New York Times Leaks Questions Mueller has for President Trump

And what is "all the other info" that Mueller has leaked?

Bupkis - Trumptards accuse Mueller every time something comes out that is public record. A subpoena, an interview, charges, etc etc etc.
Because it’s true. Stop watching Matthews and Maddow and grow a brain.

The above moron is part of that little parade....

Another example of how liberal media is in the bag for trying to overturn a constitutional democratic election. Mueller investigation has become nothing but a joke.
Mueller's questions for Trump leaked to NYT, in latest unexplained disclosure from Russia probe
Democrats lost the election...get over it.

Democratic election?

Can you tell me how only 12 states having the chance to make a choice, how Wyoming and other smaller states having 3 times the voting power of larger states like Texas and California, is democratic?
How can California with 56 electoral votes have less impact than Wyoming with 3? Math not your strong suit huh? There is no “equivalent” formula to contrast and compare. What makes you think California should run the country?
Which is why the libs want to split Mexifornia into 3 states with 6 senators and who knows how many congressidiots

I doubt it. Because if they split it into three, at least one would become Republican.

37% of people voted Republican in the State Assembly election.

31% voted for Trump in the Presidential election.

That means probably one of the three areas might end up voting Republican.


That would mean 4 dem senators and 2 gop senators gain dem..............they really want to do this
Another example of how liberal media is in the bag for trying to overturn a constitutional democratic election. Mueller investigation has become nothing but a joke.
Mueller's questions for Trump leaked to NYT, in latest unexplained disclosure from Russia probe
Democrats lost the election...get over it.

Democratic election?

Can you tell me how only 12 states having the chance to make a choice, how Wyoming and other smaller states having 3 times the voting power of larger states like Texas and California, is democratic?
How can California with 56 electoral votes have less impact than Wyoming with 3? Math not your strong suit huh? There is no “equivalent” formula to contrast and compare. What makes you think California should run the country?
Which is why the libs want to split Mexifornia into 3 states with 6 senators and who knows how many congressidiots

I doubt it. Because if they split it into three, at least one would become Republican.

37% of people voted Republican in the State Assembly election.

31% voted for Trump in the Presidential election.

That means probably one of the three areas might end up voting Republican.


That would mean 4 dem senators and 2 gop senators gain dem..............they really want to do this

Well, it might also mean that their control is weakened. If they could do it and still have a 66% to 33% control over each part then maybe.

It'd be just as fair as the Republicans having lots of small states.

Fair doesn't come into this.
I thought the NYT said the questions came outside the Trump TEAM.

No one will ever "accuse" of being being too bright.....

  • Wednesday, 02 May 2018

Mueller questions for Trump probe possible obstruction
Mueller questions for Trump probe possible obstruction
Published: May 1, 2018

US President Donald Trump. PHOTO COURTESY: NDTV

WASHINGTON: Donald Trump lashed out Tuesday at the “disgraceful” disclosure of questions Special Counsel Robert Mueller has sought to ask the US president about potential obstruction and other matters as part of his probe into Russian election interference.

Compiled by the president’s lawyers, the questions lay out detailed lines of inquiry by Mueller into whether Trump may have tried to obstruct the Russia probe, The New York Times reported.

The questions – at least four dozen in all – also show Mueller wants to find out what Trump knew about links between members of his presidential campaign and Russia, including a June 2016 meeting at Trump Tower with a Russian lawyer offering damaging information on election rival Hillary Clinton, the Times said.

US ‘postpones imposing restrictions’ on Pakistani diplomats

“It would seem very hard to obstruct justice for a crime that never happened! Witch Hunt!” Trump shot back in a round of early-morning tweets.

Trump incorrectly claimed there were no questions on the list about collusion, which he dismissed as “a made up, phony crime.”

But at least one question directly asks what Trump knew about his campaign aides, including former chairman Paul Manafort, seeking Russia’s assistance, according to the Times.

“What knowledge did you have of any outreach by your campaign, including by Paul Manafort, to Russia about potential assistance to the campaign?”

The questions also show Mueller wants to know if Trump offered a pardon to his former national security advisor, Michael Flynn, who has already been charged with lying to investigators and is believed to be cooperating with the investigation.

But there is no indication Trump is now an official suspect of the year-old probe, or that Mueller has found evidence Trump colluded with the Russians, which Trump on Tuesday again denied, as he has done repeatedly.

“So disgraceful that the questions concerning the Russian Witch Hunt were ‘leaked’ to the media,” Trump said on Twitter.

“Oh, I see…you have a made up, phony crime, Collusion, that never existed, and an investigation begun with illegally leaked classified information. Nice!”

The Times said Mueller’s team read the questions over the telephone to Trump’s legal team, which compiled them into a list.

The Times said it obtained the list from someone outside Trump’s legal team.

Mueller’s office did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

Since at least early this year, Mueller has discussed the possibility of interviewing Trump for the investigation, according to the president’s lawyers.

But they appear to have been divided on how and how much Trump should cooperate.

Two weeks ago, Trump recruited to his legal team former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani, who said he would try to reach a deal with Mueller on how the president would cooperate with the probe.

Most of the questions reported by the Times ask what Trump knew of certain events, like the June 2016 meeting with the Russian lawyer, or what was he was thinking when he did or said something, like firing former FBI director James Comey.

“When did you become aware of the Trump Tower meeting?” one question asks.

Indian traveller’s weapon goes undetected at Wagah due to power failure

“What efforts were made to reach out to Mr Flynn about seeking immunity or possible pardon?” goes another.

Mueller also wants to know if Trump discussed with any campaign staff arranging a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

While none of the questions is accusatory, they could carry the risk of Trump’s being trapped in a lie if any of the former staff already indicted by Mueller have provided evidence to the contrary.
Mueller leaks again. Is there anything this piece of shit has NOT LEAKED?
Of course Muller is the leaker. It's the only thing that makes sense.

If Team Trump Leaked Mueller’s Questions, It’s Bound to Backfire
I don't know about that but I do know grand jury investigations leak like a hundred year old bucket. Take a look at the number of people that have access to the information. First, of course is Mueller and his team which includes all kinds of specialist and auxiliary personnel. Then you have the court, judge, jury, court personnel, witnesses and their lawyers, and defense lawyers, and of course their employees, associates and families. That would include white house personnel, personal lawyers to the president white house legal counsel and of course all of their staff. I would bet most of the investigation material is available to hundreds of people.

The laws that protect the secrecy of the grand jury investigation is very limited. It does not include witnesses, defendants, or defense attorneys, or a number of other people not directly connected to the investigation but who do access to information.
But "the questions" only came about from a phone call between Mueller and Dowd, and only leaked after Down quit and was replaced by Rudy. but there was no "document" sent to Trump that others could see.
It seems in Washington, that nobody can keep their mouth shut. They just have to share information with somebody. Mueller has 17 lawyers on his staff and most of them have people under them. I don't know what Dowd's staff consist of but you can bet he shares information with someone.

There are no secrets in Washington. There is probably no government in the world where secrets are shared as they are in DC.
His main question is
"Did the Russians use brain waves or tabulation alteration to effect the outcome of the election?"
Another example of how liberal media is in the bag for trying to overturn a constitutional democratic election. Mueller investigation has become nothing but a joke.
Mueller's questions for Trump leaked to NYT, in latest unexplained disclosure from Russia probe
Democrats lost the election...get over it.

Too bad you can't delete the stupid things you posted after the truth comes out days later.

You know the questions were written by Jay Sekulow, and not by Mueller and his team.
It seems in Washington, that nobody can keep their mouth shut. They just have to share information with somebody. Mueller has 17 lawyers on his staff and most of them have people under them. I don't know what Dowd's staff consist of but you can bet he shares information with someone..

The Mueller team doesn't leak. Not Mueller, not his team of lawyers, not their staff. Anybody who claims a leak from Mueller is making it up. Mueller speaks through court records, some open, some sealed, so we don't know what Mueller is doing until after he's done it.
If the President of the United States can't do anything to stop an invading force of illegals waving foreign flags after months of notice, really hard to see why we should care about Mueller investigation.
If the President of the United States can't do anything to stop an invading force of illegals waving foreign flags after months of notice, really hard to see why we should care about Mueller investigation.
Trump should pack them onto shuttle buses and have them wind up at your offices at media matters
How can California with 56 electoral votes have less impact than Wyoming with 3? Math not your strong suit huh? There is no “equivalent” formula to contrast and compare. What makes you think California should run the country?
Which is why the libs want to split Mexifornia into 3 states with 6 senators and who knows how many congressidiots

I doubt it. Because if they split it into three, at least one would become Republican.

37% of people voted Republican in the State Assembly election.

31% voted for Trump in the Presidential election.

That means probably one of the three areas might end up voting Republican.


That would mean 4 dem senators and 2 gop senators gain dem..............they really want to do this

Well, it might also mean that their control is weakened. If they could do it and still have a 66% to 33% control over each part then maybe.

It'd be just as fair as the Republicans having lots of small states.

Fair doesn't come into this.

You are so stupid that counting to ten is out of your IQ range

Ah, the insults.

However stupid I might be, I'm intelligent enough to know when it's a waste of time continuing to talk to people, and I also know how to use the ignore button.

Which is why the libs want to split Mexifornia into 3 states with 6 senators and who knows how many congressidiots

I doubt it. Because if they split it into three, at least one would become Republican.

37% of people voted Republican in the State Assembly election.

31% voted for Trump in the Presidential election.

That means probably one of the three areas might end up voting Republican.


That would mean 4 dem senators and 2 gop senators gain dem..............they really want to do this

Well, it might also mean that their control is weakened. If they could do it and still have a 66% to 33% control over each part then maybe.

It'd be just as fair as the Republicans having lots of small states.

Fair doesn't come into this.

You are so stupid that counting to ten is out of your IQ range

Ah, the insults.

However stupid I might be, I'm intelligent enough to know when it's a waste of time continuing to talk to people, and I also know how to use the ignore button.


LOL, you don't even have a rebuttal to 6 senators is better than 2 for the democrats.....................

Like I said, dumb spelled backwards is mud which has a higher IQ than you
It seems in Washington, that nobody can keep their mouth shut. They just have to share information with somebody. Mueller has 17 lawyers on his staff and most of them have people under them. I don't know what Dowd's staff consist of but you can bet he shares information with someone..

The Mueller team doesn't leak. Not Mueller, not his team of lawyers, not their staff. Anybody who claims a leak from Mueller is making it up. Mueller speaks through court records, some open, some sealed, so we don't know what Mueller is doing until after he's done it.
When a bucket has hundred holes in it, determining exactly which hole is responsible for a leak to the media is usually impossible. Anyone the Mueller team interviews or their lawyers, any defendant, any witness before the grand jury, or anyone not sworn to secrecy before the court that comes upon information is legally free to disclose it in anyway they choose.

With that said, I seriously doubt Mueller or any his lawyers on his team would knowing disclosed anything. There are serious legal ramifications that would destroy their career and reputation if they got caught.
It seems in Washington, that nobody can keep their mouth shut. They just have to share information with somebody. Mueller has 17 lawyers on his staff and most of them have people under them. I don't know what Dowd's staff consist of but you can bet he shares information with someone..

The Mueller team doesn't leak. Not Mueller, not his team of lawyers, not their staff. Anybody who claims a leak from Mueller is making it up. Mueller speaks through court records, some open, some sealed, so we don't know what Mueller is doing until after he's done it.
When a bucket has hundred holes in it, determining exactly which hole is responsible for a leak to the media is usually impossible. Anyone the Mueller team interviews or their lawyers, any defendant, any witness before the grand jury, or anyone not sworn to secrecy before the court that comes upon information is legally free to disclose it in anyway they choose.

With that said, I seriously doubt Mueller or any his lawyers on his team would knowing disclosed anything. There are serious legal ramifications that would destroy their career and reputation if they got caught.
A bucket with 100 holes is a chum pot

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