News Alert: Iranian Forces Seizes U.S. Ship

It doesn't make one bit of difference whether this story is true or not. One of them will be true, and we won't do a damn thing about it. Apologize maybe. Give the Iranian gov. a bunch more of our taxed dollars.
The reason Americans won't do anything about it is the American patriot no longer exists. We have been bred/trained like pit bulls to concentrate on one thing:
Which American party/politician is to blame for everything...

righty> :meow: <lefty

Pretending one politician is better than the other is like saying Ebola is better than a flesh eating virus.
Somehow i doubt Obama cares. He's a Muslim/Communist foreigner who hates Whitey, Christians, and America. He's a prototypical Anti-American Communist/Progressive.

Most can't wait till he's out. And who knows, maybe we'll even get an actual American Citizen for a President next time? Hey, stranger things have happened. This asshole became a U.S. President, didn't he?
Somehow i doubt Obama cares. He's a Muslim/Communist foreigner who hates Whitey, Christians, and America. He's a prototypical Anti-American Communist/Progressive.

Most can't wait till he's out. And who knows, maybe we'll even get an actual American Citizen for a President next time? Hey, stranger things have happened. This asshole became a U.S. President, didn't he?

In your moronic, racist rant, you forgot to mention that Obama was ALSO a Kenyan.......Careful now, FOX will be pissed at you.
Did you notice all the RWrs drooling on this thread when they thought it was a hijacked U.S. Ship with American sailors on board? Simply drooling! :eusa_drool:
Not blaming the Iranians for what they did, but Oblama..

Um, you mean like liberals blamed 9/11 on Bush and not the terrorists?

Bush Sr. caused 9/11 by invading Iraq in 1991.

Judea declaring war on Germany in 1933 should of been a clue hey.


What the hell are you talking about??????????????????

You right there wasn't , but there is now isn't there! Look it up.

What are you hell are you talking about????????????

The modern nation of Israel formed in 1948!!!!!!!

How did they declare war on Nazi Germany in 1933???????

Are you on an LSD trip right now?

You aren't making any sense!

Being friends with Iran will guarantee a future war. You cannot trust and be friends with people that hate us. President Obama is ignorant to think so, and severing ties with Israel isn't a smart move either.

People who hate us, well maybe they do since we have interfered so much in their country, with their sanctions and all. Time to change that. How would the US people feel about Britain if they were sanctioning us to death.

Gosh yes, we should stop sanctioning all supporters of terrorism, like Iran.

Why appeasement like that worked soooooooooooooooo well with Nazi Germany.

We won the war against Nazi Germany.

PS...Neville Chamberlain was a conservative.

After 50 MILLION DEAD WE WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fifty million that did not need die if we had stopped Nazi Germany instead of appeasing them.

And what is a "conservative:" in England shows the how different their politics were and are.

Not even a valid comparison.

Without the superpower of the day the League of Nations was powerless. Guess who kept us out of that and reverted back to an isolationist stance?
The same group of politicians how spoke glowingly of Hitler and his Nazis on the Congressional floor in speeches you can find in an anthology called The Illustrious Dunderheads by Rex Stout Reviews Discussion Bookclubs Lists
People who hate us, well maybe they do since we have interfered so much in their country, with their sanctions and all. Time to change that. How would the US people feel about Britain if they were sanctioning us to death.

Gosh yes, we should stop sanctioning all supporters of terrorism, like Iran.

Why appeasement like that worked soooooooooooooooo well with Nazi Germany.

We won the war against Nazi Germany.

PS...Neville Chamberlain was a conservative.

After 50 MILLION DEAD WE WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fifty million that did not need die if we had stopped Nazi Germany instead of appeasing them.

And what is a "conservative:" in England shows the how different their politics were and are.

Not even a valid comparison.
But we, the U.S., didn't even get involved in Nazi Germany until they declared war on us. How would we have even thought to "stop them"?

That's an attempt to change the subject.

I am not talking about the Isolationist polices of the US. I am talking about the appeasement policies of Western Europe that allowed Nazi Germany to build up a military not even allowed in the Versailles Treaty.

They all saw what was happening, but did nothing about it.
How are WE as Americans responsible for what Western Europe did?'re one of those "U.S. as World Cop" people.
Did you notice all the RWrs drooling on this thread when they thought it was a hijacked U.S. Ship with American sailors on board? Simply drooling! :eusa_drool:

Um, that's pretty funny considering how many liberals are here having a fit we are even discussing it.
^ Sorry that reality ruined your Drool-fest, TPS.

Who's drooling. You are the guys crying in butthurt that's even being discussed!

I don't see us being butthurt over a lie. But you seem to be very upset that this thread didn't quite pan out.
Bush Sr. caused 9/11 by invading Iraq in 1991.

I thought you idiots said Iraq has nothing to do with 9/11. Now you say it does?

They did it because we had parked our military on holy grounds....

And where does Obama's drone strikes land??
They don't land in Mecca...

And what are you worried about.

How many Muslims kill each other in Mecca every year trampling each other?
There you are, drooling again.
They did it because we had parked our military on holy grounds....

And where does Obama's drone strikes land??
They don't land in Mecca...

And what are you worried about.

How many Muslims kill each other in Mecca every year trampling each other?

How many?

Hajj stampede death toll reaches 244
In the worst tragedy in seven years at the annual Muslim pilgrimage, 244 worshippers were trampled to death and hundreds more were hurt beneath a crush of people making their way to a ritualistic stoning of the devil.

Hajj stampede death toll reaches 244 Daily Mail Online

It happens every damn year those chuckle heads get together at Mecca!
People who hate us, well maybe they do since we have interfered so much in their country, with their sanctions and all. Time to change that. How would the US people feel about Britain if they were sanctioning us to death.
We were strong enough to defeat them. If iran gets a nuclear bomb, they would nuke Israel. They have said it.

Iran would commit national suicide?
We are by letting them get a nuke.

No US ship and no Nuke for Iran either.

I'm very glad it is not a US ship.

At least I HOPE we are getting the truth this time.

After Benghazi, you learn the media blatantly lies to cover for this administration.
Sure you are.....sure you are.
It doesn't make one bit of difference whether this story is true or not. One of them will be true, and we won't do a damn thing about it. Apologize maybe. Give the Iranian gov. a bunch more of our taxed dollars.
The reason Americans won't do anything about it is the American patriot no longer exists. We have been bred/trained like pit bulls to concentrate on one thing:
Which American party/politician is to blame for everything...

righty> :meow: <lefty

Pretending one politician is better than the other is like saying Ebola is better than a flesh eating virus.
No....not to fanatical RWrs it doesn' NEVER makes a difference to fanatical RWrs whether a story is true or not. We get that.
I guess we should pull the U.S. Navy out of the middle east. I thought we were there to protect the sea-lanes......:disbelief:.
I guess you bozos never heard of the Tanker Wars of the Reagan era, eh?

Does "USS Stark" ring a bell?
Is the Strait of Hormuz Governed by Treaty or by Customary International Law?

Iran’s legal rights over the Strait of Hormuz vis-à-vis the rest of the world, and ignoring Oman’s sovereignty concerns, are a slightly more complicated question, although even there Iran’s claims are tenuous. The precise extent of Iran’s legal authority, however, differs based upon whether one applies the doctrine of innocent passage or transit passage to the Strait.
Somehow i doubt Obama cares. He's a Muslim/Communist foreigner who hates Whitey, Christians, and America. He's a prototypical Anti-American Communist/Progressive.

Most can't wait till he's out. And who knows, maybe we'll even get an actual American Citizen for a President next time? Hey, stranger things have happened. This asshole became a U.S. President, didn't he?

In your moronic, racist rant, you forgot to mention that Obama was ALSO a Kenyan.......Careful now, FOX will be pissed at you.

Bombshell interview Malik Obama says Barack is cold and ruthless - Allen B. West -

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