New York governor inching closer to legalizing prostitution

Please describe the issue of women being kidnapped and forced into prostitution in Denmark.
We'll need police reports, government statistics, personalized accounts backed by police reports.

When they legalized alcohol the crime rate went down.

All the promises of doom and destruction by you and yours end up being nothing more than hyperbole intended to frighten the ignorant.
I'm not ignorant Sparky.
Please respond to the links.

Fortunately for me I've read your lies time and again and need not waste time rereading them.

If you've something to present beyond fear mongering then do so.

Otherwise I'll just report you for derailing the thread.
^ Spewing, trolling and derailing.

Please discuss the links and topic rather than engaing in content-free personal attacks.

New York Governor Kathy Hochul will make $1 million in public funds available to provide health care to sex workers over a span of two years. The money provides funding to two organizations for primary and sexual care, and even dental care, to potential prostitutes.

One of the benefiting organizations, Callen-Lorde, has described itself as one of the "global leaders in LGBTQ+ health care."

On its website, the organization endorses the decriminalization of prostitution: “Callen-Lorde firmly and without reservation supports the health, rights, and dignity of sex workers. We are opposed to laws that disproportionately regulate and criminalize bodily autonomy, sexuality and sexual and reproductive health and rights. We support the total decriminalization of sex work as an important step to protect and respect the human rights of all sex workers,” the website stated.

The organization also celebrated June 2023 legislation signed by Hochul to declare New York state a sanctuary for those who have illegally given children sex-change drugs, hormones, or surgeries.

So once again democrats have taken it upon themselves to make things that are illegal legitimate, like illegal immigration. It is a repetitive behavior of not liking a law and simply ignoring the law whether the law is against prostitution or gender reassignment for children or illegal immigration, etc.

Does this mean that New York will no longer have an issue with Trump paying the sex worker Stormy Daniels all that money to keep quiet about her sex acts?

I'm guessing not. Again, picking and choosing laws you hate and like, all based on political whims is what the democrat party is all about. Sure, you will go to jail for not paying taxes and lying on gun registration forms EXCEPT..............if your last name is Biden.

There is nothing political about it.
The reality is that they only basis for any legal authority is to protect the inherent rights of individual from abuse by others.
With drugs, prostitution, alcohol, etc., there is no one being harmed that you need to defend.
So then all these laws are inherently ILLEGAL.
We illegally imprison millions of people each year.
We have the highest % of imprisoned people in the civilized world.
Having an issue with it is fine.

Disregarding it with exactly zero evidence because you have an ideological prior is not. It being a decade old is rather vacuous anyway considering that nothing has really changed in the last decade that would severely impact this data. Do you have something to base your opinion on other than it comports to your priors? The simple reality that I have seen, essentially, nothing that shows the opposing effect.

What you stated feels very Dunning Kruger.
Exactly; thank you.
Yes, we certainly do see that:

I notice you reference nothing. no study. no facts. Just Statements that you think it will reduce problems around prostitution when it is legalized. This is all the pro side has done.
So good to see rational, on-topic posting. :)
Because that is how G-d designed it.

Humans are primates and evolved from other primates.
Yet there is not a single other primate that is remotely monogamous.
They are tribal, but never form lasting pairs, ever.
Carnivores, birds, whales, etc., may be monogamous, but not a single primate.

This is prostitution. Depending on who you ask, the girl was either kidnapped and forced, or the pimp gave her a job.

Of course legal prostitution will be taken over by organized crime the same was legalized pot was taken over by organized crime. The women will be abused and treated as so many pounds of meat. But the deluded will tell themselves happy fairy tales about these women get medical care and the johns are all forced to wear condoms.
Um, you talk like this is a bad thing. Talk waitresses who work at a Hooters, they are subjected to the same kind of treatment regarding diet.

Yes, women who engage in prostitution often have a whole host of mental illnesses. They wouldn't be prostitutes if they hadn't.

Uh, your side has been threatening the press with violence since 2016... now you are concerned about a reporter? That's adorable.

NOt that I take this report at face value. We've had too many cases of reporters just making shit up for dramatic effect.
My side?

I'm an independent.

Legalization will exponentially increase all of the problems now occurring.

Please read the links and attempt to refute this claim rationally rather than engaging in ongoing irrational personal attacks.

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But he also gets to set the rules as well. Hence the need to keep it EXCLUSIVELY within marriage between a man and woman. All else is sin, according to G-d and His Word.

So if you have reasons why you do not fit into a marriage situation, then you just forget about sex?
No one is ever going to do that.
And they would have a right to kill you if you tried to stop them by force.
Humans are primates and evolved from other primates.
Yet there is not a single other primate that is remotely monogamous.
They are tribal, but never form lasting pairs, ever.
Carnivores, birds, whales, etc., may be monogamous, but not a single primate.
Well, theres lots of things primates do they we, thankfully, do not.
I already linked an actual study by experts in post 260. Here it is again

And I have released my prejudices here considering I absolutely thought it should have been legalized until someone actually brought up studies on the matter and I found that I was utterly incapable of refuting them. There is very little data supporting legalizing prostitution. The vast majority shows that legalizing it actually increases trafficking.

That nothing is being cited by any of the 'pro' side is an indication of this.
Thank you.

I too favored legalization until I educated myself.

This is prostitution. Depending on who you ask, the girl was either kidnapped and forced, or the pimp gave her a job.

Of course legal prostitution will be taken over by organized crime the same was legalized pot was taken over by organized crime. The women will be abused and treated as so many pounds of meat. But the deluded will tell themselves happy fairy tales about these women get medical care and the johns are all forced to wear condoms.

Illegal alcohol, pot, prostitution, etc., was or is taken over by organized crime.
Whenever it is legalized, then organized crime then totally gives up on it because they then can't threaten anyone and control anyone.
Your claim is totally backwards.
What I know is that what we are doing now is not working all that well, would you not agree?
Legalization will make it infinitely worse.

If you'd read the numerous studies posted to the thread that YOU requested, you'd know this.

At this point, you're just trolling.

This is prostitution. Depending on who you ask, the girl was either kidnapped and forced, or the pimp gave her a job.

Of course legal prostitution will be taken over by organized crime the same was legalized pot was taken over by organized crime. The women will be abused and treated as so many pounds of meat. But the deluded will tell themselves happy fairy tales about these women get medical care and the johns are all forced to wear condoms.
It’s 100% pure organized crime now, because it’s illegal.

If it was legal, yeah, there’d still be some organized crime involvement. So what? Making brothels legitimate businesses will decrease mob involvement, make it a safer environment for the girls and generate tax revenue.
From the study

The scale effect of legalized prostitution leads to an expansion of the prostitution market, increasing human trafficking, while the substitution effect reduces demand for trafficked women as legal prostitutes are favored over trafficked ones.
And if prostitutes legal or otherwise cannot compete in the market the need for them goes away.

Try this to ease your mind...

Nevada’s casino history shows that sensible state regulations can greatly reduce if not eliminate bad actors after a vice has been decriminalized. This applies to human trafficking as well. Criminalization, not legalization, increases risks. A survey administered to 4,559 sex trafficking victims who had sought services at European field offices staffed by the International Office for Migration, concluded:
Educate yourself about legalization in Amsterdam and Nevada.

Legalization would create a human rights catastrophe in the US.
My side?

I'm an independent.

Legalization will exponentially increase all of the problems now experienced.

Please read the links and attempt to refute this claim rationally rather thn engaging in ongoing irrational personal attacks.


When it is illegal, then hookers need pimps for protection, they have to deal with cash so have robbery problems, they have to bribe police, pay lawyers, etc.
Legalization always reduces all the problems.
It is legal or ignored on most of the world, and is much less of a problem than it is in the US.
No, it is VERY much on topic. Prostitution needs to be not only kept illegal, for the sake of the women and families, but law enforcement needs to clamp down HARD on the pimps and johns.
Trump suggest the death penalty for traffickers.

I heartily agree.

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