Hillary did not concede immediately

But she DID concede...

And in a timely manner...

And did not invent lies about being cheated...

And, with a far greater show of grace-and-class than her competitor...

When her competitor was inaugurated, she showed-up at the ceremony...

As an outward manifestation of belief in the principle of a Peaceful Transfer of Power...

Caring more about Country than Self...

Something the Orange Baboon-God doesn't have in him...
You must have stopped listening to her after she lost. She whines even today.
ALL of our history Presidents had a peaceful transition

Until Trump
Contested elections have happened in the past, read some history. That being said, the 'winner' never jailed those who protested. Biden is the first for that.
Contested elections have happened in the past, read some history. That being said, the 'winner' never jailed those who protested. Biden is the first for that.

Even in contested elections, a sitting President peacefully transititioned to the incoming President

Beyond Trumps Jan 6 Insurrection, Trump refused to meet with the incoming President to discuss major issues like Afghanistan withdrawal and COVID Vaccine deployment

Why Trump was our worst President
Even in contested elections, a sitting President peacefully transititioned to the incoming President

Beyond Trumps Jan 6 Insurrection, Trump refused to meet with the incoming President to discuss major issues like Afghanistan withdrawal and COVID Vaccine deployment

Why Trump was our worst President
You are making stuff up. There was no Jan 6 insurrection either. How do you come to think Biden did not talk to Trump?
Transitions is not the question. Blabbing hey all of you, I lost is much more recent.

Trump will go down in history as a Crybaby Loser

A President so unwilling to admit he was badly beaten that he tried to steal the election through an insurrection
You are making stuff up. There was no Jan 6 insurrection either. How do you come to think Biden did not talk to Trump?

Jan 6 was an insurrection

An attempt by Trump to seize power by sending a mob to stop Congress from naming Biden the winner.

To do this, Trump created a LIE that the election was stolen, that HE was the true winner and use fake electors to declare himself the winner
Jan 6 was an insurrection

An attempt by Trump to seize power by sending a mob to stop Congress from naming Biden the winner.

To do this, Trump created a LIE that the election was stolen, that HE was the true winner and use fake electors to declare himself the winner
Trump would already be in prison were that true.
Jan 6 was an insurrection

An attempt by Trump to seize power by sending a mob to stop Congress from naming Biden the winner.

To do this, Trump created a LIE that the election was stolen, that HE was the true winner and use fake electors to declare himself the winner
Garland never prosecuted Trump. Try again...

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