Newly released court documents--Manafort's--Gate's ties to Russian Oligarchs

Manafort was tied to the Podesta brothers lobbying firm and the Podesta brothers were tied to and friends with Hillary long before the Trump campaign. Are lefties going to smash windows and torch cars if the Podesta brothers (and Hillary?) are indicted?

How does that clear Trump? Oh, doesn't. Twist in the wind bitch
Yesterday Manafort & Gates were charged but tonight the court released more document's, specifically related to their flight risk.

In the court documents it specifically states that Manafort & Gates have been paid millions of dollars by Russian & Ukranian Oligarch's. It also mentioned that the bank account in Cypris has 3 owners, Manafort, Gates and a Russian Oligarch. That Manafort still has staff in the Ukraine and in Moscow also. So the court considered Manafort to be a flight risk, and have put on an electronic device, possibly an ankle bracelet, to monitor Manafort's movements. They took their passports. They are restricted to home, church, emergency medical & their attorney's office. In the court document is states because of their Foreign ties, and financial connections, they are a flight risk, and would still be comfortable if they fled the United States to avoid prosecution.

At any rate here is Rachel Maddow with the court documents in hand. It's a 14 minute video, very informative & worth watching.
Newly unsealed court documents tie Manafort, Gates to Russia


How is that new? We’ve known that he’s been tied to them FOREVER, long before trump announced he was running.

Yeah, I think most of us knew that, but either Trump knew it too, and has over the last 2 days proclaimed it was a Long--long time ago, and BEFORE (Manafort was his campaign manager.) In fact several right wingers on this board have said the same thing. Clearly Manafort still has staff in the Ukraine & Moscow according to this court document--meaning he's still working for them.

Here's what happened recently.
Paul Manafort retroactively registers with Justice Dept. as foreign agent
Yea and trump was stupid to hire him. I’m not a trump fan, did not vote for him. But that doesn’t mean this is a smoking gun, bombshell discovery.

I think it is a piece that is going to make a smoking gun.

While Trump was running for POTUS he was planning on building a Trump Tower in Moscow.
While Donald Trump was running for president in late 2015 and early 2016, his company was pursuing a plan to develop a massive Trump Tower in Moscow, according to several people familiar with the proposal and new records reviewed by Trump Organization lawyers.
Trump’s business sought deal on a Trump Tower in Moscow while he ran for president

Shep Smith in February 2017, stated that Trump surrogates were on the phone with Russian intelligence agents including the day that Russians hacked into DNC databases.

What they never realised is that they were being electronically monitored and watched by several different FOREIGN intellgence sources--since 2015.
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

Which is why Trump Jr. couldn't pull off a secret Russian meeting in the Trump tower in June of 2016.

It's all going to tie together. I think Mueller has had plenty of evidence of collusion--and he is looking for the motive for it. Strong financial ties, a project in Moscow, etc. etc. etc. He's going to get them all before he's done.

And again the best news source on this is Rachel Maddow, who is and has been reporting every detail coming out of these investigations.

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