New York Times and why the American ignorance re: Palestinian efforts to secure their freedom

Louie, thank you for this thread.

You have now proven to the world what a fucking imbecile you really are.

You do not even realize that anyone who can read all your linked articles in your OP prove exactly why Israel needs to protect itself. And now Jordan too. From Palestinian leadership incitement. Again.

Israel should act like Jordan during black September. But they don't yet you hate Israel. Priceless.
Louie, thank you for this thread.

You have now proven to the world what a fucking imbecile you really are.

You do not even realize that anyone who can read all your linked articles in your OP prove exactly why Israel needs to protect itself. And now Jordan too. From Palestinian leadership incitement. Again.

Israel should act like Jordan during black September. But they don't yet you hate Israel. Priceless.
That post was nothing but ad hominen nonsense, as usual, you are not even close to the topic.

You are butthurt because the ny times has been shown as the hasbara outfit it is. Anyone who read the OP knows this.
Louie, thank you for this thread.

You have now proven to the world what a fucking imbecile you really are.

You do not even realize that anyone who can read all your linked articles in your OP prove exactly why Israel needs to protect itself. And now Jordan too. From Palestinian leadership incitement. Again.

Israel should act like Jordan during black September. But they don't yet you hate Israel. Priceless.
That post was nothing but ad hominen nonsense, as usual, you are not even close to the topic.

You are butthurt because the ny times has been shown as the hasbara outfit it is. Anyone who read the OP knows this.
Anyone who states the New York Slimes is pro-Israel is illiterate.
I love the nonsense. So the judaic people are occupying land designated as available for them to establish a state. Thats rich
That post was nothing but ad hominen nonsense, as usual, you are not even close to the topic.

You are butthurt because the ny times has been shown as the hasbara outfit it is. Anyone who read the OP knows this.
Hahaha. You do not even know what ad hominen is. Sure I did make a slight towards you, but then went on to remark about the actual content of your post, I didn't say anything about the NY Times, you did.
This should be read and understood by all here. The author makes multiple important points.

View attachment 141567
Palestinians seek safety from Israeli occupation forces firing tear gas and other weapons at worshippers in the al-Aqsa mosque compound in Jerusalem’s Old City, 27 July.

A New York Times headline on 24 July is representative of why there is continued American ignorance regarding Palestinian efforts to secure their freedom.

“Mosque crisis and Jordan attack raise fears of escalating violence in Israel,” it declares.

Written by Isabel Kershner, the text places the violence “in and around East Jerusalem.” Yet the headline tells a false story, since, as the UN Security Council recently affirmed, East Jerusalem is part of the West Bank territory Israel occupied in 1967 – and therefore not part of an expanded Israel.

A New York Times news quiz takes a similar approach, referring in its headline...


Palestinians began clashes. Israel responded, trying to avoid casualties.

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