New York Judgment Against Trump Violates the Eighth Amendment

It would be worth a Florida DA's time to dig into all the deals they made. Could unearth some very lucrative court cases.
The only one who would have jurisdiction is Orange County in Florida, and he isn't going to fuck the county's biggest employer.

I just did my honeymoon in Orlando. The whole economy is built on Disney.
Two people were arrested for passing a fraudulent diary without permission.

When Ashley herself holds a press conference and says this happened, then I will take it seriously. Not when someone passes off a fake diary they could have written something on.
Oh bull crap, you loons love your pedophiles.
The banks took Trump's word for it, that was the problem.
Then they should be guilty of financial malpractice and people should be getting fired. Yet, they're not. It couldn't be because there were no damages, could it?
The banks get their own appraisals. You're an idiot.
It amazes me that the usual suspects blithely assume that banks don't bother to either make sure they trust an applicant or do due diligence in checking the offered value of collateral. "Oh, no, they'll loan anybody millions based on the stated value of Grandpa's farm".
Then they should be guilty of financial malpractice and people should be getting fired. Yet, they're not. It couldn't be because there were no damages, could it?
Not only were there no damages, but the bank made $100 mil on the deal. That’s why they did it: they were eager to get this whale of a client, and were thrilled they did.
And if it turned to shit like so many other Trump deals, who would have been on the hook?

The taxpayers.
No, THEN the bank could sue for damages. As it is nobody was hurt.

Besides, I don’t hear you complaining about the illegals costing taxpayers $100 billion year.
Again, that's like saying because I didn't hit any kids going through a school zone at 55 MPH, I shouldn't get a ticket.
And would your ticket be $350 million? Nope. The ticket would be about $200.

The penalty of $350 million is politically driven, in an effort to destroy the #1 Republican opponent, and will be overturned.
No, THEN the bank could sue for damages. As it is nobody was hurt.

Besides, I don’t hear you complaining about the illegals costing taxpayers $100 billion year.
Probably because they produce far more than that in the long run.

My father was an immigrant, and my wife is an immigrant.

I'm fine with immigrants.

And would your ticket be $350 million? Nope. The ticket would be about $200.

The penalty of $350 million is politically driven, in an effort to destroy the #1 Republican opponent, and will be overturned.
The fine for speeding in a school zone would be $1000.00. I almost promise you, though if I did that, the cop would have me bent over the hood of my car while his partner searched my trunk for other things. ANd God Help me if I were black.

here's the thing, If I did that, it would have probably been a simple mistake.

Trump and his cronies plotted for years to defraud the banks, the tax agencies, and the public about the value of his company. This is not a simple mistake.
Again, that's like saying because I didn't hit any kids going through a school zone at 55 MPH, I shouldn't get a ticket.
Actually, it's more like you were in a crowd of people who all crossed the street in the middle of the block at the same time to get to a popular bar on the other side, and a cop arrested you. Only you, no one else. You were eventually found guilty, had your car and house seized to pay a $100,000 fine and you were barred from ever going downtown to visit that bar again. Just you, nobody else got so much as a warning to cross only on the crosswalk. Then the Chief of Police went public to tell everyone that they don't need to worry about getting in trouble because he's only going to apply the law to you. After all, you're icky and weird people hate you. Sure, that's fair and right and just, you broke the law, right? Who cares that you're the only one who got in trouble for doing it and no one was hurt?

I do believe there is something about applying laws equally, and penalties being assigned commensurate with damages suffered. In this case, the bank suffered no losses, the state suffered no losses, no one suffered any losses. But oh, you screech, he broke the law. Yeah, and people who cross the street in the middle of the block when there are no cars coming break the law as well. Do they deserve draconian penalties for doing so?
And if it turned to shit like so many other Trump deals, who would have been on the hook?

The taxpayers.
The bank would THEN have sued Trump for damages, and Trump would have lost and be forced to pay the bank what he owes.

None of that happened. The bank made $100 million on the deal, and Trump was able to provide hundreds of jobs to NYC taxpayers. Everyone won.
Probably because they produce far more than that in the long run.

My father was an immigrant, and my wife is an immigrant.

I'm fine with immigrants.
I‘m talking about the unskilled, entitled, lowlifes coming in illegally, and you know it.
The fine for speeding in a school zone would be $1000.00. I almost promise you, though if I did that, the cop would have me bent over the hood of my car while his partner searched my trunk for other things. ANd God Help me if I were black.

here's the thing, If I did that, it would have probably been a simple mistake.

Trump and his cronies plotted for years to defraud the banks, the tax agencies, and the public about the value of his company. This is not a simple mistake.
Huh? He paid back the bank, with $100 million interest to boot. There was no crime, no damages, and no victim. This miscarriage of justice designed to interfere with the election will not only be overturned, but independents are more likely to vote AGAINST Biden because they don’t like these Democrat Gestapo tactics.
Actually, it's more like you were in a crowd of people who all crossed the street in the middle of the block at the same time to get to a popular bar on the other side, and a cop arrested you. Only you, no one else. You were eventually found guilty, had your car and house seized to pay a $100,000 fine and you were barred from ever going downtown to visit that bar again. Just you, nobody else got so much as a warning to cross only on the crosswalk. Then the Chief of Police went public to tell everyone that they don't need to worry about getting in trouble because he's only going to apply the law to you. After all, you're icky and weird people hate you. Sure, that's fair and right and just, you broke the law, right? Who cares that you're the only one who got in trouble for doing it and no one was hurt?

I do believe there is something about applying laws equally, and penalties being assigned commensurate with damages suffered. In this case, the bank suffered no losses, the state suffered no losses, no one suffered any losses. But oh, you screech, he broke the law. Yeah, and people who cross the street in the middle of the block when there are no cars coming break the law as well. Do they deserve draconian penalties for doing so?
Can you imagine if this Gestapo tactic was used against Obama or Hillary? The Dems would be crying racist or sexist.

But because it’s Trump, they’ll full steam ahead,

I‘m thinking this is so egregious that it won’t even have to go to the US Supreme Court. The NY Supreme Court could rule its an obvious violation of the 8th Amendment.

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