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New York Morons Allow Muslim To Be a Judge

There are some versions of the Koran that maybe oughta be considered illegal.. Like the Wahabist English translations that the Saudis love to buy for us.. But no -- Koran is not illegal in a legal proceeding if there is a relevance to bringing it into the discussion..
I'v read 18 translations of the Koran, since 1959. ALL of them are Islam supremacist, and loaded with things illegal under US laws. Doesn't matter what version of the Koran you read. It's about Islam. Just the meaning of the word Islam in Arabic, tells it all. It means Submission.
Now the New York loonies have declared 2 Muslim days as holidays, with the public schools closed, and the kids off from school. Another example of New York off its rocker, and another reason why any sensible person would get the hell out of that nutjob city as fast as they can - as I did 40 years ago (and it wasn't nearly as bad then as it is now).
Why? He's a natural born US citizen, and there is no religious test to hold public office. Your bigotry is showing.
I have explained why many times, but OK here we go again for the 200th time. The process of swearing in has to do with the truth being maintained, while the person is in office (or testifying in courtrooms). Tis works with the Bible, where in Judaism and Christianity lying is forbidden. This however, is not at all the case with Islam, as lying is not only accepted in Islam it (taqiyya), is encouraged as long as the lying somehow promotes Islam. This is why the Koran has no application to a swearing in process, and using it in that way is absurd.

Also, I have no connection to your post mentioning religion, as I do not accept Islam to be a religion. That whole notion I find to be preposterous.
Not only have the ultra-libbies in la la land New York City allowed a Muslim woman to be a judge, but incredibly they swore her in on a Koran. This shows a complete ignorance of 2 things. 1) the swearing in process, and what it represents and 2) Islam, and its insidious policy of taqiyya.

Swearing in judges, congressmen, witnesses in courtrooms, etc all have one thing in common. It is meant to have the person being sworn in, adhere to the TRUTH. That is relevant with the Bible, which has a principle of forbidding lying. But Islam has no such principle. In fact, Islam encourages lying (taqiyya), wherever/whenever the lying is somehow productive for Islam.

So having a Koran, used in swearing in a judge is about as idiotic as it gets. No wait it minute. It gets even more idiotic. This Muslim judge has shown her bias in 2 ways. She wears a hijab (head scarf) in the courtroom, and she has banned the Bible fro the courtroom. HA HA. This is so absurd, it's hard to believe mature adults anywhere in America could be dong this. Well, what do you expect in a city that doesn't allow people to even carry pepper spray to defend themselves, and elects a looney-tune like Bill DeBlasio to be their mayor ? Has anyone ever accused New Yorkers of being sane ? (or the least bit intelligent)

Muslim Judge Bans Bible From Her Courtroom, Replaces It With This Disturbing Book...

Here's the nutjob responses of a Facebook user (just to show how detached some people are on all this)

1. "Doesn’t matter if it’s a bible or a holy quran,"

2. "If we don’t allow all to be equal and free, then we lose the essence that makes us truly american,”
EARTH TO FACEBOOK USER:We make distinctions in lots of things. We DON'T allow all to be equal and free. We separate law-abiding people from criminals (with the criminals in prisons). We screen out unqualified people in job hiring, and only hire the qualified. Likewise, we should screen taqiyya-practicing Muslims out from being judges, or any jobs involving court proceedings, since their taqiyya culture disqualifies them from the truthfulness required.

3. "christian judges don’t follow the bible when they pass a verdict,"
EARTH TO FACEBOOK USER:They most certainly DO, and that Bible that requires them to be truthful, is WHY it is used in the swearing in process.

Facebook users who don't know their ass from their elbow about Islam, (or apparentlyour judicial system) should keep their mouths shut until they do. What Islam ass-kissers all seem to have in common is IGNORANCE of Islam. New York City may be a complete loss to the lunatic fringe, and its numbskulls probably can't be cured at this far-gone point, but that doesn't mean that sane & intelligent Americans should endorse their idiocy.

she's actually a lovely woman.

but bigoted losers wouldn't understand that.
Anyone hear the latest on what New York City goofballs are doing in their public schools ? They are now forcing the poor kids to not only learn the ABCs in English, but now they must learn them in Spanish as well. Like school isn't tough enough already, for a first grader, right ? Somebody needs to take these multiculturalist nutjobs to the woodshed.
Anyone hear the latest on what New York City goofballs are doing in their public schools ? They are now forcing the poor kids to not only learn the ABCs in English, but now they must learn them in Spanish as well. Like school isn't tough enough already, for a first grader, right ? Somebody needs to take these multiculturalist nutjobs to the woodshed.

what are you talking about idiot.... my son graduated out of NYC public schools and that's simply a lie.

WTF is that thing on her head...Is she being attacked by a leopard???
Why? He's a natural born US citizen, and there is no religious test to hold public office. Your bigotry is showing.
I have explained why many times, but OK here we go again for the 200th time. The process of swearing in has to do with the truth being maintained, while the person is in office (or testifying in courtrooms). Tis works with the Bible, where in Judaism and Christianity lying is forbidden. This however, is not at all the case with Islam, as lying is not only accepted in Islam it (taqiyya), is encouraged as long as the lying somehow promotes Islam. This is why the Koran has no application to a swearing in process, and using it in that way is absurd.

Also, I have no connection to your post mentioning religion, as I do not accept Islam to be a religion. That whole notion I find to be preposterous.
So...you seem to believe that Jews and Christians can't lie because their "religion" forbids it. :lmao:
So tell us...why is this woman unqualified to be judge?
By asking that question that shows that you are totally ignorant about Islam. Don't you know that >>

1. Islam is an unconstitutional, supremacist ideology (masquerading as a religion)

2. Islam is also illegal by virtue of its sedition (violation of US Codes 2384 & 2385)

3. Islam (the Koran) advocates (if not commands) the violation of scores of US laws (murder, rape, wife-beating, pedophila, slavery, sex discrimination, torture/mutilation, animal cruelty, theft, etc). It is a square peg that does not fit into American law and culture. The last job any Muslim should ever be permitted to hold in America would be a judge. Muslims are strictly committed to follow Islamic law, and are disconnected from other law and culture, and this woman proved that right off the bat, by wearing a hijab, and banning the Bible from her courtroom. Basically, true Muslims (as this woman is) do not consider themselves to be nationals of any nation (such as the USA), Their only nation is the Umma, and its law, the Koran.
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So...you seem to believe that Jews and Christians can't lie because their "religion" forbids it. :lmao:
Can or cannot isn't the point. What is used in the swearing in ceremony is. You don't use a book that promotes lying, while promoting them to tell the truth. You don't use a baseball bat to play football. You don't use a Koran to swear someone in.
So...you seem to believe that Jews and Christians can't lie because their "religion" forbids it. :lmao:
Can or cannot isn't the point. What is used in the swearing in ceremony is. You don't use a book that promotes lying, while promoting them to tell the truth. You don't use a baseball bat to play football. You don't use a Koran to swear someone in.
The Bible promotes lying.....because it sure doesn't stop the "christianistas" here from lying on a daily basis.

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