New York Times and NPR downplay "knockout"

» The Knockout Game ? NYT/NPR Say No Big Deal » Commentary -- GOPUSA
Once again, the lib media sounds the alarm to circle the wagons around a politically correct protected class. And of course we have the lib double standard.
I predict there will be a victim of knockout who is going to shoot some of these evil bastards.
And of course the media will run to the punk's families for their reaction. "That man shot my baby. He didn't do nuthin. He didn't even have his gun with him!!!!!"!
Yeah? Well tough shit.
We are tired of the authorities telling us we have to take this shit from these street savages.

Seems like everyone is downplaying it. The only place I've ever heard about this story is here so it's only you all, Fox and gopusa like the link in the op who are attempting to spread this lie.

Yeah. It's a complete hoax, right sawah?
I suppose the videos on social media are doctored, right dummy?
Tell ya what. Why don;t you go to the nearest city, walk right through the first group of thuggish looking teens. If one of them rearranges your face for ya, come back here and tell us it's a hoax.
I have no idea why anyone bothers responding to you.
Yours is the IQ of a ping pong ball.
You are too stupid to be permitted internet access.
Wait til one of their reporters or editors gets they ass busted.

See how they feel then.

same way. their reporters GOT busted in Virginia - still the story was hushed.

[ame=]Black Mob Attacks White blackout - YouTube[/ame]

Did the Media and Police Ignore Mob Beating of Two White Reporters? | Video |
And this fucking bullshit is just fine with libs such as a certain stupid idiot poster who liked to use Marylin Monroe in her avatar.
Whenever there is a problem with one of their politically correct protected classes. Libs will deny the existence of the problem and claim the incident(s) did/do not happen.
If presented with evidence, they accuse the messenger of bigotry.
Finally they ignore the problem in the hope that it will go away.
This is what we get from people who's ideology tells them they MUST be right.
Oh said that? It must be true then.

Despite the news about this being EVERYWHERE :cool:

Umm. GOPUSA linked the NYT piece.
For fuck's sake the writers photograph is attached to the story....
Once again, by linking a story or piece to a non liberal source as a means to question credibility is a FAIL....
What part of the New York Times and NPR did you NOT understand?
Add another one to old school "L" column.

No one is silencing the story. Everyone is reporting on it. Any more conspiracies?
You tried to downplay the story by impugning the link provided.
You are in the camp that denies these incidents are even happening.
Let me know what say you when you become a victim.
I will laugh in your face.
There's a lot really wrong when most of the epidemic black on white crime is only found through sources the mainstream considers subversive.

There's a whole fuck of a lot wrong with that.
Oh said that? It must be true then.

Despite the news about this being EVERYWHERE :cool:

Umm. GOPUSA linked the NYT piece.
For fuck's sake the writers photograph is attached to the story....
Once again, by linking a story or piece to a non liberal source as a means to question credibility is a FAIL....
What part of the New York Times and NPR did you NOT understand?
Add another one to old school "L" column.

Not all writers for the NYT are Liberal, I'm sure you knew that. Larry Elder is also published in World Nut Daily.

I guess that makes you a FAIL and probably a goofy and old dope. I really have no idea who you are, your username seems vaguely familiar but not really. Not sure where all the hate comes from but you seem to need a personality transplant.

So if FOX news reports it.
And it's white people being attacked....

It's not worth talking about?
It probably never happened because Chris Mathews of MSNBC ignores it.
Oh said that? It must be true then.

Despite the news about this being EVERYWHERE :cool:

Umm. GOPUSA linked the NYT piece.
For fuck's sake the writers photograph is attached to the story....
Once again, by linking a story or piece to a non liberal source as a means to question credibility is a FAIL....
What part of the New York Times and NPR did you NOT understand?
Add another one to old school "L" column.

Not all writers for the NYT are Liberal, I'm sure you knew that. Larry Elder is also published in World Nut Daily.

I guess that makes you a FAIL and probably a goofy and old dope. I really have no idea who you are, your username seems vaguely familiar but not really. Not sure where all the hate comes from but you seem to need a personality transplant.


So, dummy. who cares if the writer is liberal or not. The NYT editorial bias is to the left.
If world net daily elects to publish an Op ed piece does that mean it's automatically of a person on the political right?
Our local paper is published by MC Clatchy. That company is well documented for it's left bias. On occasion a piece will be picked up from another source that represents an opposing viewpoint.
So nice job contradicting yourself.
I see that the term 'density' takes on a different context where you are concerned.
Umm. GOPUSA linked the NYT piece.
For fuck's sake the writers photograph is attached to the story....
Once again, by linking a story or piece to a non liberal source as a means to question credibility is a FAIL....
What part of the New York Times and NPR did you NOT understand?
Add another one to old school "L" column.

Not all writers for the NYT are Liberal, I'm sure you knew that. Larry Elder is also published in World Nut Daily.

I guess that makes you a FAIL and probably a goofy and old dope. I really have no idea who you are, your username seems vaguely familiar but not really. Not sure where all the hate comes from but you seem to need a personality transplant.


So, dummy. who cares if the writer is liberal or not. The NYT editorial bias is to the left.
If world net daily elects to publish an Op ed piece does that mean it's automatically of a person on the political right?
Our local paper is published by MC Clatchy. That company is well documented for it's left bias. On occasion a piece will be picked up from another source that represents an opposing viewpoint.
So nice job contradicting yourself.
I see that the term 'density' takes on a different context where you are concerned.

You've taken enough of everyone's time with this cause of yours. Carry on, old and creepy dope.
Not all writers for the NYT are Liberal, I'm sure you knew that. Larry Elder is also published in World Nut Daily.

I guess that makes you a FAIL and probably a goofy and old dope. I really have no idea who you are, your username seems vaguely familiar but not really. Not sure where all the hate comes from but you seem to need a personality transplant.


So, dummy. who cares if the writer is liberal or not. The NYT editorial bias is to the left.
If world net daily elects to publish an Op ed piece does that mean it's automatically of a person on the political right?
Our local paper is published by MC Clatchy. That company is well documented for it's left bias. On occasion a piece will be picked up from another source that represents an opposing viewpoint.
So nice job contradicting yourself.
I see that the term 'density' takes on a different context where you are concerned.

You've taken enough of everyone's time with this cause of yours. Carry on, old and creepy dope.

And you are using more than your fair share of oxygen and nitrogen with that enormous air pocket between your shoulders.
Question...Why not keep people guessing about your stupidity? Rather, you decide to post your wisdom here and leave no doubt as to your room temperature IQ.

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