New York governor inching closer to legalizing prostitution

Well, theres lots of things primates do they we, thankfully, do not.

I am not aware of any?
We must have the hereditary instincts of primates.
We could not have evolved to quickly as to have lost them.
And all the things primates do work for them.
So what could they possibly do that it bad?
Educate yourself about legalization in Amsterdam and Nevada.

Legalization would create a human rights catastrophe in the US.
Prostitution will continue whether it’s legal or not. It would be much LESS of a catastrophe if it was legal, with some degree of accountability and legal protections.
Educate yourself about legalization in Amsterdam and Nevada.

Legalization would create a human rights catastrophe in the US.

Everything I have read about Amsterdam or Nevada was positive.
It is when it is illegal that it become rife with crime, extortion, theft, violence, turf wars, etc.
No, I most certainly would not agree. That something is working does not mean there are no problems or that there is no room for improvement. What we are doing now leads to, as the data shows, LESS trafficking. CLEARLY it is working at some level.

Do you think 0 trafficking is possible? Or do you think that we should be taking the most pragmatic approach that leads to the best results? If you are demanding the first then everything is pointless. If you are looking for the latter than I have posted data that shows legalization is far WORSE than what we are doing. Supporting such is not a matter of 'its not working now' because you are supporting policies that lead to worse outcomes.

'What we are doing now is not working all' is a cop out statement. You are using it to hold to a position that works far worse than what we have. I would say that what you are advocating for does not work and that has been shown and what we have now has been shown to work better. This is not something that you can overcome with bland baseless claims but you have to show data that shows legalization actually leads to better outcomes. That you have not posted anything thus far is an indication that you do not have it. Take a look at your priors and ask yourself if you advocate for legalization simply because it fits in with what you want to believe or if you have based your position on reality.
Such a great post.

Thank you. :)
hahaha…I love this shit…Literally every single fucking chance you get you align your filthy indecent positions with the filthy indecent positions of the disgusting Left….EVERY FUCKING TIME!
Ready for school kid?
Porn is regulated, it can’t be found at the street level, the ghetto and barrios….it’s intended to provide you with fantasy jack-off material and not with armed robbery, HIV or the like.
Have you been to Thailand? Where do you think this shit leads….Ghetto fathers pimping their daughters out on the streets so they can pay rent and or cover their fentanyl habit?
Look, I like dirty pussy just like you filthy fucks do…but I like clean streets, decency and a moral order even more.
One minute you filthy bastards claim to be critical thinkers….nuanced as fuck….the next minute you twilight zoners can’t see past your fucking noses….WTF?

braalian Jarlaxle rightwinger
GREAT post, but only some on the left support legalization; it's MUCH more a liberal thing.
It’s 100% pure organized crime now, because it’s illegal.

If it was legal, yeah, there’d still be some organized crime involvement. So what? Making brothels legitimate businesses will decrease mob involvement, make it a safer environment for the girls and generate tax revenue.
A lot of people want to believe this. It makes them feel good.

The old mobs are gone. The cartels are slowly replacing the processes. They will think nothing of attacking a rival bordello and beheading all the girls.

New York wants to Legalize prostitution. It will because it must. There are thousands of vaginas that are fit for nothing but prostitution. More come every day. These are disposable. They will lead short, brutish lives. Taxes will be collected. Inspectors will be paid off. Nice and legal sort of.
Actually this is a position of the very right libertarians.
This is true of SOME libertarians on the right, yes.
It is about freedom and liberty.

The circumstances leading to the vast majority of acts of prostitution are based in desperate want, mental illness, sexual or other abuse, gross immaturity, addiction, and/or being trafficked.
If you want to get paid to have sex, you should be allowed to do so.
See above.
Yep, sure have.
Big surprise. :eek:
But Gigi isn't a democrat--he will lie and tell you that over and over and over.
He really is the most spineless liberal troll here.

At least the USMB uber-trolls don't pretend they aren't liberals.

Back to topic, do educate yourself about legal brothels, both in Nevada and Amsterdam.
I already linked an actual study by experts in post 260. Here it is again

And I have released my prejudices here considering I absolutely thought it should have been legalized until someone actually brought up studies on the matter and I found that I was utterly incapable of refuting them. There is very little data supporting legalizing prostitution. The vast majority shows that legalizing it actually increases trafficking.

That nothing is being cited by any of the 'pro' side is an indication of this.

Historically prostitution has almost always been legal and we then have much more evidence that it has much less harmful effects when legal.
When it is illegal, it is only then we hide the harmful effects and have no data.
In fact, when it is illegal is only when organized crime takes over and reduces the income of those involved, as well as increasing, robbery, theft, murder, beatings, extortion, and all sort of other abuses.
Legalizing the payment for sex between consenting adults does not at all mean the legalization of human trafficking or child prostitution.
Read the links.

Trafficking will remain illegal, but exponentially increase.

This will include the kidnapping of boys and girls as well.
“Pimping your daughter out on the street” would remain 100% as illegal.
Irrelevant; see above.
So you don’t see legal prostitution as a gateway to more sinister shit?
Come on man! but but but….”critical thinking”!
They want their strange, bra, and they want it *legal* so they can avoid any risk or guilt.

The horrendous consequences for women and children do not concern them in the slightest.
hahaha…thats what they said about weed.
COME ON MAN! Wake up!
Thank you.

The pot pimps and trafficking pimps here at USMB are profoundly linked as well.

They do NOT care about human consequence; they wants their vice.
There is nothing political about it.
The reality is that they only basis for any legal authority is to protect the inherent rights of individual from abuse by others.
With drugs, prostitution, alcohol, etc., there is no one being harmed that you need to defend.
So then all these laws are inherently ILLEGAL.
We illegally imprison millions of people each year.
We have the highest % of imprisoned people in the civilized world.
Please read the links posted & then respond.

Thanks, Rigby - you know I'm a fan. :)

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