New York Slimes article


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Aug 30, 2011
Opinion | Stop Beating Black Children

Now some of this article is nonsense (shocker), but the purpose of the article is to call on black parents to stop beating their kids. I have to agree with the sentiment. It's poor parenting that is really the crux of black suffering. Black parents kill more than 300 of their own kids every year by trying to "discipline" them. But even more than that these parents are conditioning these kids to violent behavior. It's not ok to use violence against someone every time you're upset, and if a kid sees that every time his mom or dad gets angry they are violent, then that kid has more of a chance of being a violent person when they grow up. Hard corporal punishment should be unacceptable in today's society. I feel like people want to complain about black people at all times, but they rarely offer up any solutions. There's obviously a cultural problem, yes, but things have gotten better and can get better moving forward. I think the beatings these young black children take from their parents is a big part of the problem, and it should be talked about more.
Yeah, I stopped reading when he started whining about slavery.

It's interesting the child abuse numbers are so much higher for blacks. That is a number to look at some more and ask why.
Child abuse is not exclusive to blacks. I tend to think it is more common to people of low IQs.
Yeah. I say with disgust. We get lectures from the left about racism and violence, and we have "Black Lives Maters" folks protesting in the streets. But, it takes you breath away, we need to remind black parents NOT to BEAT their children? Shhh. Listen. Hear that? that is the sound of a topic going over peoples heads.

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