New York State Bars Anyone Under 18 From Getting Married

Once again a FASCIST demonRAT takes away a citizens RIGHT to do something that is NOT ILLEGAL to start with..... it is all about CONTROLING your right to do what you want!

Epoch Times ^ | 07/23/2021 | Zachary Steiber

New Yorkers under 18 will not be able to get married soon, even if they have permission from parents.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed a bill on Thursday that raises the age of consent to 18.

A previous bill targeting child marriage, signed by Cuomo in 2017, raised the age of consent from 14 to 18 and barred anyone under 17 from getting married.

Seventeen-year-olds were still able to get married with consent from parents and a judge. The new measure ends that exception.

“Any marriage in which either party is under the age of eighteen years is hereby prohibited,” the bill states, replacing 17 with 18.

“This administration fought hard to successfully end child marriage in New York and I’m proud to sign this legislation to strengthen our laws and further protect vulnerable children from exploitation,” Cuomo, a Democrat, said in a statement. “Children should be allowed to live their childhood and I thank the many legislators and advocates who worked diligently to advance this measure and further prevent forced marriages in this state.”

State Sen. Julia Salazar, a Democrat who co-sponsored the bill, said that minors, no matter how mature, “lack sufficient legal rights and autonomy that they need to protect them if they enter a marriage contract before becoming adults.”

“The vast majority of minors who enter a marriage are teenage girls, and getting married before adulthood often has devastating consequences for them,” she said.

The measure will go into effect 30 days from the signing.


The minors can't get married, but they sure as hell can get an abortion without informing their parents!!!!!

Wait a minute: This is coming from Andrew Cuomo, the serial sex abuser? So far EIGHT WOMAN have made allegations against RANDY ANDY, Who of course got away with that just like he is getting away with killing AT LEAST 6200, N.Y. State elderly by sending COVID INFECTED people into mandatory placement in N. Y. nursing homes!


And in another Cuomo getting away with murder issue....

So let me get this straight.

You support children getting married.

So, if the girl gets knock up, (because I seriously doubt he's going be able to prevent them from screwing) marriage is not an option anymore, just unwed motherhood or abortion? What a dumb ass!

So you support children getting married?
So you support children getting married?
Puberty and "menarche" are facts of life. Girls are physically or medically capable of getting pregnant and bearing children as teenagers, law or no law, consent or no consent.

High school girls are partying, dating boys, getting pregnant, and you are demanding an abortion and a boyfriend dumping.

And there's an older man all set up to marry the girl as soon as she comes of age, but it’s got to be his child she brings to term and raises, not the high school sweethearts.

And the ex boyfriend who was a minor at the time is screwed, and that's just as bad as being a registered sex offender, because he was supposed to let the older men have the girls and wait his turn on the dating scene, until he had money and real estate and a nice income from a good paying steady job.
And Cuomo couldn't help himself...he just had to get some of that? Yeah...he's a sick fuck.
They aren't that innocent at 25 though. Office girls talk a lot of shit and sex this sex that all day long. You've never been in an office where a bunch of young women hated their jobs and had no future.
Why do we, as a people, have to ask the gov't for permission to be married at all?
Do we? Seems like we, as a people, can be married however we want. But if we want the government to recognize that marriage ceremony as legitimate, and treat it like a real marriage (for purposes of tax minimization and otherwise), then it seems the requirement of a willing partner to the marriage is obviously necessary. I don't support tax breaks and special legal treatment for people who "marry" 2-year-olds, for example. Nor do you, I hope. The concept is that government has to set an age at which people whose "marriage" is presumed legitimate and legally respected. You can disagree about what the right age is, but do you really think government does not have to make that determination at all? As in, do you really feel government has to "respect" someone's marriage to a 2-year-old, with the theory that marriage is none of the government's business no matter what?
They aren't that innocent at 25 though. Office girls talk a lot of shit and sex this sex that all day long. You've never been in an office where a bunch of young women hated their jobs and had no future. you're just being over-the-top stupid.

Poor Andrew...just couldn't help himself.
I think we can all agree that Cuomo trying to date a 25 y/o woman is icky....that he had her moved to another job after she complained is criminal in my view.
So what do you think should happen to Governor Cuomo? Or more importantly, what do you think will happen to Governor Cuomo?
As in, do you really feel government has to "respect" someone's marriage to a 2-year-old, with the theory that marriage is none of the government's business no matter what?
Sounds like a child support obligation or custody dispute. Medically, physically, the 2-year old kid has to have both a mommy and daddy, to have been conceived and born. Statistically, they are both still alive in the same town and see each other from time to time.

Being "married" to a 2-year-old kid, is yet again, is a fact of life, especially if the other parent isn't present.
So what do you think should happen to Governor Cuomo? Or more importantly, what do you think will happen to Governor Cuomo?
On the strength of just the sexual allegations?
He should resign. If not, impeached. If he tried to hit on a 25 y/o state employee....A--it's a hostile work environment he's created and B--it's sick and perverted.

What will happen? Nothing. He is, after all, a powerful male politician. Tale as old as time.
Sounds like a child support obligation or custody dispute. Medically, physically, the 2-year old kid has to have both a mommy and daddy, to have been conceived and born. Statistically, they are both still alive in the same town and see each other from time to time.

Being "married" to a 2-year-old kid, is yet again, is a fact of life, especially if the other parent isn't present.
So does the government have to treat marriage to the 2 year old as real? Or do we agree that the government needs to set some standard for who is old enough to legitimately marry?
So does the government have to treat marriage to the 2 year old as real? Or do we agree that the government needs to set some standard for who is old enough to legitimately marry?
You want to date the mother but not the child? What happened to the kid's father? Who's put out a mafia hit on some pretty girl's boyfriend?
You want to date the mother but not the child? What happened to the kid's father? Who's put out a mafia hit on some pretty girl's boyfriend?
Huh? The position of the post I responded to seemed to be that government has no business saying who can get married. The (obvious) response is that recognizing marriage necessarily involves government benefits, so government obviously has to decide which marriages are legitimate for that purpose. And, more specifically, age criteria are obviously relevant to that determination -- e.g., a "marriage" to a 2-year-old does not hold up as legitimate.

I don't know the answers to the questions you are posing about the lineage of a hypothetical child or some kind of mafia violence. If your point is relevant to anything, please try to explain it and I will try to follow your logic.
Express physical interest in, express romantic intent, desire a physical relationship, romance.
That's too vague. Ladies resent it when they're not noticed and complimented by the gentlemen, even trade compliments among themselves, but as soon as a guy even looks their way or says anything nice at all even about the weather they're pressing charges and filing a sexual harassment suit.

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