New Zealand plans to ban young people from ever buying cigarettes in their lifetime in one of the world's toughest crackdowns on the tobacco industry

this was a big debate in the 90s about the tobacco industry between Bob Dole and Bill Clinton

They've passed legislation on this -

A rare moment of agreement. The freedom to choose includes the freedom to make bad choices.

Also...NZ is small--and easily managed..with a population that likes it that way.

Us...not so much~

The problem with some bad choices is they end up becoming problems for other people. Then it's something else. Cigarettes aren't as bad as some things, but smokers can be really annoying to other people.
I never smoked in my life and I can't stand to be around people that do and think that most people who do smoke are idiots but I would never want the government to prevent people from doing it.
I wish my Autralian govt would do it.
It likely won't though...but smoking is banned in so many places that one can almost move around my society without encountering cigarrette/cigar/pipe smoke.
I never smoked in my life and I can't stand to be around people that do and think that most people who do smoke are idiots but I would never want the government to prevent people from doing it.
In PRIVATE spaces I could agree with you. There is NO reason for the Government or the People to allow immoral and socially destructive actions and products like alcohol, drugs and yes, tobacco, in ANY public space.

New Zealand plans to ban young people from ever buying cigarettes​

That sounds like a good idea, but how can they police it? They'll get ciggies the same way they get grog. Get an irresponsible adult to get it for them.

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