New York Times Biden losing the internet


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Kannapolis, N.C.
Well sports fan you'll start to see a growing push to reopen those battleground states and you'll see the politics that has pushed the COVID 19 leftist propaganda
Joe Biden is very famous, but you wouldn’t know it from looking at his YouTube channel.

Mr. Biden has just 32,000 subscribers on the influential video platform, a pittance compared with some of his rivals in the Democratic primary race and roughly 300,000 fewer than President Trump. The videos that Mr. Biden posts — these days, mostly repurposed campaign ads and TV-style interviews filmed from the makeshift studio in his basement — rarely crack 10,000 views. And the virtual crickets that greet many of his appearances have become a source of worry for some Democrats, who see his sluggish performance online as a bad omen for his electoral chances in November.

Loosing is something entirely different.

Well sports fan you'll start to see a growing push to reopen those battleground states and you'll see the politics that has pushed the COVID 19 leftist propaganda
Joe Biden is very famous, but you wouldn’t know it from looking at his YouTube channel.

Mr. Biden has just 32,000 subscribers on the influential video platform, a pittance compared with some of his rivals in the Democratic primary race and roughly 300,000 fewer than President Trump. The videos that Mr. Biden posts — these days, mostly repurposed campaign ads and TV-style interviews filmed from the makeshift studio in his basement — rarely crack 10,000 views. And the virtual crickets that greet many of his appearances have become a source of worry for some Democrats, who see his sluggish performance online as a bad omen for his electoral chances in November.
I suspect that this is why some are taking a closer look at Tara Reade's claims.

I dont know if the Democratic party can derail the Biden faction from getting the nomination without starting a huge set of grievances for the moderates.
I knew Biden was in trouble when Jill was doing the talking for him.That was bad looked like afternoon pudding time down at the rest home.The wife talking and the husband nodding and smiling, struggling to articulate a cogent thought......where's my pudding dammit!
Protesters pound on doors of Supreme Court
Protesters chant on the steps of the Supreme Court in Washington following the Senate vote that confirmed nominee Brett Kavanaugh to a seat left vacant by retired Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy.

You have to be more clear. That is old news. Do you mean there is a DOUBLE STANDARD by the Democrats over Joe Biden and sexual accusations when conservative justice Kavanaugh had to face Democrat accusers of sexual illegalities after being nominated to replace Kennedy on the Supreme Court? Sure, it is self-serving, two-faced, and hypocritical of Dems to do that.

The Dems have the most two-faced candidate of all. It was just one year ago that he wanted justice against Kavanaugh.

"During an interview on the Today Show former Vice President Joe Biden claimed that Brett Kavanaugh’s accuser, Christine Blasey-Ford, must be believed.

This did not age well:

“What should happen is the woman should be given the benefit of the doubt and not be abused again by the system.” @JoeBiden talks Anita Hill and Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford
— TODAY (@TODAYshow) September 21, 2018"

I don't think it was an April Fool like Biden, but who knows?
Loosing is something entirely different.
Yeah, I still get it switched in my head.

English really blows big chunks.

Esperanto anyone?
rule 3 to surviving the apocalypse: don't sweat the little things

What's the point in surviving if we can't maintain proper English?
Anal retentive tards on a discussion board are the only ones who have issues. Besides I just caught my phone changing a word I had typed in this post and I had to change it back.
Protesters pound on doors of Supreme Court
Protesters chant on the steps of the Supreme Court in Washington following the Senate vote that confirmed nominee Brett Kavanaugh to a seat left vacant by retired Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy.

You have to be more clear. That is old news. Do you mean there is a DOUBLE STANDARD by the Democrats over Joe Biden and sexual accusations when conservative justice Kavanaugh had to face Democrat accusers of sexual illegalities after being nominated to replace Kennedy on the Supreme Court? Sure, it is self-serving, two-faced, and hypocritical of Dems to do that.

The Dems have the most two-faced candidate of all. It was just one year ago that he wanted justice against Kavanaugh.

"During an interview on the Today Show former Vice President Joe Biden claimed that Brett Kavanaugh’s accuser, Christine Blasey-Ford, must be believed.

This did not age well:

“What should happen is the woman should be given the benefit of the doubt and not be abused again by the system.” @JoeBiden talks Anita Hill and Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford
— TODAY (@TODAYshow) September 21, 2018"

I don't think it was an April Fool like Biden, but who knows?
Actually this link is recent unless you're saying a few days is old news
Well sports fan you'll start to see a growing push to reopen those battleground states and you'll see the politics that has pushed the COVID 19 leftist propaganda
Joe Biden is very famous, but you wouldn’t know it from looking at his YouTube channel.

Mr. Biden has just 32,000 subscribers on the influential video platform, a pittance compared with some of his rivals in the Democratic primary race and roughly 300,000 fewer than President Trump. The videos that Mr. Biden posts — these days, mostly repurposed campaign ads and TV-style interviews filmed from the makeshift studio in his basement — rarely crack 10,000 views. And the virtual crickets that greet many of his appearances have become a source of worry for some Democrats, who see his sluggish performance online as a bad omen for his electoral chances in November.
I suspect that this is why some are taking a closer look at Tara Reade's claims.

I dont know if the Democratic party can derail the Biden faction from getting the nomination without starting a huge set of grievances for the moderates.
Protesters pound on doors of Supreme Court
Protesters chant on the steps of the Supreme Court in Washington following the Senate vote that confirmed nominee Brett Kavanaugh to a seat left vacant by retired Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy.

Did they have AK's??
You leftists snowflakes just set the precedence we're going to return the favor not at federal buildings but at their homes
New York Times Biden losing the internet

Sounds like fake news, the senile Biden clown didn't lose it.... he just can't remember where he left it...


Joe's not a winable candidate
Oh he's winnable in their eyes alright, even if they have to roll him across the finish line themselves. Just like it was in a sense with Hillary, where as they are out to make use of what they see as a blundering inept basket case, who is attempting to help them (with their past resume) to get the Democrats back in power. After they do that, then all they have to do is controll the presidency by indirect consequences or from behind the hidden door.

This nation needs to remain on track in fighting the enemies of this nation, and fighting back anything that the enemy can throw at it. We don't see that in the Democrat party anymore, and so with that said the Democrats lose big time just as it should be.
Loosing is something entirely different.
Yeah, I still get it switched in my head.

English really blows big chunks.

Esperanto anyone?
rule 3 to surviving the apocalypse: don't sweat the little things

What's the point in surviving if we can't maintain proper English?
Anal retentive tards on a discussion board are the only ones who have issues. Besides I just caught my phone changing a word I had typed in this post and I had to change it back.
Yep, my spell check does me like that also, and I find myself doing alot of proof reading, and spell checking my spell check myself. LOL.
Joe could have crippled Hilarity and Soetoro back in the day. His handlers failed him(due to orders). NOW ? Joe is a basket case.Irrelevant.He needs to Gore away....maybe buy a yatchet
I knew Biden was in trouble when Jill was doing the talking for him.That was bad looked like afternoon pudding time down at the rest home.The wife talking and the husband nodding and smiling, struggling to articulate a cogent thought......where's my pudding dammit!
I'd like to see that video, please.

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