yourself as much concern as you can. Let them die. After all someone might have paid good money for that.
For this and other excellent posts, I award you the thread win.

How have I not seen other posts by you previously?
In what year and what country has laws against prostitution actually stopped prostitution?

Does it ever get tiring being wrong about absolutely everything?
Legalizing prostitution increases the kidnapping, rape, imprisonment and murder of women and girls exponentially.

Read the thread, and THEN comment.


We accept the dangers and deprivations of alcohol. We agree that there will be a level of death and human misery and find that level an acceptable price to pay for the "pleasures" of drinking.

The same bargain will be made with legalized prostitution. We will accept a level of trafficking of women and children. We will find a way to accept abuse of women the same way we accept deaths from drunk driving. This is the bargain to be made because men want to fuck without thought.

Just don't delude yourself into imagining that prostitution can be harmlessly legalized.

We are accepting a level of trafficking of women and children right now as we know it is happening and the current laws cannot stop it.

Prostitution being illegal makes it harder to stop as the women have the added fear of being jailed if they go to the authorities, while those same men get off with a slap on the wrist at worst if they are caught paying a prostitute.

Not to mention that they could just film it and call it porn and it would 100% legal.

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