New York Times Leaks Questions Mueller has for President Trump

Whats even more disgusting is that Humas mother cut off Humas thingy.........Its a radical muslim thing

You know this from experience? Been dining at Humas Y have ya?
Doug Ross @ Journal: HUMA ABEDIN'S MOTHER: An Advocate for Islamist Terror and Repression


In general. I just know a lot

I think people should lay off Huma. After marrying Anthony, why should she suffer more?

Her marriage to Weiner was fake, she is married to Hillary

If that were true, you don't think it would be even worse?

Huma kept a life insurance folder on her laptop that screwed Hillary.....................gotta love that
Another example of how liberal media is in the bag for trying to overturn a constitutional democratic election. Mueller investigation has become nothing but a joke.
Mueller's questions for Trump leaked to NYT, in latest unexplained disclosure from Russia probe
Democrats lost the election...get over it.

Democratic election?

Can you tell me how only 12 states having the chance to make a choice, how Wyoming and other smaller states having 3 times the voting power of larger states like Texas and California, is democratic?
How can California with 56 electoral votes have less impact than Wyoming with 3? Math not your strong suit huh? There is no “equivalent” formula to contrast and compare. What makes you think California should run the country?
Another example of how liberal media is in the bag for trying to overturn a constitutional democratic election. Mueller investigation has become nothing but a joke.
Mueller's questions for Trump leaked to NYT, in latest unexplained disclosure from Russia probe
Democrats lost the election...get over it.

Democratic election?

Can you tell me how only 12 states having the chance to make a choice, how Wyoming and other smaller states having 3 times the voting power of larger states like Texas and California, is democratic?
How can California with 56 electoral votes have less impact than Wyoming with 3? Math not your strong suit huh? There is no “equivalent” formula to contrast and compare. What makes you think California should run the country?
Which is why the libs want to split Mexifornia into 3 states with 6 senators and who knows how many congressidiots
Another example of how liberal media is in the bag for trying to overturn a constitutional democratic election. Mueller investigation has become nothing but a joke.
Mueller's questions for Trump leaked to NYT, in latest unexplained disclosure from Russia probe
Democrats lost the election...get over it.

Democratic election?

Can you tell me how only 12 states having the chance to make a choice, how Wyoming and other smaller states having 3 times the voting power of larger states like Texas and California, is democratic?
How can California with 56 electoral votes have less impact than Wyoming with 3? Math not your strong suit huh? There is no “equivalent” formula to contrast and compare. What makes you think California should run the country?
California has 39.54 million people...divide by 56 and that's over 706,000 citizens per electoral vote....Wyoming has 579,315 people....and that number of people gets 3 electoral votes. So per capita, Wyoming has more say in the Electoral College.
Another example of how liberal media is in the bag for trying to overturn a constitutional democratic election. Mueller investigation has become nothing but a joke.
Mueller's questions for Trump leaked to NYT, in latest unexplained disclosure from Russia probe
Democrats lost the election...get over it.

Democratic election?

Can you tell me how only 12 states having the chance to make a choice, how Wyoming and other smaller states having 3 times the voting power of larger states like Texas and California, is democratic?
How can California with 56 electoral votes have less impact than Wyoming with 3? Math not your strong suit huh? There is no “equivalent” formula to contrast and compare. What makes you think California should run the country?
California has 39.54 million people...divide by 56 and that's over 706,000 citizens per electoral vote....Wyoming has 579,315 people....and that number of people gets 3 electoral votes. So per capita, Wyoming has more say in the Electoral College.
56 vs. 3? Per capita means shit. Each state has House representation based on census. Add your two Senators and there is your electoral college. Hillary lost because she was an idiot. She should have won by 20% according to the liberal press and professoriate. Trump will be re-elected BTW.
Another example of how liberal media is in the bag for trying to overturn a constitutional democratic election. Mueller investigation has become nothing but a joke.
Mueller's questions for Trump leaked to NYT, in latest unexplained disclosure from Russia probe
Democrats lost the election...get over it.

So, asking questions is "treasonous".........OR, is the avoidance of answers to those questions a bit more of a cover-up to corruption????.........Just
Trump will be vindicated. Let’s wrap it up...move on to 2018 so Democrats can be destroyed again.
Another example of how liberal media is in the bag for trying to overturn a constitutional democratic election. Mueller investigation has become nothing but a joke.
Mueller's questions for Trump leaked to NYT, in latest unexplained disclosure from Russia probe
Democrats lost the election...get over it.

So, asking questions is "treasonous".........OR, is the avoidance of answers to those questions a bit more of a cover-up to corruption????.........Just
Trump will be vindicated. Let’s wrap it up...move on to 2018 so Democrats can be destroyed again.
Don't you ever get tired of guzzling down that warm trump piss 24/7?
Another example of how liberal media is in the bag for trying to overturn a constitutional democratic election. Mueller investigation has become nothing but a joke.
Mueller's questions for Trump leaked to NYT, in latest unexplained disclosure from Russia probe
Democrats lost the election...get over it.

So, asking questions is "treasonous".........OR, is the avoidance of answers to those questions a bit more of a cover-up to corruption????.........Just
Trump will be vindicated. Let’s wrap it up...move on to 2018 so Democrats can be destroyed again.
Don't you ever get tired of guzzling down that warm trump piss 24/7?
I think warm Trump piss rained down on you losers in 2016.
Another example of how liberal media is in the bag for trying to overturn a constitutional democratic election. Mueller investigation has become nothing but a joke.
Mueller's questions for Trump leaked to NYT, in latest unexplained disclosure from Russia probe
Democrats lost the election...get over it.

Democratic election?

Can you tell me how only 12 states having the chance to make a choice, how Wyoming and other smaller states having 3 times the voting power of larger states like Texas and California, is democratic?

It is not democratic because we do not live in a democracy. We have never lived in a democracy, and have no desire to live in a democracy. California and Texas determine their choice for president and vote that choice relative to their legal populations. That was how it was designed to work, and that is how it does work. Your problem is that you didn't like the results.

Yes, I know how it was how it was supposed to work.

That doesn't make it effective for the modern era though, does it?

In the past states were more important. Now for many people their country is more important than their state, especially with the power of the federal govt.

But then the Republicans love the voting system because without it, they'd lose.

It's pretty sad when people put a form of cheating ahead of one person, one vote, because they know it's their only chance.
Another example of how liberal media is in the bag for trying to overturn a constitutional democratic election.
That's some funny shit right there. You and Trump and all the rest of the pseudocons were quite pleased when an enemy state interfered in our constitutional democratic election with leaks.

Trump won because people hated establishment candidates like Hillary.
Another example of how liberal media is in the bag for trying to overturn a constitutional democratic election. Mueller investigation has become nothing but a joke.
Mueller's questions for Trump leaked to NYT, in latest unexplained disclosure from Russia probe
Democrats lost the election...get over it.

Democratic election?

Can you tell me how only 12 states having the chance to make a choice, how Wyoming and other smaller states having 3 times the voting power of larger states like Texas and California, is democratic?
How can California with 56 electoral votes have less impact than Wyoming with 3? Math not your strong suit huh? There is no “equivalent” formula to contrast and compare. What makes you think California should run the country?

This isn't about Math.

Firstly I'm talking about individuals and their vote. Not states.

There are 12 swing states. Individuals within those states have far, far more power to change the results of an election.

In California, a Republican can vote Republican, it doesn't matter. Democrats will win whatever they do. Simple as. No one pays much attention to California. Which means when it comes to making decisions in the White House, a Republican president isn't thinking or caring much about California.

Same for Wyoming. Wyoming might have 3 times the voting power, but it's not a swing state, so who cares?

In the last election only a very small number of people decided the election. Had 40,000 people voted differently, the president would have been a different president.

So what's the point of 120 million people going off to vote if only 40,000 people really make the decision?

Might as well just pick a name out of a hat, or a coin toss. Just as fair and democratic.
This makes The Most Sense.

This is also why Bill and Weiner bink Bimbos with their wives permission.

Ohh now that's a disgusting "But What About"

A Butwhatabout nonetheless.
Whats even more disgusting is that Humas mother cut off Humas thingy.........Its a radical muslim thing

You know this from experience? Been dining at Humas Y have ya?
Doug Ross @ Journal: HUMA ABEDIN'S MOTHER: An Advocate for Islamist Terror and Repression


In general. I just know a lot

I think people should lay off Huma. After marrying Anthony, why should she suffer more?

Her marriage to Weiner was fake, she is married to Hillary
Another example of how liberal media is in the bag for trying to overturn a constitutional democratic election. Mueller investigation has become nothing but a joke.
Mueller's questions for Trump leaked to NYT, in latest unexplained disclosure from Russia probe
Democrats lost the election...get over it.

Democratic election?

Can you tell me how only 12 states having the chance to make a choice, how Wyoming and other smaller states having 3 times the voting power of larger states like Texas and California, is democratic?
How can California with 56 electoral votes have less impact than Wyoming with 3? Math not your strong suit huh? There is no “equivalent” formula to contrast and compare. What makes you think California should run the country?
Which is why the libs want to split Mexifornia into 3 states with 6 senators and who knows how many congressidiots

I doubt it. Because if they split it into three, at least one would become Republican.

37% of people voted Republican in the State Assembly election.

31% voted for Trump in the Presidential election.

That means probably one of the three areas might end up voting Republican.

Another example of how liberal media is in the bag for trying to overturn a constitutional democratic election. Mueller investigation has become nothing but a joke.
Mueller's questions for Trump leaked to NYT, in latest unexplained disclosure from Russia probe
Democrats lost the election...get over it.

Democratic election?

Can you tell me how only 12 states having the chance to make a choice, how Wyoming and other smaller states having 3 times the voting power of larger states like Texas and California, is democratic?
How can California with 56 electoral votes have less impact than Wyoming with 3? Math not your strong suit huh? There is no “equivalent” formula to contrast and compare. What makes you think California should run the country?
California has 39.54 million people...divide by 56 and that's over 706,000 citizens per electoral vote....Wyoming has 579,315 people....and that number of people gets 3 electoral votes. So per capita, Wyoming has more say in the Electoral College.

Not Wyoming. An individual in Wyoming.
Another example of how liberal media is in the bag for trying to overturn a constitutional democratic election. Mueller investigation has become nothing but a joke.
Mueller's questions for Trump leaked to NYT, in latest unexplained disclosure from Russia probe
Democrats lost the election...get over it.

So, asking questions is "treasonous".........OR, is the avoidance of answers to those questions a bit more of a cover-up to corruption????.........Just

He has no legal responsibility to respond


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