New York Rep. Says Biden is a ‘Low IQ Individual’ And ‘Severely Cognitively Impaired’

Yep. Joe was never very smart. He plagiarized. He's always wrong. Everything he touches turns to shit.
Yep. All the signs of a very low IQ.
Sam Donaldson back in the 80's said biden was too dumb to be president.

This video should highlight just how low political discourse has fallen in America. Three decades back, Biden was declared too immoral and too dumb to do the job of president. And that was without many of the problems he has today.
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Rep Tenney hasn’t met with Biden ever. She’s never talked to him in person. She’s never been in a meeting with him. Below is Biden’s calendar. Prove me wrong. You can’t. Another lie from you. Mods should ban you.

Rep Tenney hasn’t met with Biden ever. She’s never talked to him in person. She’s never been in a meeting with him. Below is Biden’s calendar. Prove me wrong. You can’t. Another lie from you. Mods should ban you.

Do you really have to meet him in person to aknowledge he's way over his head?
You'll have your opportunity on November 5th, 2024. Until then, deal with it.
Even if Republicans magically take back both houses next ain't gonna happen.
Rep Tenney hasn’t met with Biden ever. She’s never talked to him in person. She’s never been in a meeting with him. Below is Biden’s calendar. Prove me wrong. You can’t. Another lie from you. Mods should ban you.

That is supposed to be relevant? How?

You could take the dumbest poster on this board which could be you and even you would be better qualified to be President than biden.

The idiot is a absolute joke and a insult to the American people.

The democratic party will rue the day they selected this phoney.
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Potatohead's stupidity has always been known. He has been a worthless clown all these years in Congress. Even Obama said don't ever underestimate the ability of Biden to screw something up.

He has always been on the wrong side of every issue.

He is not smart. He is not a hard worker. He is not articulate. He ain't anything.

These Moon Bats were idiots voting for him and then dismissing the fact he stole the election. We are paying the price for their stupidity now. However, as bad as it is it will only get worse.
I think the majority now realizes that.

What can be done?

Joe Biden is not a low IQ person. He's a fuckin' retard. :laughing0301:

bidens short bus.jpg
You'll have your opportunity on November 5th, 2024. Until then, deal with it.
Even if Republicans magically take back both houses next ain't gonna happen.
oh it won't be magic...i am expecting another historic election, bigger wave then 2010
Biden and Trump should be sitting in the old folks home telling stories.

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