New York Times: Lester Holt Helped Hillary

The right has been refusing to do anything that might help the president for a long time, no matter if their actions are good or bad for the country. You've already done the worst you are capable of. You slowed down progress, but you can't stop it.

True, we hate you traitors that much.

Color me shocked.

You reap what you sow, choke on it.

I'm doing just fine, thank you.

If Trump wins your head will explode.

Not even worried a little bit. There just aren't enough crazies to elect him.
When I relistened to The Donald schlonging Crooked Hillary at the debate, democrat operative Lester Holt's tactics are more obvious. Recall the democrat strategy was to "get under The Donald's skin?" Lester repeatedly tried to interrupt The Donald, but The Donald kept his cool. By keeping his cool, the drugged Crooked Hillary had to go into the gutter repeatedly, in particular with the Rosie O'Donnell and mexican fat pageant contestant material (ya know the stuff she said she studied instead of campaigning the past week - to be president... :p ) and that backfired also. We all knew it is the MSM/establishment/Crooked Hillary against The Donald and he won against them all yet again not only for remaining presidential throughout, but for providing the most facts and best explanations as to government policy.
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"The moderator, Lester Holt, helped.”

Even the NY Times homosexual writers realized Holt was actively helping Hillary.


I knew the debate was going to be a bias blowout when Holt opened his mouth for his first sentence and found it to be a paraphrase of, “Now that Obama has made the economy wonderful and gave us all jobs for the last 8 years"
I think you're an idiot.

I've never once agreed with you....

Till now.

Lester Holt was clearly in Hillary's corner
I'm still trying to mimic trumps facial expressions....comical. Paying your workers for their labor is something trump apparently doesn't believe in.
He bragged about his new hotel coming in under budget....easily done if you don't pay the contractors.
Perpetual whiner Op whining for world class whiner Drumpf.

The real truth is Secty Clinton cheated by bringing facts to a Drumpf lying fest.

Suck it up kkk jackass OP and just try to carry on as best you can.


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"The moderator, Lester Holt, helped.”

Even the NY Times homosexual writers realized Holt was actively helping Hillary.


I knew the debate was going to be a bias blowout when Holt opened his mouth for his first sentence and found it to be a paraphrase of, “Now that Obama has made the economy wonderful and gave us all jobs for the last 8 years"
He helped her by bringing facts.
Facts have a well-known Liberal bias.
Lies have a much more well known Liberal bias.

Only in rightwingnuthackworld
"The moderator, Lester Holt, helped.”

Even the NY Times homosexual writers realized Holt was actively helping Hillary.


I knew the debate was going to be a bias blowout when Holt opened his mouth for his first sentence and found it to be a paraphrase of, “Now that Obama has made the economy wonderful and gave us all jobs for the last 8 years"

Should the moderator have allowed him to lie repeatedly?

Your boy was a train wreck
"The moderator, Lester Holt, helped.”

Even the NY Times homosexual writers realized Holt was actively helping Hillary.


I knew the debate was going to be a bias blowout when Holt opened his mouth for his first sentence and found it to be a paraphrase of, “Now that Obama has made the economy wonderful and gave us all jobs for the last 8 years"

Should the moderator have allowed him to lie repeatedly?

Your boy was a train wreck
It was Hillary who lied Mrs. Feminazi
Woah fella...I was agreeing with you!
It was unfair for Lester to bring facts along and push The Don to answer the question.
Lester helped HilLIARy push the lie that Mr Trump supported the Iraq war. That was uncalled for and proves liberal media can't be trusted to moderate fairly.j not one question about Benghazi or the Clinton. Foundation.

Probably because Pooting's bitch was in favor of the Iraq war and changed his mind after the invasion. The same is true of Secty Clinton.

The difference is she has the honesty and integrity to admit if she knew then what she knew then, she would not have voted in favor of invading.

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I'm still trying to mimic trumps facial expressions....comical. Paying your workers for their labor is something trump apparently doesn't believe in.

He acted like an 8yo and, like he always does, used the vocabulary of one as well.

But an 8yo would have a greater command of the issues.

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Clinton didn't need any help from Lester .... 20 minutes in she had Donnie in self preservation mode.
After a strong start Trump faded badly. All that was missing was foam coming from his mouth while expressing that he had the better temperament. I thought Lester was fairly quiet and allowed the candidates to have their say.

I agree.

Cracked me up that he was already lying in the spin room last night. Funniest lie was this morning on faux that wasn't sniffing. Even the faux whores were stunned at that one.

Serious question - Why does he always lie about things that are easily fact checked? And sometimes, in the same sentence!

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Right wingers whining and complaining that the moderator wasn't fair to them. Who could have seen that one coming?

If further cemented our hatred and contempt for the left. Good luck trying to get anything passed in congress the answer is no, eat it.

The right has been refusing to do anything that might help the president for a long time, no matter if their actions are good or bad for the country. You've already done the worst you are capable of. You slowed down progress, but you can't stop it.

Yep! Seven straight years of job creation, breaking the previous record.

It's true they've succeeded in slowing economic growth but have not been able to stop it.

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I'm still trying to mimic trumps facial expressions....comical. Paying your workers for their labor is something trump apparently doesn't believe in.
He bragged about his new hotel coming in under budget....easily done if you don't pay the contractors.

What does it say about RWs that they support his lying, cheating and stealing?

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"The moderator, Lester Holt, helped.”

Even the NY Times homosexual writers realized Holt was actively helping Hillary.


I knew the debate was going to be a bias blowout when Holt opened his mouth for his first sentence and found it to be a paraphrase of, “Now that Obama has made the economy wonderful and gave us all jobs for the last 8 years"
I think you're an idiot.

I've never once agreed with you....

Till now.

Lester Holt was clearly in Hillary's corner

You may be right. After all, Holt did let Drumpf ramble and babble and lie and interrupt and yes, that was all very helpful to Sect Clinton's factual statements.


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