Newly Elected Congresswoman Who Grew Up in Soviet Ukraine Gives Stark Warning About Socialism

Solving simple poverty also corrects for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment and automatically stabilizes the cycle of structural forms of unemployment.
You seem confused. Here are the questions again:
1. Is that just a fancy way of saying "give them money"? (You are advocating giving away money, correct?)
2. Whose money?
3. Why can't you solve complex poverty with the same childish solution?

Try not to just regurgitate some pre-programmed propaganda instead of addressing the actual questions this time.

I think he just opens the page of some book he is reading and copies down a couple of sentences randomly.
it is not cohesive
It is not consistent
He doesn't answer any questions - it's just more random words.
Not even that, he has about a dozen phrases that he just throws out there, no variations and no changes. Honestly, a bot is more flexible.
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Are you saying that poverty causes crime and drug use?
Yes. Some localities are even raising the amount of property theft before police will bother to get involved. Why would anyone "work hard" to commit crime if they could go on unemployment compensation instead. We could abolish our War on Crime via market friendly public policy instead of your socialism on a national basis while alleging y'all are not really like that in socialism threads.

That is foolish.
Do you realize that when you get unemployment, you are just getting your own money back, that you had withheld before?
There is no welfare "free ride" in the US, or anywhere for that matter.
Better public policy could actually solve our problems by not sacrificing the End to the Means. Employment is at the will of either party. Equal protection of the law for unemployment compensation could eliminate our homeless problem while automatically stabilizing our economy better.
And this is why you are rightly considered the most extremely dogmatic poster I've ever seen. No matter what, no matter how many times you get destroyed, you continue spouting the exact same phrases over and over again. A bot is more flexible.

You never answered my questions from before:

I pay more in taxes than some people. Am I not getting equal protection under the law?
I can't get food stamps and subsidized housing. Am I not getting equal protection under the law?
Only the right wing, never gets it. I am merely promoting the general welfare.

Why are you doing that?
I am a federalist and being faithful to our federal doctrine and federal Constitution. It is the secular and temporal "bible" for the militia of the United States. What is not covered by our Ten simple Amendments?

That's weird -
The 10 amendments were written to limit the Government - yet you wish to expand the Government.
Promoting the general welfare should include better solutions at lower cost. Actually solving some of our problems could lower the Cost of Government. Only the Right Wing denies and disparages that concept. Capitalism, what is That, sayeth the Right Wing every time it comes up.
We've thrown trillions at poverty and it's still with us. Throwing more won't solve the problem. Acknowledging that the poor in our country live better than the middle class in many countries would be a start.
Conspiracy or coincidence?

We have quantum supremacy now and economics is not rocket science.

Automatic stabilization of our economy now!
Do you deny that the poor in our country live better than most around the world?
i believe it is irrelevant and that our standard of living is declining in part due to increasing inequality.
Solving simple poverty also corrects for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment and automatically stabilizes the cycle of structural forms of unemployment.
You seem confused. Here are the questions again:
1. Is that just a fancy way of saying "give them money"? (You are advocating giving away money, correct?)
2. Whose money?
3. Why can't you solve complex poverty with the same childish solution?

Try not to just regurgitate some pre-programmed propaganda instead of addressing the actual questions this time.

I think he just opens the page of some book he is reading and copies down a couple of sentences randomly.
it is not cohesive
It is not consistent
He doesn't answer any questions - it's just more random words.
You need valid arguments for rebuttal not mere ad hominems.

Speed, go virtual, upward toward the downward spiral for that is that.
Nothing but fallacy? Only in right wing fantasy are you Always Right simply for being on the Right Wing.
Are you saying that poverty causes crime and drug use?
Yes. Some localities are even raising the amount of property theft before police will bother to get involved. Why would anyone "work hard" to commit crime if they could go on unemployment compensation instead. We could abolish our War on Crime via market friendly public policy instead of your socialism on a national basis while alleging y'all are not really like that in socialism threads.

That is foolish.
Do you realize that when you get unemployment, you are just getting your own money back, that you had withheld before?
There is no welfare "free ride" in the US, or anywhere for that matter.
Better public policy could actually solve our problems by not sacrificing the End to the Means. Employment is at the will of either party. Equal protection of the law for unemployment compensation could eliminate our homeless problem while automatically stabilizing our economy better.
And this is why you are rightly considered the most extremely dogmatic poster I've ever seen. No matter what, no matter how many times you get destroyed, you continue spouting the exact same phrases over and over again. A bot is more flexible.

You never answered my questions from before:

I pay more in taxes than some people. Am I not getting equal protection under the law?
I can't get food stamps and subsidized housing. Am I not getting equal protection under the law?
Only the right wing, never gets it. I am merely promoting the general welfare.
You carry on ad nauseum about equal protection under the law.

I pay more in taxes than some people. Am I not getting equal protection under the law?
I can't get food stamps and subsidized housing. Am I not getting equal protection under the law?
Why do you make so much if you believe you are so poor?
I didn't say I was poor. Answer the questions:

I pay more in taxes than some people. Am I not getting equal protection under the law?
I can't get food stamps and subsidized housing. Am I not getting equal protection under the law?

“The law, in its majestic equality, forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal their bread.”

― Anatole France
I pay more in taxes than some people. Am I not getting equal protection under the law?
I can't get food stamps and subsidized housing. Am I not getting equal protection under the law?
Means testing is a valid means for achieving the End, via the general welfare.
Which explains why your yammering about UC being unequal protection under the law is a fallacy. You are means tested to receive it. Did you get laid off from a job through no fault of your own? You get it. Did you quit your job? No. Did you get fired? No.
I gave you the answer. You are simply begging the question.
No, you gave a reply. An answer would require addressing the actual questions.
Posting this gobledygook:
Solving simple poverty also corrects for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment and automatically stabilizes the cycle of structural forms of unemployment.
Is not an answer to this question:
Is that just a fancy way of saying "give them money"?
Foolish thread because the Soviet Union was never at all even remotely socialist.
Stalin killed off all the socialists early on, and derailed the revolution into the most capitalist system ever seen since feudalism.
Socialism is local collaboration and cooperation, that requires a democracy for all.
Stalinism is a centralized dictatorship for the wealthy, elite, capitalists, like Stalin.
Soviet Union was plain and simple communism. Wake up.

It was not communism. It was corruption.
It was Communism, which of course has a high level of corruption. All state owned businesses. Nationalized healthcare. No free speech. Cannot criticize the Govt. Media is Govt controlled.
Democratic "communism" should have been politicized for politics.

If liberty and equality are chiefly to be found in democracy, they will be best attained when all persons alike share in government to the utmost.--Aristotle
Why do all your posts sound like rejected fortune cookie sayings? Don’t you have a mind of your own.
I gave you the answer. You are simply begging the question.
No, you gave a reply. An answer would require addressing the actual questions.
Posting this gobledygook:
Solving simple poverty also corrects for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment and automatically stabilizes the cycle of structural forms of unemployment.
Is not an answer to this question:
Is that just a fancy way of saying "give them money"?
Don’t waste your time with the troll
It’s an immigrant’s story, with a message every American should hear.

As a native of Eastern Europe, Victoria Spartz has seen life under socialism up close and knows the damage it can do.

As a newly elected American congresswoman, she’s in a position to stop it from destroying the United States.

Spartz was the underdog winner of a race in Indiana’s 5th Congressional District to replace the retiring Rep. Susan Brooks.

And in an interview Monday morning on Fox News’ “Fox & Friends,” the Ukraine native explained why she got into politics in her adopted country.

BJ's Pull Quote

“I grew up in a socialistic country,” Spartz told co-host Ainsley Earhardt.

“I grew up in socialism. I saw what happens when it runs out of money, and it’s not pretty.”
What a difference a Constitution makes. Our form of socialism, which is Government, is limited by our supreme law of the land. Only right wingers never get it.

We have no form of socialism.

That is foolish because the point of any and all positive that government can do is socialist.
Like mutual defense, preventing crime, fighting fires, ensuring safe utility resources, public education, transportation, etc.

Like almost everyone who promotes Socialism, you don't know what it is.
You promote things that are not Socialist, at all, but misname it, for whatever reason.

seems to me....

i say “ to make and keep America great we need excellent AFFORDABLE education.

and excellent AFFORDABLE healthcare”

and every trumper in the country immediately calls me a marxist/ socialist
It’s an immigrant’s story, with a message every American should hear.

As a native of Eastern Europe, Victoria Spartz has seen life under socialism up close and knows the damage it can do.

As a newly elected American congresswoman, she’s in a position to stop it from destroying the United States.

Spartz was the underdog winner of a race in Indiana’s 5th Congressional District to replace the retiring Rep. Susan Brooks.

And in an interview Monday morning on Fox News’ “Fox & Friends,” the Ukraine native explained why she got into politics in her adopted country.

BJ's Pull Quote

“I grew up in a socialistic country,” Spartz told co-host Ainsley Earhardt.

“I grew up in socialism. I saw what happens when it runs out of money, and it’s not pretty.”
What a difference a Constitution makes. Our form of socialism, which is Government, is limited by our supreme law of the land. Only right wingers never get it.

We have no form of socialism.

That is foolish because the point of any and all positive that government can do is socialist.
Like mutual defense, preventing crime, fighting fires, ensuring safe utility resources, public education, transportation, etc.

Like almost everyone who promotes Socialism, you don't know what it is.
You promote things that are not Socialist, at all, but misname it, for whatever reason.

seems to me....

i say “ to make and keep America great we need excellent AFFORDABLE education.

and excellent AFFORDABLE healthcare”

and every trumper in the country immediately calls me a marxist/ socialist

It’s an immigrant’s story, with a message every American should hear.

As a native of Eastern Europe, Victoria Spartz has seen life under socialism up close and knows the damage it can do.

As a newly elected American congresswoman, she’s in a position to stop it from destroying the United States.

Spartz was the underdog winner of a race in Indiana’s 5th Congressional District to replace the retiring Rep. Susan Brooks.

And in an interview Monday morning on Fox News’ “Fox & Friends,” the Ukraine native explained why she got into politics in her adopted country.

BJ's Pull Quote

“I grew up in a socialistic country,” Spartz told co-host Ainsley Earhardt.

“I grew up in socialism. I saw what happens when it runs out of money, and it’s not pretty.”

So you are trying equate USSR to the Democrats....

And then complain when they get shown up as NAZIs...

This only shows how stupid the GOP and RWNJ have got...
Irony, after defeating socialist countries during the cold war, Dems embrace socialism. :cuckoo:
lol. Nobody takes right wingers seriously about economics. Parler misses you. It was the relative communism of our wartime economy that achieved full employment and won the war.
I gave you the answer. You are simply begging the question.
No, you gave a reply. An answer would require addressing the actual questions.
Posting this gobledygook:
Solving simple poverty also corrects for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment and automatically stabilizes the cycle of structural forms of unemployment.
Is not an answer to this question:
Is that just a fancy way of saying "give them money"?
Don’t waste your time with the troll
“You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than a year of conversation.”—Plato.
Irony, after defeating socialist countries during the cold war, Dems embrace socialism. :cuckoo:
lol. Nobody takes right wingers seriously about economics. Parler misses you. It was the relative communism of our wartime economy that achieved full employment and won the war.

Your personal opinions are not shared by the vast majority of Americans. Wait, are you Canadian perhaps?
Irony, after defeating socialist countries during the cold war, Dems embrace socialism. :cuckoo:
lol. Nobody takes right wingers seriously about economics. Parler misses you. It was the relative communism of our wartime economy that achieved full employment and won the war.

Your personal opinions are not shared by the vast majority of Americans. Wait, are you Canadian perhaps?
lol. Right wingers are not the majority as every election continues to prove.

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