Newly Unredacted Mueller Docs Expose Damning Details Of Manafort's Lies About Meetings With Kremlin Agents

The Impeachment multi tiered hoax was page 1 for years but the final unraveling and exposure of the hoax, insidious nature of it is always page 33.
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The Impeachment multi tiered hoax was page 1 for years but the final unraveling and exposure of the hoax, insidious nature of it is always page 33.
And then the Dems tried to impeach Trump after he left office. Hopefully voters remember this crap.
This is so disturbing. manafort lied through his teeth to our government.

So what did trump do?

He pardoned manfort.

Manofort lied people died...3 years later
Manafort lied to prosecutors about the extent of his discussions with Kilimnik over a Russian-backed “peace plan” for Ukraine that would have split the country in half; about sharing internal Trump campaign polling data with Kilimnik, who then allegedly passed that information on to Russian intelligence; and about a meeting he had with Kilimnik in Madrid in early 2017, shortly after Trump’s inauguration.

How were any of his actions about Russian interference?
How do you defend any of that?
This is so disturbing. manafort lied through his teeth to our government.

So what did trump do?

He pardoned manfort.

You do realize that evidence was exposed proving Manafiry was an informant on the Russians for the CIA & that Mueller was already aware of it, right...

This was not tge 1st time Mueller went after someone he KNEW to be innocent. Years earlier Mueller put a man in prison he knew to be innocent. Years later the evidence was produced priving it....despite his innocence having been proven Mueller still declared he was guilty & needed to go back to prison....

Of course, then you have the GISA Court who reduced evidence the FBI has been illegally spying on everyone for DECADES, under Mueller & his protégé...

Both of those SOBs should be rotting in GITMO right now...
I have nothing but hate AND contempt for the left. Contempt definition: the feeling that a person or a thing is beneath consideration, worthless, or deserving scorn.

I already knew that. I thought you might have a constructive legitimate reason for your hate.

How does it feel by hating half the population? Do your tell your neighbours and fellow godbotherers you hate th e m regularly?
How does all this hate fit with the godbothering republicans and their God?
Maybe you all get special dispensation to hate for political reasons and doesn't attract sins????

You're not a deep thinker.

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