New York governor inching closer to legalizing prostitution

You cannot drive 100 MPH as that harms other people. Two adults freely choosing to trade money for sex does not.

This is really not all that complicated if you have more than half a brain
It is still morally wrong, no matter how much sugar you slather on it. Sex outside of the faithful, monogamous heterosexual marriage is still sin.
Okay, here's an article about legal brothels in Nevada. They don't seem that bad.

Thanks for the contribution.

Here's a piece about a lawsuit filed by two women in Nevada; it's from the main Las Vegas newspaper:

Lawsuit aims to end prostitution in Nevada

Williams and the California woman, identified in the suit as Jane Doe, allege that because of legal prostitution in rural Nevada counties, they were forced into sex acts through “fraud and coercion – including psychological manipulation and debt bondage – in legal strip clubs, legal escort businesses,” and the Chicken Ranch Brothel in Pahrump.
Nevada, which “in turn failed to enforce or violated state and federal laws against prostitution, prostitution advertising, debt bondage, and sex trafficking, has allowed sex traffickers to operate in Nevada with impunity.
He really is the most spineless liberal troll here.

At least the USMB uber-trolls don't pretend they aren't liberals.

Back to topic, do educate yourself about legal brothels, both in Nevada and Amsterdam.
As I've said, have you ever been to one or are you basing your opinion on that of a biased woman?
I'm not plowing through 21 pages of posts to find a link.
You could and should have responded to the numerous links when they were posted, and can easily find them now.

But you wish to continue denying reality, playing games, and trolling.
If you want to discuss a specific link, post it in the thread.
See above; you're playing games/trolling.
Would I want a woman I cared about working at a legal brothel? Absolutely not.
This pretty much ends the discussion; thank you for your candor.
Some women, though, that's a good career choice. It's what they do well.
Point is, everything bad associated with prostitution is a result of it's illegality. the exploitation of women, spread of diseases, etc.
Read the links, or continue trolling - your choice.
If my employer abuses me, I have recourse to the law. I can always quit, I can always report them to the Department of Labor, OSHA, the EPA if I see stuff I don't like.
I just posted a link about such a lawsuit.
You make prostitution legal, prostitutes will have the same rights as other workers.

This isn't complicated.
Read and respond to the links, or continue to troll - your choice.

It isn't complicated. :)
failed to enforce or violated state and federal laws against prostitution, prostitution advertising, debt bondage, and sex trafficking, has allowed sex traffickers to operate in Nevada with impunity.
If the laws were not enforced--then they were operating illegally. Legality does nothing if the law is not enforced. BTW, NV is the only state with limited legal prostitution. How do explain the fact that human trafficking is a problem in all 50 states. What is their excuse.
If the laws were not enforced--then they were operating illegally.

But under color of legal operation.
Legality does nothing if the law is not enforced.
Legalizing prostitution will be catastrophic.
BTW, NV is the only state with limited legal prostitution.
How do explain the fact that human trafficking is a problem in all 50 states. What is their excuse.
^ This makes no sense.
You cannot drive 100 MPH as that harms other people. Two adults freely choosing to trade money for sex does not.
Does it? I’ve driven 100 mph many times and never hurt anyone.
It’s more about that I COULD harm someone isn’t?
This is really not all that complicated if you have more than half a brain
“Critical thinkers” know there is collateral damage and unintended consequences related to prostitution….Anyone with 1/4 of a brain knows this.
And a thriving illegal prostitution trade right along side of the legal trade.
Because (yet again) it's not actually legal in Vegas.
Illegal alcohol, pot, prostitution, etc., was or is taken over by organized crime.
Whenever it is legalized, then organized crime then totally gives up on it because they then can't threaten anyone and control anyone.
Your claim is totally backwards.
That's the crazy cat lady: often wrong but always certain.
“Critical thinkers” know there is collateral damage and unintended consequences related to prostitution….Anyone with 1/4 of a brain knows this.

There is collateral damage and unintended consequences to everything we do day in and day out.

How much of it do you want the amazing nanny state government to keep you safe from since you seem to lack the ability to do so yourself.
There is collateral damage and unintended consequences to everything we do day in and day out.

How much of it do you want the amazing nanny state government to keep you safe from since you seem to lack the ability to do so yourself.
You just don’t get it do you?
This nation isn’t comprised of good, moral, decent, responsible people anymore. With more filth HAS to come more government interference. Government has to protect the interests of its best citizens. You should be proud of your globalist self…you built this new shithole.
This nation isn’t comprised of good, moral, decent, responsible people anymore.

It never has been.

Good moral, decent people do not own other human beings.

Good moral, decent people do not commit genocide against people so you can take their land for your own

Good moral, decent people do not slaughter almost to extension a spices of animal just for sport.

Good moral, decent people do not treat people unjustly just because they do not look like them.
If the laws were not enforced--then they were operating illegally.
Failure to enforce laws doesn't determine whether or not people were operating illegally my friend. In fact, in most cases it would indicate that there were no illegal actions for the authorities to pursue!
It never has been.

Good moral, decent people do not own other human beings.

Good moral, decent people do not commit genocide against people so you can take their land for your own

Good moral, decent people do not slaughter almost to extension a spices of animal just for sport.

Good moral, decent people do not treat people unjustly just because they do not look like them.
America and Americans are guilty of all those crimes, but are still considered to be moral, godly, decent, and just!

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