new york teen shootings 149 shot

New York will soon catch up with Chicago...when it comes to shootings... wow...

How the mighty cities have fallen! :dunno:
New York will soon catch up with Chicago...when it comes to shootings... wow...

How the mighty cities have fallen! :dunno:

And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.
New York will soon catch up with Chicago...when it comes to shootings... wow...

How the mighty cities have fallen! :dunno:
NYC was bad; And then Rudy Giuliani cleaned it all up and made it good, and then there was DiBlasio and the current Douche to mess it all up again.
I bet real NYCers don't hate on ol' Rudy too much.

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