New York Times has ran nearly 50 negative columns on Ramaswamy

New York Times has ran nearly 50 negative columns on Ramaswamy​

Maybe they're not trying to curry favor.
Sounds like the entirety of the DNC.
The MAGAs have nearly completely lost the ability to determine who knows what they’re talking about.

That’s why you believe insane things like stolen elections.
The NYT has followed Trump for decades before he was President, because Trump insisted on always being in the news in NYC. There was one time the man-child pretended to be his own spokesman, John Miller.

We all know Trump. It's the holier than thou Progs who are never held accountable. Joe was never qualified to be in office. And Progs put him there.
Exactly zero positive.
This is a campaign by NYT against him.

In a recent interview - I like how Ramaswamy responded.
If you don't want to watch it... in a nutshell, the article NYT ran specifically about how he made $millions why other shareholders lost money on a failed Alzheimer medicine bid.

"They engaged in all 3 types of lying by the media - all in one article"
1) Outright lie. He did not sell one share of his holdings of that bid when it failed to pass FDA.
2) Lie by Omission. They said "he made $100s millions during the loss". Yes he did. Because his company broke the record for the highest number of drugs to gain FDA approval by a startup in U.S. history during the same time period. OBVIOUSLY he made money.
3) Stylistic lying. Telling something that is true, but doing so in such a way as to leave the impression the opposite is true. "Because the way he orchestrated his company, it was protected from the losses from the failed drug". The way he set up his company was done 3 years prior to this drug. It was not designed to avoid losses, it was designed to allow laboratories and chemist to be able to invest in a specific drug they are developing "skin in the game" instead of how other large pharma companies are designed to only allow people to invest in the company as a whole. This allows people who have a stake to make considerably more money than other companies from a drug they are developing, but by the same token - yes it increases chance of loss if it fails.

VR is a weasel.

And of course the NYT sucks too.
The mainstream media doesn't go on the offensive unless their target is a true threat. Anyone who stands for America and nationalism and against the cancer of Globalism is the enemy. Ramaswamy should wear it as a badge of honor.
He's just another millionaire that never worked a day to make his community a better place, never held any kind of elected office and puts his hat in the ring for the top spot.
It is not difficult with all of the Republican candidates. Trump showed the direction which we all knew and the people we voted in did the old sidestep. For decades. They may be doing it now.
He's just another millionaire that never worked a day to make his community a better place, never held any kind of elected office and puts his hat in the ring for the top spot.
What have you done to “make your Community better?” What offices have you held? You have no idea what this person does or doesn't do in his day-to-day life, and it doesn't matter if a person holds office or not. He's attempting to become a public servant. Everyone who has ever held office or currently holds office had to start somewhere. But some of the very best leaders are people who've never held office. The bottom line is that he seems to love America and is distressed at her downward spiral and wants to do something to make America great again.

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