New York School Under Fire For Attempted Brainwash of Kids (Comparing the Police to the KKK)

Lucy Hamilton

Diamond Member
Oct 30, 2015
So this school in New York is under fire and White Parents aka White Supremacists ( :rolleyes-41: ) are angry that some Leftist aka Communist Teacher paid to Brainwash their young children into HATING THEMSELVES AND HATING AMERICA and now also it seems to be Brainwashed into thinking the Police = KKK and Slave Owners from The Slave Trade that ended more than 200 years ago.





^^^^ Well as Ania Paternostro is a native of POLAND, there IS the PROBLEM, Poland is a White Supremacist nation FULL of White Supremacists because they REFUSE to ALLOW Poland to be destroyed and turned into a Third World Shit Hole by opening the door to allow feral Africans and feral Mooselimbs in to turn Poland into....I don't know Sweden or Londonstan or Minnesotstan :rolleyes-41:


^^^^ Like Mother Like Daughter, the daughter is also upset at the Cultural Marxist attempt at Brainwashing her and the other children in her class, in typical FASHION the Cultural Marxist's Thug Mob on Social Media has ganged up on the girl calling her "racist" for blowing the whistle on the ACTUAL RACISTS who this New York school is EMPLOYING to BRAINWASH the children.

As ALL these Leftist aka Communist Teachers have the CHILDREN'S ADDRESSES, it's VERY easy then for them to ask ALL the children:

"Do you support BLM?" "Do your parents support Donald Trump?"

And if any of the children answer "No" and "Yes" then these Leftist aka Communist Teachers can pass the ADDRESSES of the children to Antifa and BLM so they can go and TERRORISE them and possibly threaten to torch their houses with THEM inside etc

The below is what the Cultural Marxists are giving their footsoldiers who are being PAID to Brainwash American children with the below UGLY Propaganda so they ALL grow up into GOOD Self Hating WHITES, who HATE the Police and HATE America and HATE The West, the below is the ACTUAL full set of Propaganda Hate Literature that this Communist Christopher Moreno is being PAID to push at children and IF this is happening in this school in New York it is very probably happening in ALL of the schools:







People Rod grew up with had PO and teachers for parents. In their 60's now they are pushing for more government control and they believe that they are entitled to tell everyone else that they must support them. Its a scourge.
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So this school in New York is under fire and White Parents aka White Supremacists ( :rolleyes-41: ) are angry that some Leftist aka Communist Teacher paid to Brainwash their young children into HATING THEMSELVES AND HATING AMERICA and now also it seems to be Brainwashed into thinking the Police = KKK and Slave Owners from The Slave Trade that ended more than 200 years ago.

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^^^^ Well as Ania Paternostro is a native of POLAND, there IS the PROBLEM, Poland is a White Supremacist nation FULL of White Supremacists because they REFUSE to ALLOW Poland to be destroyed and turned into a Third World Shit Hole by opening the door to allow feral Africans and feral Mooselimbs in to turn Poland into....I don't know Sweden or Londonstan or Minnesotstan :rolleyes-41:

View attachment 388577

^^^^ Like Mother Like Daughter, the daughter is also upset at the Cultural Marxist attempt at Brainwashing her and the other children in her class, in typical FASHION the Cultural Marxist's Thug Mob on Social Media has ganged up on the girl calling her "racist" for blowing the whistle on the ACTUAL RACISTS who this New York school is EMPLOYING to BRAINWASH the children.

As ALL these Leftist aka Communist Teachers have the CHILDREN'S ADDRESSES, it's VERY easy then for them to ask ALL the children:

"Do you support BLM?" "Do your parents support Donald Trump?"

And if any of the children answer "No" and "Yes" then these Leftist aka Communist Teachers can pass the ADDRESSES of the children to Antifa and BLM so they can go and TERRORISE them and possibly threaten to torch their houses with THEM inside etc

The below is what the Cultural Marxists are giving their footsoldiers who are being PAID to Brainwash American children with the below UGLY Propaganda so they ALL grow up into GOOD Self Hating WHITES, who HATE the Police and HATE America and HATE The West, the below is the ACTUAL full set of Propaganda Hate Literature that this Communist Christopher Moreno is being PAID to push at children and IF this is happening in this school in New York it is very probably happening in ALL of the schools:

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^^^^ #DEFUNDTHESCHOOLS All schools that are shown to be Indoctrinating young children in ANY way with the above type of RACIST and HATE Propaganda should be Defunded on ALL levels.
So this school in New York is under fire and White Parents aka White Supremacists ( :rolleyes-41: ) are angry that some Leftist aka Communist Teacher paid to Brainwash their young children into HATING THEMSELVES AND HATING AMERICA and now also it seems to be Brainwashed into thinking the Police = KKK and Slave Owners from The Slave Trade that ended more than 200 years ago.

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^^^^ Well as Ania Paternostro is a native of POLAND, there IS the PROBLEM, Poland is a White Supremacist nation FULL of White Supremacists because they REFUSE to ALLOW Poland to be destroyed and turned into a Third World Shit Hole by opening the door to allow feral Africans and feral Mooselimbs in to turn Poland into....I don't know Sweden or Londonstan or Minnesotstan :rolleyes-41:

View attachment 388577

^^^^ Like Mother Like Daughter, the daughter is also upset at the Cultural Marxist attempt at Brainwashing her and the other children in her class, in typical FASHION the Cultural Marxist's Thug Mob on Social Media has ganged up on the girl calling her "racist" for blowing the whistle on the ACTUAL RACISTS who this New York school is EMPLOYING to BRAINWASH the children.

As ALL these Leftist aka Communist Teachers have the CHILDREN'S ADDRESSES, it's VERY easy then for them to ask ALL the children:

"Do you support BLM?" "Do your parents support Donald Trump?"

And if any of the children answer "No" and "Yes" then these Leftist aka Communist Teachers can pass the ADDRESSES of the children to Antifa and BLM so they can go and TERRORISE them and possibly threaten to torch their houses with THEM inside etc

The below is what the Cultural Marxists are giving their footsoldiers who are being PAID to Brainwash American children with the below UGLY Propaganda so they ALL grow up into GOOD Self Hating WHITES, who HATE the Police and HATE America and HATE The West, the below is the ACTUAL full set of Propaganda Hate Literature that this Communist Christopher Moreno is being PAID to push at children and IF this is happening in this school in New York it is very probably happening in ALL of the schools:

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What does the oppression of a minority by the authority and race of humans under a capitalist system have to do with communism which did not exit in theory for much of the period of forced enslavement in a nation?

Who ELSE pushes this SHIT except the Cultural Marxists? That's right Mr. Moon NOBODY does, ONLY the Cultural Marxist's push this.
Who pushes it? People with a conscience which is not what the humans have while they enslaved humans...The cops and the KKK have always been at the black man's throat and if you want to deny what actually happens in the US you are free to do so but don't try to mask it over by calling it cultural Marxism, it's called cultural payback now that certain groups can speak freely. But at least you will be happy to know that Marx did elaborate on one issue,"A struggle of class and against class is a political struggle"..Which is not something that started with Marx but the era of enlightenment(US and French revolutions) to the period of the age of revolution (19th century). An entire set of circumstances when Marx wrote his theory unlike today's situation.
This is the perfect time to pull your children out of public in the cost of a private school is on its way thanks to Trump....start looking for an opening....private or Christian schools will teach not just indoctrinate....
This is typical indoctrination in the public schools, not only in NY, but all over this great nation.
Schools weren't like this until the government created the Dept. of Education under Carter.

This type of Indoctrination attempted Brainwashing of children to think ALL Police are evil and murderous is beyond disgusting. Yes there are SOME Police who are bad, but the MAJORITY of Police are not bad and are out there 24/7 putting their own lives on the line to protect their Communities.

The other day we had that wicked act of shooting two LA Sheriff's Deputies with the INTENT to kill them, thankfully both will survive, but what did those two Deputies do to ask for some POS to walk up to their vehicle with the intent to murder them?

The type of Indoctrination that I illustrate in my OP can only result in more murder attempts at the Police and not only that create a new Generation who will have been Brainwashed to hate the Police and think they DESERVE to be murdered.
Who pushes it? People with a conscience which is not what the humans have while they enslaved humans...The cops and the KKK have always been at the black man's throat and if you want to deny what actually happens in the US you are free to do so but don't try to mask it over by calling it cultural Marxism, it's called cultural payback now that certain groups can speak freely. But at least you will be happy to know that Marx did elaborate on one issue,"A struggle of class and against class is a political struggle"..Which is not something that started with Marx but the era of enlightenment(US and French revolutions) to the period of the age of revolution (19th century). An entire set of circumstances when Marx wrote his theory unlike today's situation.
Cultural Marxism is exactly what this is brainwashing children and teaching them all police are
evil racist slave masters.

Twisted hate and evil intent taught to the young and impressionable is how two Sheriffs wound up with a bullet in their skulls just the other day..

What the hell happened to you to make you such a brainless dupe?

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