New York Times Biden losing the internet

Anal retentive tards on a discussion board are the only ones who have issues. Besides I just caught my phone changing a word I had typed in this post and I had to change it back.
Oh, that is so true. Back when Greta Thornburgh was the person of the hour, any time I tried to type Greta it would change it to Great'.

But also, I have fat fingers, long nails and a keyboard that needs dehairing, so that adds to the problem, plus I look at my keyboard as I type.
Joe's not a winable candidate
Oh he's winnable in their eyes alright, even if they have to roll him across the finish line themselves. Just like it was in a sense with Hillary, where as they are out to make use of what they see as a blundering inept basket case, who is attempting to help them (with their past resume) to get the Democrats back in power. After they do that, then all they have to do is controll the presidency by indirect consequences or from behind the hidden door.
I think that is true of the rank and file Dims, but not of the top leadership. Joe has always had a problem with roaming hands and sniffing hair, his brain damage and lack of any reform efforts in his decades in Washington DC, so if you love how our politics are today, then you would love Biden.

If you are like most of us, this damns him, and now many Woketards are defecting over Tara Reade.
Joe's not a winable candidate
Oh he's winnable in their eyes alright, even if they have to roll him across the finish line themselves. Just like it was in a sense with Hillary, where as they are out to make use of what they see as a blundering inept basket case, who is attempting to help them (with their past resume) to get the Democrats back in power. After they do that, then all they have to do is controll the presidency by indirect consequences or from behind the hidden door.
I think that is true of the rank and file Dims, but not of the top leadership. Joe has always had a problem with roaming hands and sniffing hair, his brain damage and lack of any reform efforts in his decades in Washington DC, so if you love how our politics are today, then you would love Biden.

If you are like most of us, this damns him, and now many Woketards are defecting over Tara Reade.
But what's next ? Good grief there is no telling.
New York Times Biden losing the internet

Sounds like fake news, the senile Biden clown didn't lose it.... he just can't remember where he left it...


Joe's not a winable candidate
You don't know how stupid and gullible democrats are.
There are more intelligent people than de.ocrats
Loosing is something entirely different.
Yeah, I still get it switched in my head.

English really blows big chunks.

Esperanto anyone?
rule 3 to surviving the apocalypse: don't sweat the little things

What's the point in surviving if we can't maintain proper English?
Anal retentive tards on a discussion board are the only ones who have issues. Besides I just caught my phone changing a word I had typed in this post and I had to change it back.
Yep, my spell check does me like that also, and I find myself doing alot of proof reading, and spell checking my spell check myself. LOL.
Sometimes I post by phone and sometimes I post by desk top most of my errors occur on the phone because I rarely proofread.
I knew Biden was in trouble when Jill was doing the talking for him.That was bad looked like afternoon pudding time down at the rest home.The wife talking and the husband nodding and smiling, struggling to articulate a cogent thought......where's my pudding dammit!
I'd like to see that video, please.
I knew Biden was in trouble when Jill was doing the talking for him.That was bad looked like afternoon pudding time down at the rest home.The wife talking and the husband nodding and smiling, struggling to articulate a cogent thought......where's my pudding dammit!
I'd like to see that video, please.

Even more convincing.....because this sounds like a Bernie Bot narrating this.

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