Newly released court documents--Manafort's--Gate's ties to Russian Oligarchs

Yesterday Manafort & Gates were charged but tonight the court released more document's, specifically related to their flight risk.

In the court documents it specifically states that Manafort & Gates have been paid millions of dollars by Russian & Ukranian Oligarch's. It also mentioned that the bank account in Cypris has 3 owners, Manafort, Gates and a Russian Oligarch. That Manafort still has staff in the Ukraine and in Moscow also. So the court considered Manafort to be a flight risk, and have put on an electronic device, possibly an ankle bracelet, to monitor Manafort's movements. They took their passports. They are restricted to home, church, emergency medical & their attorney's office. In the court document is states because of their Foreign ties, and financial connections, they are a flight risk, and would still be comfortable if they fled the United States to avoid prosecution.

At any rate here is Rachel Maddow with the court documents in hand. It's a 14 minute video, very informative & worth watching.
Newly unsealed court documents tie Manafort, Gates to Russia


I remember the last time the degenerate gender confused Maddow had some papers in her hand...Trump tax returns was it? Turned out to be sort of humiliating for her as I recall.

These are real court documents, and the only thing that is embarrassing about it, is that Trump has proclaimed over the last 2 days that "this was years ago", when in fact these court documents state that Manafort still has staff in the Ukraine and in Moscow.

Rachel Maddow has kicked FOX NEWS butt in ratings and viewership over the last several months, because she is reporting every single detail in these investigations--with verifiable links and documents.
In Trump era, Rachel Maddow starts beating Fox News
Rachel Maddow crushes Fox News in August; CNN gaining fast

You still peddling this as "new"? Get a grip.

Trump is & he has repeatedly stated that Manafort's Ukranian business's happened a "long time" ago, and before he became Trump's campaign manager. Well it turns out, according to these court documents that Manafort still has staff in the Ukraine and Moscow.
Trump says Manafort’s charges were from ‘years ago’ and insists ‘NO COLLUSION!’

Who in the hell has 3 U.S. passports?

"Manafort currently has three US passports, each under a different number. He has submitted 10 passport applications in roughly as many years, prosecutors said.
* This year, Manafort traveled to Mexico, China and Ecuador with a phone and email account registered under a fake name. (The name was not disclosed in the filings.)
* Over the past year, Manafort traveled to Dubai, Cancun, Panama City, Havana, Shanghai, Madrid, Tokyo and Grand Cayman Island.
* Both Manafort and Gates were frequent travelers to Cyprus. "Extensive travel of this nature further evidences a risk of flight," the prosecutor's filing said."
Manafort has 3 passports, traveled to China with phone registered under fake name - CNNPolitics
BRUTAL NY Times Op-Ed "The Plot Against America"

By Michelle Goldberg

Despite Trump’s hysterical denials and attempts at diversion, the question is no longer whether there was cooperation between Trump’s campaign and Russia, but how extensive it was.

In truth, that’s been clear for a while. If it’s sometimes hard to grasp the Trump campaign’s conspiracy against our democracy, it’s due less to lack of proof than to the impudent improbability of its B-movie plotline. Monday’s indictments offer evidence of things that Washington already knows but pretends to forget. Trump, more gangster than entrepreneur, has long surrounded himself with bottom-feeding scum, and for all his nationalist bluster, his campaign was a vehicle for Russian subversion.

So here’s where we are. Trump put Manafort, an accused money-launderer and unregistered foreign agent, in charge of his campaign. Under Manafort’s watch, the campaign made at least two attempts to get compromising information about Clinton from Russia. Russia, in turn, provided hacked Democratic emails to WikiLeaks.

We’ve had a year of recriminations over the Clinton campaign’s failings, but Trump clawed out his minority victory only with the aid of a foreign intelligence service. On Monday we finally got indictments, but it’s been obvious for a year that this presidency is a crime.

Opinion | The Plot Against America
BRUTAL NY Times Op-Ed "The Plot Against America"

By Michelle Goldberg

Despite Trump’s hysterical denials and attempts at diversion, the question is no longer whether there was cooperation between Trump’s campaign and Russia, but how extensive it was.

In truth, that’s been clear for a while. If it’s sometimes hard to grasp the Trump campaign’s conspiracy against our democracy, it’s due less to lack of proof than to the impudent improbability of its B-movie plotline. Monday’s indictments offer evidence of things that Washington already knows but pretends to forget. Trump, more gangster than entrepreneur, has long surrounded himself with bottom-feeding scum, and for all his nationalist bluster, his campaign was a vehicle for Russian subversion.

So here’s where we are. Trump put Manafort, an accused money-launderer and unregistered foreign agent, in charge of his campaign. Under Manafort’s watch, the campaign made at least two attempts to get compromising information about Clinton from Russia. Russia, in turn, provided hacked Democratic emails to WikiLeaks.

We’ve had a year of recriminations over the Clinton campaign’s failings, but Trump clawed out his minority victory only with the aid of a foreign intelligence service. On Monday we finally got indictments, but it’s been obvious for a year that this presidency is a crime.

Opinion | The Plot Against America
The left are so desperate they use opinion articles from left wing websites.
Yesterday Manafort & Gates were charged but tonight the court released more document's, specifically related to their flight risk.

In the court documents it specifically states that Manafort & Gates have been paid millions of dollars by Russian & Ukranian Oligarch's. It also mentioned that the bank account in Cypris has 3 owners, Manafort, Gates and a Russian Oligarch. That Manafort still has staff in the Ukraine and in Moscow also. So the court considered Manafort to be a flight risk, and have put on an electronic device, possibly an ankle bracelet, to monitor Manafort's movements. They took their passports. They are restricted to home, church, emergency medical & their attorney's office. In the court document is states because of their Foreign ties, and financial connections, they are a flight risk, and would still be comfortable if they fled the United States to avoid prosecution.

At any rate here is Rachel Maddow with the court documents in hand. It's a 14 minute video, very informative & worth watching.
Newly unsealed court documents tie Manafort, Gates to Russia


I remember the last time the degenerate gender confused Maddow had some papers in her hand...Trump tax returns was it? Turned out to be sort of humiliating for her as I recall.

These are real court documents, and the only thing that is embarrassing about it, is that Trump has proclaimed over the last 2 days that "this was years ago", when in fact these court documents state that Manafort still has staff in the Ukraine and in Moscow.

Rachel Maddow has kicked FOX NEWS butt in ratings and viewership over the last several months, because she is reporting every single detail in these investigations--with verifiable links and documents.
In Trump era, Rachel Maddow starts beating Fox News
Rachel Maddow crushes Fox News in August; CNN gaining fast

You still peddling this as "new"? Get a grip.

Trump is & he has repeatedly stated that Manafort's Ukranian business's happened a "long time" ago, and before he became Trump's campaign manager. Well it turns out, according to these court documents that Manafort still has staff in the Ukraine and Moscow.
Trump says Manafort’s charges were from ‘years ago’ and insists ‘NO COLLUSION!’

Who in the hell has 3 U.S. passports?

"Manafort currently has three US passports, each under a different number. He has submitted 10 passport applications in roughly as many years, prosecutors said.
* This year, Manafort traveled to Mexico, China and Ecuador with a phone and email account registered under a fake name. (The name was not disclosed in the filings.)
* Over the past year, Manafort traveled to Dubai, Cancun, Panama City, Havana, Shanghai, Madrid, Tokyo and Grand Cayman Island.
* Both Manafort and Gates were frequent travelers to Cyprus. "Extensive travel of this nature further evidences a risk of flight," the prosecutor's filing said."
Manafort has 3 passports, traveled to China with phone registered under fake name - CNNPolitics

This is not new news. I put up the article from 2016 outlining Manafort's business connections. Manafort is a lobbyist. Just like Tony Podesta. It's what they do for a living.

From the Washington Post it's the key point...

"Many of the charges against Manafort and Gates, which include money laundering and tax fraud, relate to alleged crimes that predate either of the political operatives joining the Trump campaign."

Predate. Have you got that yet?

Who did Manafort and Gates work for in Ukraine and Russia?
Oh and an FYI regarding passports. There's a loophole that allows you to have more than one.

Good. About time JAVANKA are asshole Democrats for crying out loud. Kushner's freaking lawyer is a law partner with Mueller. His old one is Jamie Gorelick for crying out loud. Yes, THAT Clinton bitch.
Yesterday Manafort & Gates were charged but tonight the court released more document's, specifically related to their flight risk.

In the court documents it specifically states that Manafort & Gates have been paid millions of dollars by Russian & Ukranian Oligarch's. It also mentioned that the bank account in Cypris has 3 owners, Manafort, Gates and a Russian Oligarch. That Manafort still has staff in the Ukraine and in Moscow also. So the court considered Manafort to be a flight risk, and have put on an electronic device, possibly an ankle bracelet, to monitor Manafort's movements. They took their passports. They are restricted to home, church, emergency medical & their attorney's office. In the court document is states because of their Foreign ties, and financial connections, they are a flight risk, and would still be comfortable if they fled the United States to avoid prosecution.

At any rate here is Rachel Maddow with the court documents in hand. It's a 14 minute video, very informative & worth watching.
Newly unsealed court documents tie Manafort, Gates to Russia


Is that more important than 'Fat Tony' Podesta, Bill Clinton, & Hillary Clinton - as proven - being paid by the KGB Bank, the lead financier for the Russian effort to purchase Uranium One?

Just checking....
Another thread about Manafort and still no evidence Russia hacked the DNC emails although evidence Crooked Hillary colluded with Russia abounds in regards to giving them 20% of US Uranium for $150,000,000!
And no evidence against the President.
Yesterday Manafort & Gates were charged but tonight the court released more document's, specifically related to their flight risk.

In the court documents it specifically states that Manafort & Gates have been paid millions of dollars by Russian & Ukranian Oligarch's. It also mentioned that the bank account in Cypris has 3 owners, Manafort, Gates and a Russian Oligarch. That Manafort still has staff in the Ukraine and in Moscow also. So the court considered Manafort to be a flight risk, and have put on an electronic device, possibly an ankle bracelet, to monitor Manafort's movements. They took their passports. They are restricted to home, church, emergency medical & their attorney's office. In the court document is states because of their Foreign ties, and financial connections, they are a flight risk, and would still be comfortable if they fled the United States to avoid prosecution.

At any rate here is Rachel Maddow with the court documents in hand. It's a 14 minute video, very informative & worth watching.
Newly unsealed court documents tie Manafort, Gates to Russia

Thousands Of New Yorkers Took To The Streets In Anti-Trump March Promoted By Russia-Linked Account
Yesterday Manafort & Gates were charged but tonight the court released more document's, specifically related to their flight risk.

In the court documents it specifically states that Manafort & Gates have been paid millions of dollars by Russian & Ukranian Oligarch's. It also mentioned that the bank account in Cypris has 3 owners, Manafort, Gates and a Russian Oligarch. That Manafort still has staff in the Ukraine and in Moscow also. So the court considered Manafort to be a flight risk, and have put on an electronic device, possibly an ankle bracelet, to monitor Manafort's movements. They took their passports. They are restricted to home, church, emergency medical & their attorney's office. In the court document is states because of their Foreign ties, and financial connections, they are a flight risk, and would still be comfortable if they fled the United States to avoid prosecution.

At any rate here is Rachel Maddow with the court documents in hand. It's a 14 minute video, very informative & worth watching.
Newly unsealed court documents tie Manafort, Gates to Russia


How is that new? We’ve known that he’s been tied to them FOREVER, long before trump announced he was running.
Yesterday Manafort & Gates were charged but tonight the court released more document's, specifically related to their flight risk.

In the court documents it specifically states that Manafort & Gates have been paid millions of dollars by Russian & Ukranian Oligarch's. It also mentioned that the bank account in Cypris has 3 owners, Manafort, Gates and a Russian Oligarch. That Manafort still has staff in the Ukraine and in Moscow also. So the court considered Manafort to be a flight risk, and have put on an electronic device, possibly an ankle bracelet, to monitor Manafort's movements. They took their passports. They are restricted to home, church, emergency medical & their attorney's office. In the court document is states because of their Foreign ties, and financial connections, they are a flight risk, and would still be comfortable if they fled the United States to avoid prosecution.

At any rate here is Rachel Maddow with the court documents in hand. It's a 14 minute video, very informative & worth watching.
Newly unsealed court documents tie Manafort, Gates to Russia

Thousands Of New Yorkers Took To The Streets In Anti-Trump March Promoted By Russia-Linked Account

I saw that earlier. You should start a thread on it.
Yesterday Manafort & Gates were charged but tonight the court released more document's, specifically related to their flight risk.

In the court documents it specifically states that Manafort & Gates have been paid millions of dollars by Russian & Ukranian Oligarch's. It also mentioned that the bank account in Cypris has 3 owners, Manafort, Gates and a Russian Oligarch. That Manafort still has staff in the Ukraine and in Moscow also. So the court considered Manafort to be a flight risk, and have put on an electronic device, possibly an ankle bracelet, to monitor Manafort's movements. They took their passports. They are restricted to home, church, emergency medical & their attorney's office. In the court document is states because of their Foreign ties, and financial connections, they are a flight risk, and would still be comfortable if they fled the United States to avoid prosecution.

At any rate here is Rachel Maddow with the court documents in hand. It's a 14 minute video, very informative & worth watching.
Newly unsealed court documents tie Manafort, Gates to Russia


How is that new? We’ve known that he’s been tied to them FOREVER, long before trump announced he was running.

Yeah, I think most of us knew that, but either Trump knew it too, and has over the last 2 days proclaimed it was a Long--long time ago, and BEFORE (Manafort was his campaign manager.) In fact several right wingers on this board have said the same thing. Clearly Manafort still has staff in the Ukraine & Moscow according to this court document--meaning he's still working for them.

Here's what happened recently.
Paul Manafort retroactively registers with Justice Dept. as foreign agent
Yesterday Manafort & Gates were charged but tonight the court released more document's, specifically related to their flight risk.

In the court documents it specifically states that Manafort & Gates have been paid millions of dollars by Russian & Ukranian Oligarch's. It also mentioned that the bank account in Cypris has 3 owners, Manafort, Gates and a Russian Oligarch. That Manafort still has staff in the Ukraine and in Moscow also. So the court considered Manafort to be a flight risk, and have put on an electronic device, possibly an ankle bracelet, to monitor Manafort's movements. They took their passports. They are restricted to home, church, emergency medical & their attorney's office. In the court document is states because of their Foreign ties, and financial connections, they are a flight risk, and would still be comfortable if they fled the United States to avoid prosecution.

At any rate here is Rachel Maddow with the court documents in hand. It's a 14 minute video, very informative & worth watching.
Newly unsealed court documents tie Manafort, Gates to Russia


How is that new? We’ve known that he’s been tied to them FOREVER, long before trump announced he was running.

Yeah, I think most of us knew that, but either Trump knew it too, and has over the last 2 days proclaimed it was a Long--long time ago, and BEFORE (Manafort was his campaign manager.) In fact several right wingers on this board have said the same thing. Clearly Manafort still has staff in the Ukraine & Moscow according to this court document--meaning he's still working for them.

Here's what happened recently.
Paul Manafort retroactively registers with Justice Dept. as foreign agent
Yea and trump was stupid to hire him. I’m not a trump fan, did not vote for him. But that doesn’t mean this is a smoking gun, bombshell discovery.
Manafort was tied to the Podesta brothers lobbying firm and the Podesta brothers were tied to and friends with Hillary long before the Trump campaign. Are lefties going to smash windows and torch cars if the Podesta brothers (and Hillary?) are indicted?

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