Newest Hiring Trend for Members of Congress: Illegal Aliens!


Gold Member
Jul 16, 2009
Obama's backdoor amnesty is creating more jobs for illegal aliens. Isn't that nice of him.

"To add to the list of jobs that Americans won’t do: Congressional Staffer.

It seems, after Freshman Representative Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) searched high and low for a United States citizen to fill the position of “Outreach Director” in one of her congressional offices, she came up empty handed and resigned herself to hiring an illegal alien for the position.

Did I fool you? No? Good.

Say what you will about Congress, those staffer jobs are highly coveted and hard to come by. Further, I don’t think anyone needs to be reminded that the rate of Americans who are unemployed and underemployed in this country is currently above 14%."

Newest Hiring Trend for Members of Congress: Illegal Aliens
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22, million Americans out of work, and they cater to fucking illegal aliens. It is a war on wealth; redistribution. Obama should be impeached for being the biggest thief in history!
Isn't it a violation of federal law to knowingly hire an illegal? Or did congress exempt themselves from that one also?
Isn't it a violation of federal law to knowingly hire an illegal? Or did congress exempt themselves from that one also?

Congress Critters are in a class of "special people" where the law does not apply to them (at least in their minds).
22, million Americans out of work, and they cater to fucking illegal aliens. It is a war on wealth; redistribution. Obama should be impeached for being the biggest thief in history!

I agree wholeheartedly!!!!!!:clap2::clap2::clap2:

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