New York's Vaccine "Passport"


Gold Member
Mar 5, 2021
If you live in New York, I'm curious to know what you think about this latest breaking news story:

This makes me happy to be a Floridian where these COVID mandates and restrictions are not being forced upon us. I'm crossing my fingers it stays this way because obviously New York elite and the government are pushing hard to control its citizens. I hope New Yorkers fight back on this and all and any other mandates and control methods. :dev3::mad:
Drivers license registration proof of insurance-good.
ID for cashing checks-good
ID for voting-good

Proof you've been vaccinated against a deadly virus-no good
ID for voting? Your destruction of men and women and children for not being Progressive Socialist voters has left permanent impressions. You will never be trusted again. We can start the draft after a disaster and it will never be we are fighting for victory against an enemy again. The damage is apparent if you look. You can get the Progressive entertainers and media to hold the weapons to defend you.
Drivers license registration proof of insurance-good.
ID for cashing checks-good
ID for voting-good

Proof you've been vaccinated against a deadly virus-no good
So, you’re good with it?
Drivers license registration proof of insurance-good.
ID for cashing checks-good
ID for voting-good

Proof you've been vaccinated against a deadly virus-no good
Now, if we only had a deadly virus. One that turned every human it infected into a 'Typhoid Mary' and jeopardized the whole of civilization for all eternity!

If only.
Drivers license registration proof of insurance-good.
ID for cashing checks-good
ID for voting-good

Proof you've been vaccinated against a deadly virus-no good
Now, if we only had a deadly virus. One that turned every human it infected into a 'Typhoid Mary' and jeopardized the whole of civilization for all eternity!

If only.
The problem with that is the poster in question may believe we are experiencing a deadly virus infecting the whole world. Likely consumes too much establishment media, like so many Americans.
Now, if we only had a deadly virus.
listen pal, this is a deadly virus. One of my best friends has is and she may not make it. You idiots need to take this thing seriously.
In the history of really deadly viruses, this one doesn't even make the radar blimp.

I've had three family members who have had this and the only way they knew they had it was to be tested for it.

I have over a dozen friends and coworkers who have had it. The worst complaints were the loss of the sense of taste for a few days.

This is so deadly, that the CDC has to lie about who was killed by this virus by attaching people who died from other circumstances but tested positive (an unreliable test at that) with Covid.

None of it justifies being forced to carry papers to prove you've been treated with a highly experimental drug/vaccine.

In fact, other than the pussies on the current generation, even a legitimate deadly virus would not justify it. Mainly because if this was a legitimately lethal virus, people would be too sick to travel.

So, stop trying to garner sympathy.

This is illegal and should be fought and those wishing to implement it, should be jailed.
The same party that opposes Voter ID because it's "racist" brings you "Vaccine Passports". You just can't make this $hit up.
Now, if we only had a deadly virus.
listen pal, this is a deadly virus. One of my best friends has is and she may not make it. You idiots need to take this thing seriously.
Laugh it up fat boy. I hope you're next.
Fat boy? That's laughable since it's been a year since this began and I have yet to wear a mask or take the poisonous needle and I am healthier than I've ever been even with frequenting crowded stores and not practicing social distancing. Go figure...oh wait, it's because it's a "Plan-demic."

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