New York governor inching closer to legalizing prostitution


Read the thread and links therein.

Pot pimps & rape pimps - it's 2 pimps in one!

But yeah - read the thread and actually learn something.

Fallacious garbage.

Why not read the thread and learn the actual facts?

Oh right - you think I'm a con, and MUST be owned.

If thousands of women, girls and boys must be kidnepped, raped, imprisoned and murdered, a small price for YOU to pay, right?
Please describe the issue of women being kidnapped and forced into prostitution in Denmark.
We'll need police reports, government statistics, personalized accounts backed by police reports.

When they legalized alcohol the crime rate went down.

All the promises of doom and destruction by you and yours end up being nothing more than hyperbole intended to frighten the ignorant.
I'm not ignorant Sparky.

If you'd read the thread, you'd know that.

But keep on trolling - I guess it's all you're here to do?
Fortunately for me I've read your lies time and again and need not waste time rereading them.

If you've something to present beyond fear mongering then do so.

Otherwise I'll just report you for derailing the thread.
I saw the study you linked to, and the biggest issue with it is that it is more than a decade old and the data it uses is sometimes twice that old.

What I do know is that what we are currently doing is not stopping, or perhaps even slowing, human trafficking.
Having an issue with it is fine.

Disregarding it with exactly zero evidence because you have an ideological prior is not. It being a decade old is rather vacuous anyway considering that nothing has really changed in the last decade that would severely impact this data. Do you have something to base your opinion on other than it comports to your priors? The simple reality that I have seen, essentially, nothing that shows the opposing effect.

What you stated feels very Dunning Kruger.
No, it actually reduces those threats because the trade is established and protected.

Do you see reports of women kidnapped and taken to these countries for prostitution?

View attachment 808406

No, just like legalizing marijuana didn't lead to massive increases in drug addiction.

Why not set aside your prurient prejudices and actually consider the facts.
Yes, we certainly do see that:

I notice you reference nothing. no study. no facts. Just Statements that you think it will reduce problems around prostitution when it is legalized. This is all the pro side has done.
You need to read this small excerpt from The Guardian article I posted above about a LEGAL brothel in the United States:

"I saw a grated iron door in one brothel," says Farley. "The women's food was shoved through the door's steel bars between the kitchen and the brothel area. One pimp starved a woman he considered too fat. She made a friend outside the brothel who would throw food over the fence for her." Another pimp told Farley matter-of-factly that many of the women working for him had histories of sexual abuse and mental ill-health. "Most," he said, "have been sexually abused as kids. Some are bipolar, some are schizophrenic."

There's a lot more, but I understand that those who support the kidnapping, rape, imprisonment and murder of women and girls just want legal prostitution, and don't give two shits about the horrendous consequences.

Take care.


Um, you talk like this is a bad thing. Talk waitresses who work at a Hooters, they are subjected to the same kind of treatment regarding diet.

Yes, women who engage in prostitution often have a whole host of mental illnesses. They wouldn't be prostitutes if they hadn't.

Read the article I posted about LEGAL brothels in Nevada and get back to me, dudebro.

Here's an excerpt:

Those in control of the women were confident that they would not be honest about the conditions, she says. "Pimps love to brag, and I know how to listen," she adds. Although left alone with the women during interviews, Farley noted that they were all very nervous, constantly looking out for the brothel owners.
Investigating the sex industry - even the legal part - can be dangerous. During one visit to a brothel, Farley asked the owner what the women thought of their work. "I was polite," she writes in her book, "as he condescendingly explained what a satisfying and lucrative business prostitution was for his 'ladies'. I tried to keep my facial muscles expressionless, but I didn't succeed. He whipped a revolver out of his waistband, aimed it at my head and said: 'You don't know nothing about Nevada prostitution, lady. You don't even know whether I will kill you in the next five minutes.'"

Your kinda guy, right dudebro?
Uh, your side has been threatening the press with violence since 2016... now you are concerned about a reporter? That's adorable.

NOt that I take this report at face value. We've had too many cases of reporters just making shit up for dramatic effect.

Every time my fellow conservatives bang on about "the good old days", I think of the prostitute cages on the West Coast, using mostly Asian women, during the Gold Rush. Literally, they kept women in cages doped up on opium at all times. Most of them died within a year.

A horror. Just abject horror.

Which is why it needs to be legalized and regulated.

^ Refuses to read the articles posted here about the horrendous conditions in ACTUAL legal brothels in the US, and the studies that show how much worse legal prostitution makes the lives of an ever-expanding tsunami of victims.

Simply does not care.
The clothes on your back were probably made somewhere that was 100 times worse than the legal brothel you claim exists in Nevada.
Please describe the issue of women being kidnapped and forced into prostitution in Denmark.
We'll need police reports, government statistics, personalized accounts backed by police reports.

When they legalized alcohol the crime rate went down.

All the promises of doom and destruction by you and yours end up being nothing more than hyperbole intended to frighten the ignorant.
I'm not ignorant Sparky.
I already linked an actual study by experts in post 260. Here it is again

And I have released my prejudices here considering I absolutely thought it should have been legalized until someone actually brought up studies on the matter and I found that I was utterly incapable of refuting them. There is very little data supporting legalizing prostitution. The vast majority shows that legalizing it actually increases trafficking.

That nothing is being cited by any of the 'pro' side is an indication of this.
Yes, we certainly do see that:

I notice you reference nothing. no study. no facts. Just Statements that you think it will reduce problems around prostitution when it is legalized. This is all the pro side has done.
Prostitution in Sweden is illegal.
Thus the criminals doing crimes.
Make it legal and the need for the crime evaporates.

Thank you for proving my point.



  • 1690495850517.png
    153 bytes · Views: 5
Victimless crime/Consensual sex
Bullshit! There's always a victim, dumbass! How about the betrayed spouse, the women who are trafficked,? Oh but I forgot, you are an off the rails far Left loon who can't wait to see paedophilia legalized, just like every other leftist in America.
Having an issue with it is fine.

Disregarding it with exactly zero evidence because you have an ideological prior is not. It being a decade old is rather vacuous anyway considering that nothing has really changed in the last decade that would severely impact this data. Do you have something to base your opinion on other than it comports to your priors? The simple reality that I have seen, essentially, nothing that shows the opposing effect.

What you stated feels very Dunning Kruger.

What I know is that what we are doing now is not working all that well, would you not agree?
The argument for legalizing prostitution is very simple. May as well, nothing else has worked. Will women and children be trafficked? Certainly. They are trafficked now. Will women be forced into prostitution against their will? Certainly. They are now. There will be legal brothels and illegal whores. There will be women fucking around who don't think they are prostitutes. They just get presents. The only change will be that the government will get a few dollars from the purveyors hiding the real money.
I already linked an actual study by experts in post 260. Here it is again

And I have released my prejudices here considering I absolutely thought it should have been legalized until someone actually brought up studies on the matter and I found that I was utterly incapable of refuting them. There is very little data supporting legalizing prostitution. The vast majority shows that legalizing it actually increases trafficking.

That nothing is being cited by any of the 'pro' side is an indication of this.
From the study

The scale effect of legalized prostitution leads to an expansion of the prostitution market, increasing human trafficking, while the substitution effect reduces demand for trafficked women as legal prostitutes are favored over trafficked ones.
And if prostitutes legal or otherwise cannot compete in the market the need for them goes away.

Try this to ease your mind...

Nevada’s casino history shows that sensible state regulations can greatly reduce if not eliminate bad actors after a vice has been decriminalized. This applies to human trafficking as well. Criminalization, not legalization, increases risks. A survey administered to 4,559 sex trafficking victims who had sought services at European field offices staffed by the International Office for Migration, concluded:

These results confirm results of many other studies that have looked at the consequences of criminalization policies. Whenever sex work has been criminalized, sex workers have been moved to more secluded places with the consequences of being more exposed to different kinds of risks: assault, fraud, control, and lack of freedom."
No, it is VERY much on topic. Prostitution needs to be not only kept illegal, for the sake of the women and families, but law enforcement needs to clamp down HARD on the pimps and johns.
So you're in favor of sex trafficking and other abuses women suffer under illegal prostitution.

No, it is VERY much on topic. Prostitution needs to be not only kept illegal, for the sake of the women and families, but law enforcement needs to clamp down HARD on the pimps and johns.
NV would seem to be a wrench in your opinion since 1937. Open, legal, no trafficking, consenting prostitutes with weekly health checks.
NV would seem to be a wrench in your opinion since 1937. Open, legal, no trafficking, consenting prostitutes with weekly health checks.
May be, but morally wrong on all fronts. Sex belongs EXCLUSIVELY within the bonds of marriage between a man and woman.

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