Newark Star-Ledger: Trump on 5th Avenue, shoots American Justice.

Investigating Russian interference is an excuse that the Left clings to because they cannot admit failure. It is also an incredible waste of time and money.
Investigating Russian interference is not attacking Trump or spying or treason. Maybe attacking his scumbag accomplices who are so obvious. IE manafort and Cohen for you chumps.


Spygate------The scandal of Trump working with Russian spies to steal the election. He is not the legitimate president.
Nice try. We both know that is nothing but a bogus talking point to misdirect from what really happened.
I'd say he asked a legit question. How could Russians steal an election without tampering with what produces the votes ?
Nice try. We both know that is nothing but a bogus talking point to misdirect from what really happened.
I'd say he asked a legit question. How could Russians steal an election without tampering with what produces the votes ?

So now you're playing dumber than usual. If even a small part of what the Russians and RWNJs accused her of were true, I would have voted against her myself.
That's just dumb.
You asked for it >>

Donna Brazile was only one among many riggings of the 2016 election, for Hillary. There was Hillary wearing an earphonne & questions being fed to her during the debates, there was hostile (to Republicans), liberal "moderators" like Jake Tapper who, instead of asking Republican candidates what their strong points are, he asked them what the weak points of their GOP opponents were,. Martha Raddatz and John what's his name were equally bad.

Then there was the attacks on Trump rally-goers, facilitated by Democrat mayors (Chicago, San Jose, etc) who took little or no action against the attackers.

Then there was the FAKE Hillary ads relentlessly lying to us on TV (disabled reporter, Gold star Muslim father, outsourcing, John McCain, etc)

Then there was the Russian collusion scam, to deflect attention away from al the Democrat scamming/rigging.

Of Hillary’s crimes based on current evidence, Trump would need to look no further than the interpretations of many experts to support calls for prosecution. It was recently confirmed that Clinton’s campaign paid a foreign national to dig up dirt against Trump from other foreign nationals, including Russian and foreign intelligence sources.

Experts have spent months shoehorning Trump into ill-fitting criminal provisions. Some have argued that he can be charged under Section 371, which prohibits conspiracies to defraud the United States “in any manner or for any purpose.” Well, if seeking dirt from the Russians on Clinton is now a federal crime, how about seeking dirt from Russian sources against Trump? If that does not “fall squarely within” the criminal code, how about rigging the primary, as alleged by former Democratic National Committee head Donna Brazile? In her new book, she contends Clinton essentially bought the DNC by assuming responsibility for its crippling debt in exchange for controlling critical elements of the organization before the primary. If Clinton gained critical control over the primary in a secret deal, how was the election “free and fair” for the purposes of Section 371?

And the dossier ? Clinton never fessed up to paying for the dossier over months of coverage and speculation. In addition, journalists (including two New York Times reporters) have accused Clinton lawyer Marc Elias of repeatedly lying in denying any connection between the dossier and the campaign.

Then there's John Podesta, who denied any connection with the campaign in a formal interview with congressional investigators. It is a crime to knowingly give false information to federal investigators or to Congress.

Other criminal allegations against Clinton do not require linguistic gymnastics to fit the criminal code. Critics have charged that huge amounts of money were exchanged through the Clinton Foundation or speaking fees for Bill Clinton, including the $500,000 given to him by Russians before the State Department approved the controversial Uranium One deal under Secretary Hillary Clinton. While there are obvious defenses for Clinton, the allegation would fit a classic “pay to play” scheme. If true, Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich was sent to jail for far less.

And of course obstruction of justice in the email deletions and hard drive destructions with acid, and beating them with a hammer.

And this + Benghazi, on top of 30 years of killing witnesses, all tabulated neatly (photos and all) in the infamous Clinton Body Count list of all the victims murdered by the Clintons >> THE CLINTON BODY-COUNT | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED
Spygate------The scandal of Trump working with Russian spies to steal the election. He is not the legitimate president.
Democrats are who tried to steal the election. Hillary was not a legitimate candidate.

That's just dumb.
You asked for it >>

Donna Brazile was only one among many riggings of the 2016 election, for Hillary. There was Hillary wearing an earphonne & questions being fed to her during the debates, there was hostile (to Republicans), liberal "moderators" like Jake Tapper who, instead of asking Republican candidates what their strong points are, he asked them what the weak points of their GOP opponents were,. Martha Raddatz and John what's his name were equally bad.

Then there was the attacks on Trump rally-goers, facilitated by Democrat mayors (Chicago, San Jose, etc) who took little or no action against the attackers.

Then there was the FAKE Hillary ads relentlessly lying to us on TV (disabled reporter, Gold star Muslim father, outsourcing, John McCain, etc)

Then there was the Russian collusion scam, to deflect attention away from al the Democrat scamming/rigging.

Of Hillary’s crimes based on current evidence, Trump would need to look no further than the interpretations of many experts to support calls for prosecution. It was recently confirmed that Clinton’s campaign paid a foreign national to dig up dirt against Trump from other foreign nationals, including Russian and foreign intelligence sources.

Experts have spent months shoehorning Trump into ill-fitting criminal provisions. Some have argued that he can be charged under Section 371, which prohibits conspiracies to defraud the United States “in any manner or for any purpose.” Well, if seeking dirt from the Russians on Clinton is now a federal crime, how about seeking dirt from Russian sources against Trump? If that does not “fall squarely within” the criminal code, how about rigging the primary, as alleged by former Democratic National Committee head Donna Brazile? In her new book, she contends Clinton essentially bought the DNC by assuming responsibility for its crippling debt in exchange for controlling critical elements of the organization before the primary. If Clinton gained critical control over the primary in a secret deal, how was the election “free and fair” for the purposes of Section 371?

And the dossier ? Clinton never fessed up to paying for the dossier over months of coverage and speculation. In addition, journalists (including two New York Times reporters) have accused Clinton lawyer Marc Elias of repeatedly lying in denying any connection between the dossier and the campaign.

Then there's John Podesta, who denied any connection with the campaign in a formal interview with congressional investigators. It is a crime to knowingly give false information to federal investigators or to Congress.

Other criminal allegations against Clinton do not require linguistic gymnastics to fit the criminal code. Critics have charged that huge amounts of money were exchanged through the Clinton Foundation or speaking fees for Bill Clinton, including the $500,000 given to him by Russians before the State Department approved the controversial Uranium One deal under Secretary Hillary Clinton. While there are obvious defenses for Clinton, the allegation would fit a classic “pay to play” scheme. If true, Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich was sent to jail for far less.

And of course obstruction of justice in the email deletions and hard drive destructions with acid, and beating them with a hammer.

And this + Benghazi, on top of 30 years of killing witnesses, all tabulated neatly (photos and all) in the infamous Clinton Body Count list of all the victims murdered by the Clintons >> THE CLINTON BODY-COUNT | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED

Save it for your next Alt Right or KKK rally. Those are the crazy accusations that Russia helped Trump to spread.
So now you're playing dumber than usual. If even a small part of what the Russians and RWNJs accused her of were true, I would have voted against her myself.
So you actually voted for her ? Jeez, that's bad. That's even worse then me voting for Dukakis in 1988, Willie Horton issue and all.
Save it for your next Alt Right or KKK rally. Those are the crazy accusations that Russia helped Trump to spread.
Is that what they're feeding you on CNN/MSNBC/PBS ? Keeping you deep in denial. Better to face the truth.

PS - I wouldn't be too good at KKK rally. I'm 50% Hispanic.
Investigating Russian interference is not attacking Trump or spying or treason. Maybe attacking his scumbag accomplices who are so obvious. IE manafort and Cohen for you chumps.



Clueless regressives shouldn't be writing about things they don't understand. From your link:

Somehow, that doesn't seem like the way the Founders drew it up.

The founders didn't envision the DOJ at all, the DOJ was established by congress in 1870, almost 100 years after the founding. The founders charged the President to "take care that the laws be faithfully executed". All federal law enforcement authority is derived form the constitutional powers of the President. They are part of the executive branch and yes, he is their boss.


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