New York State judge rules smartmatic may pursue their lawsuit against FOX news and Giuliani

Less than he will do had he prevailed easily to topple the democracy in Ukraine. Putin has already attacked the US by his assists to anti-democratic forces here in his support for Trump and Trump’s white populist Christian nationalism and by attempts isolating America from the free and democratic world.
Let me see....

We have crippled his economy....and WH is bragging about it.

We are supplying arms which are killing Russians.

We are supplying Satellite intel, Electronic intel, Human intel, Communications intel and whatever else, to aid the of Ukraine killing Russians.

Do you actually think for an instant that Putin will sit idly by without attempting any repercussions against the United States?

He can't directly affect our economy in the same way we did to him. He sure as hell can do cyber attacks, pretty much at will.

Do you remember all the heavy cyber attacks on many of our industrial sites over the last few years? My first impression was someone is probing us.

Don't be fooled, he will retaliate.
A question is not a fact. it is a fact that Putin did not invade Ukraine during the four years while he had a crony in the White House. That dies not mean he was not planning to attack all of Ukraine during that period. A period wher Putin perceives the Nazificatio of Ukrainec steadily grew worse if only in Putin’s mind.

So it is also a fact that Putin was ‘preparing’ to invade all of Ukraine since 2014 when he annexed Crimea and no longer had the million votes needed to control all of Ukraine through a democratic process.
EDIT- I’d like to extend my apologies to the OP for being completely off topic. I didn’t realize the topic is not what my response entails in response to an incessant poster.

I support self-determination of the commoners. I am a commoner and lucky to live under a democratic nation where I can choose to move or I can join others to improve local geographical conditions. A third option would be to attempt to change a state boundary (not the same as redistricting county boundaries within a state) although state boundaries have remained the same for many years with last territorial change with acquisition Hawaii in 1959.

Even in a democratic republic, it would be very difficult for a large majority of citizens to self-determine that state lines be changed. If the change meant to improve a political condition gaining in numbers, the other side of the aisle would totally freak out of course.

Now, back to the topic. The Ukraine is not a democracy (like you’ve incorrectly stated more than once now) and abilities to self-determine unfortunately require constant war and bloodshed. That’s a dismal case of affairs and makes me appreciate living in a democratic republic.

I support self-determination for all individuals, including Crimea’s majority to determine their own fate as they demonstrated by voting in 2014, as well as the people living in the Donbas region.”

This historical transfer of Crimea from Russia to Ukraine is relevant: “One of the ironies of the transfer of Crimea to Ukraine in 1954 is that when the chairman of the Presidium of the USSR Supreme Soviet, Kliment Voroshilov, offered his closing remarks at the session on 19 February 1954, he declared that “enemies of Russia” had “repeatedly tried to take the Crimean peninsula from Russia and use it to steal and ravage Russian lands.” He praised the “joint battles” waged by “the Russian and Ukrainian peoples” as they inflicted a “severe rebuff against the insolent usurpers.” Voroshilov’s characterization of Russia’s past “enemies” seems eerily appropriate today in describing Russia’s own actions vis-à-vis Ukraine. A further tragic irony of the Crimean transfer is that an action of sixty years ago, taken by Moscow to strengthen its control over Ukraine, has come back to haunt Ukraine today.”

Important statistical difference of vote: “With the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, Ukrainians voted to leave the Soviet Union and become independent. 54% of Crimea voted to leave the Soviet Union, a very low number compared to other parts of Ukraine. By comparison, 96% of the population voted to leave in one area near Kiev, the capital.” This statistical difference matters.

“In 2013, Viktor Yanukovych was the President of Ukraine. Like many Ukrainians, he wanted closer ties with Russia and refused to sign an European Union association agreement. Pro-EU protests against Yanukovych, called Euromaidan, started in November of 2013. By the middle of March 2014, over one hundred protesters had been killed, most at the hands of police, snipers, and special government forces. Yankukovych fled to Russia in February and a new government was installed.”

Unfortunately, the will of the people in Donbas will be determined by overt and covert actions of their political leaders. As most know with all wars, the Ukrainian and Russian people will continue to suffer while their leaders expect more commoners to sacrifice their lives for the cause, regardless of what the divisional split of commoners want to see to happen.
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. The Ukraine is not a democracy (like you’ve incorrectly stated more than once now) and abilities to self-determine unfortunately require constant war and bloodshed.
That is a lie. If Zelenski was installed by outside forces against the will of Ukraine’s people he could not lead a fight to the death against the Russian sociopath who decided entirely on his own to attack them.
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That is a lie. If Zelenski was installed by outside forces against the will of Ukraine’s people he could not lead a fight to the death against the Russian sociopath who decided entirely on his own to attack them.
You’re not separating the facts. Ask the Ukrainian refugees if they wanted a war. Ask the conscripts in Russia if they wanted war. Ask the parents of children in Ukraine if they want war. Ask the generations of people with a Russian parent and a Ukrainian parent if they wanted war.

Fact: Zelenskyy has his own political agenda, primarily to draw NATO into directly fighting which violates NATO’s own bylaws. Zelensky knows NATO does not accept as a member any country that has territorial disputes. Ukraine has a partnership status with NATO, not a member. If Putin attacks a NATO country drastic measures will happen.

Even China’s communist leader Xi (CCP) has stated that this war is not in anyone’s interest, although this war has enhanced Russia’s need for economic support from CCP. China doesn’t need Russia but Russia needs China, and that factors in with the full equation.
That is a lie. If Zelenski was installed by outside forces against the will of Ukraine’s people he could not lead a fight to the death against the Russian sociopath who decided entirely on his own to attack them.
Zekensky was elected by a landslide. Ukraine IS a democracy that is being invaded by the 21st century Hitler named Pootin. Correct yourself.

Zekensky was elected by a landslide. Ukraine IS a democracy that is being invaded by the 21st century Hitler named Pootin. Correct yourself.

Zelensky was elected by Kyiv, not the will of Ukrainians living outside the capitol.
Zekensky was elected by a landslide. Ukraine IS a democracy that is being invaded by the 21st century Hitler named Pootin. Correct yourself.

No, not “a landslide”. Consider the following information to better determine how Zelenskyy (using the spelling from his passport) was elected:

“On April 21, 2019, Ukraine elected its new President. However, are there many people actually supporting him?

1. The largest known group of Zelenskyy's supporters are his Instagram followers. His short videos were not known to anybody outside that circle - but several millions watching them happened to be enough to win the presidency.

2. While civil society activists fought against corruption of Poroshenko's inner circle, they envisioned better reforms and less corruption. Instead, Zelenskyy is widely supported by pro-Russians and Yanukovych's henhcmen.

3. In fact, nobody knows Mr. Zelenskyy. Journalists did not even know how to write his last name in English - to transliterate it from Ukrainian (Zelenskyi), from Russian (Zelenskiy) or to adapt it to English tradition (Zelensky) until he reported that his passport said "Zelenskyy" which was an odd short-lived transliteration variant presumably of the end-1990s. Which is worse, he had no real programme, he was simply anti-establishment. The very first day after the election, his teamrepresentative renounced every major populist promise, e.g. lower natural gas prices for population.

4. All in all, numerous people voted not for Zelenskyi, but against Poroshenko and for "a new face". Unfortunately, currently he appears to be a cover for old politicos and notorious masterminds working behind his back.”

Why Did Ukrainians vote for Zelenskyi?

Source linked above: - Ukraine Outlook ::: Comprehensive analytics by an independent non-partisan self-funding Kyiv-based think tank - current developments review as seen by a Ukrainian citizen

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