New York's Dissappearing Millionaires


Silver Member
Aug 4, 2011
(Call it a slight case of voting with their feet, if you wish, but the way its going, young Andrew is going to need a couple of spare fig leafs to cover those bare spots on his behind if and when he should tire of holding his hands over it. The Chinese have a leg up on the NY Democrats thus far, there's no restrictions preventing them from stationing a couple of People's Republic Soldiers with AK 47's nearby their millionaires to make sure they don't jump ship heading for greener pastures. To complete the picture, maybe Andrew and the Albany Democratic Assemblymen should mosey dowriver to join those cleanscrubbed kids in Zuccotti Park holding the signs proclaiming "Eat the Millionaires" )

"Of course, there always will be a top 1%, so those in the Occupy Wall Street movement who want to demonize the top 1% always will have a cause.

But the numbers of millionaires who could be taxed to feed the demands of the proletariat is down in New York State:

Gannett’s Albany Bureau reported today how the number of New York tax filers earning more than $1 million a year dropped a whopping 22 percent in 2009 during the recession, according to the state Department of Taxation and Finance."

» New York’s disappearing millionaires - Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion
Ahh millionaires on paper only apparently. they do flutter away very easially.
New York and the rest of the US don't need millionaires - actually today lots of people fall into that category but that said - what good are millionaires? They can only buy so much, in order to have a prosperous economy you need middle class people thousanaires. They are the workers and backbone of any modern stable society, millionaires are few, thousaniares are many. Plus millionaires are often old and useless, soon I'll join them, old and useless that is. Dynamic societies need real people, only a few millionaires are real, all thousanaires are still real. ;)

I thought this piece interesting as it is about small business. Small business ownership: My coffeehouse nightmare. - Slate Magazine
New York and the rest of the US don't need millionaires - actually today lots of people fall into that category but that said - what good are millionaires? They can only buy so much, in order to have a prosperous economy you need middle class people thousanaires. They are the workers and backbone of any modern stable society, millionaires are few, thousaniares are many. Plus millionaires are often old and useless, soon I'll join them, old and useless that is. Dynamic societies need real people, only a few millionaires are real, all thousanaires are still real. ;)

I thought this piece interesting as it is about small business. Small business ownership: My coffeehouse nightmare. - Slate Magazine

"Plus millionaires are often old and useless, soon I'll join them, old and useless that is."

Now, Middy...I'm certain that that is not the case....

...but, for "old and useless" might soon find that to be true about your avi...

...can't wait to see your new one.
They had to go some where.

Obama should hunt them down like the dogs that they are....well, unless they contribute to his 2012 re-election campaign...any way ...

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