New York Wants To Cancel Native Americans

Ohhh BIGOTRY! As you TRY to be BIG. What a stupid, stupid, creature you are. Imagining your blatherings mean anything is quite silly. Go back to clicks and whistles.

Let's see you come back just like the trained monkey you are.
I'm here because you cuck whites can't move me. 😄
You're here because an organ grinder keeps making you dance. Without even a dime in your cup. Now be a good little fellow and give us a high kick.
Sure I am. Because in your country, pointing and laughing at you is where you want me to be. You cucks can't control your borders or keep your nation so angry spats of bigotry online is what you've been reduced to. 😄
Sure I am. Because in your country, pointing and laughing at you is where you want me to be. You cucks can't control your borders or keep your nation so angry spats of bigotry online is what you've been reduced to. 😄
Right on cue. High kick. Now, pirouette, pick up your skirt and wiggle your ass. You will be an entertainer yet.
as if they never existed. How long will it be before Democrats just cancel everything they don't like throughout history? Should Native Americans be cancelled? Personally, I believe they should be honored and kept in our current culture. They are part of who and what we are and they should be remembered, not cancelled.

Come on. An effort to ban the use of Native American Indians and symbols of the Native American Indians as SYMBOLS for school sports’ teams isn’t the same as seeking to “cancel” Native Americans.

It may be a misguided and condescending version of being “woke.” But it isn’t an effort to “cancel” Indians.
as if they never existed. How long will it be before Democrats just cancel everything they don't like throughout history? Should Native Americans be cancelled? Personally, I believe they should be honored and kept in our current culture. They are part of who and what we are and they should be remembered, not cancelled.

Native Americans think you're a racist
Come on. An effort to ban the use of Native American Indians and symbols of the Native American Indians as SYMBOLS for school sports’ teams isn’t the same as seeking to “cancel” Native Americans.

It may be a misguided and condescending version of being “woke.” But it isn’t an effort to “cancel” Indians.

Only white people should be celebrated as mascots.

Right on cue. High kick. Now, pirouette, pick up your skirt and wiggle your ass. You will be an entertainer yet.
Your imaginative interpretation of my very clear words is only reveling of your own fantasies. Why you literally just fantasized me wiggling my ass I don't want to venture a guess, I'm sure you'd like to explain that.....

I don't have to imagine, I don't actually care what you are.
You sure cared a few minutes ago when you made your racial generalization that you hate others making about you.

Your paternalistic belief that everyone should be okay with being used as a mascots because you are is either the mentality of oblivious whites or a Simp.
People whine and cry about all kinds of things. You'd be our resident expert.
You sure cared a few minutes ago when you made your racial generalization that you hate others making about you.

Yes. I make racial generalizations all the time. I don't care that other people make them I'm happy comparing mine (that someone suggesting natives should be honored to be used as mascots is white) as opposed to someone like that Bingo who thinks different languages including clicks and whistles are inferior rather than just different. I'm evocative purposefully.
People whine and cry about all kinds of things. You'd be our resident expert.
Is that how you would like to characterize indigenous people who would rather not be used as mascots?
Your imaginative interpretation of my very clear words is only reveling of your own fantasies. Why you literally just fantasized me wiggling my ass I don't want to venture a guess, I'm sure you'd like to explain that.....

You repeat yourself endlessly.
Now give us a nice little can can, because that's what monkeys do. Same dance every day, hoping no one will notice.

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