NEWS FLASH TO CONSERVATIVE CHRISTIANS: Someone else not celebrating Christmas isn't an attack on your religious rights!!!

Why is it that Christians on the right get personally offended doesnt put up christmas decoration or say merry christmas? You hear about the "war on christmas" all the time.

Iwas in an asian grocery store the other day, and some old fat bitch starts screaming at the owner that "in America we celebrate Christmas" and that he had to put up decorations and say merry christmas. He politely told her that since hes not christian, he doesnt celebrate christian holidays, and that if she took offence to him not following her religion, she could go shop somewhere else. By his tone you could tell he really meant "mind your own business or get the fuck out of my store".

This type of behavior is getting very common where people will consider it a personal attack on their religious rights if some doesnt celebrate christmas.

This never happened
Why is it that Christians on the right get personally offended doesnt put up christmas decoration or say merry christmas? You hear about the "war on christmas" all the time.

Iwas in an asian grocery store the other day, and some old fat bitch starts screaming at the owner that "in America we celebrate Christmas" and that he had to put up decorations and say merry christmas. He politely told her that since hes not christian, he doesnt celebrate christian holidays, and that if she took offence to him not following her religion, she could go shop somewhere else. By his tone you could tell he really meant "mind your own business or get the fuck out of my store".

This type of behavior is getting very common where people will consider it a personal attack on their religious rights if some doesnt celebrate christmas.

What in the hell are you talking about?'. Ive never seen or heard any of that.

Are you just making up shit? Or did you see one tiny incident or comment and then blowing it way out of proportion?
No, they just dont like it when democrats predictably attack Christmas every year, like this thread is doing.

That's what Fox always claims.. I am pretty old and I have NEVER seen any "war on Christmas".
Why is it that Christians on the right get personally offended doesnt put up christmas decoration or say merry christmas? You hear about the "war on christmas" all the time.

Iwas in an asian grocery store the other day, and some old fat bitch starts screaming at the owner that "in America we celebrate Christmas" and that he had to put up decorations and say merry christmas. He politely told her that since hes not christian, he doesnt celebrate christian holidays, and that if she took offence to him not following her religion, she could go shop somewhere else. By his tone you could tell he really meant "mind your own business or get the fuck out of my store".

This type of behavior is getting very common where people will consider it a personal attack on their religious rights if some doesnt celebrate christmas.
I wish you a very Merry Christmas
What in the hell are you talking about?'. Ive never seen or heard any of that.

Are you just making up shit? Or did you see one tiny incident or comment and then blowing it way out of proportion?
These people hate Xmas so much it really upsets them. and that makes my holidatys more cheerfull
Oh I've literally seen every conservative news source from Fox to OAN do entire segmants about how Christians are under attack because some people dont say merry christmas. Fox ran a story deefending some asshole who went ont a racist, antisemetic rant, because walmart was selling nonchristian holiday items. Fox claimed he was standing up for his religiou freedom.

If you don't like it, why do you watch every conservative news source from Fox to OAN? :laughing0301:

Like the Sloopster says, "I wish you a very Merry Christmas."

And be sure to remember the true meanining of Christmas: It's about the birth of your Lord and savior, Jesus Christ.
If you don't like it, why do you watch every conservative news source from Fox to OAN? :laughing0301:

Like the Sloopster says, "I wish you a very Merry Christmas."

And be sure to remember the true meanining of Christmas: It's about the birth of your Lord and savior, Jesus Christ.
Well it lost its true meaning about1500 years ago, when Rome decided to tack Jesus to a pagan holiday. Jesus was born in the spring.. Dcember is too cold for sheep in the middle east.
This so-called war on Christmas started when Faux News noticed shops with "Happy Holidays" signs in their windows in a city with millions of non-Christian residents. Forget about the nearby towering Christmas tree in Rockefeller Center.

They beat the drum of the war on Christmas so loudly, it had a bad effect on good people. My Jewish husband and I were on line in the grocery store. Behind us was the very respected and loved pharmacist who owned a small shop in the village. The clerk, the nicest person you would want to meet, almost vehemently started wishing us a Merry Christmas. It was sad.

Our Pilgrim and Puritan forefathers were the ones who waged a war on Christmas:
The upper classes in ancient Rome celebrated Dec. 25 as the birthday of the sun god Mithra. The date fell right in the middle of Saturnalia, a monthlong holiday dedicated to food, drink, and revelry, and Pope Julius I is said to have chosen that day to celebrate Christ's birth as a way of co-opting the pagan rituals. Beyond that, the Puritans considered it historically inaccurate to place the Messiah's arrival on Dec. 25. They thought Jesus had been born sometime in September.
So enjoy the holiday, but don't insist everybody, no matter their religion, celebrate it.
Why is it that Christians on the right get personally offended doesnt put up christmas decoration or say merry christmas? You hear about the "war on christmas" all the time.

Iwas in an asian grocery store the other day, and some old fat bitch starts screaming at the owner that "in America we celebrate Christmas" and that he had to put up decorations and say merry christmas. He politely told her that since hes not christian, he doesnt celebrate christian holidays, and that if she took offence to him not following her religion, she could go shop somewhere else. By his tone you could tell he really meant "mind your own business or get the fuck out of my store".

This type of behavior is getting very common where people will consider it a personal attack on their religious rights if some doesnt celebrate christmas.
I do not see it as an offense. What I saw as an offense is the powers that be shamed people into saying Happy Holidays and not Merry Christmas in public areas. We live in hectic times. More then back in the 1960's even though it was tough in the later years. Christmas to me was of peace. Christmas Eve was a near stop of everything. We were not as jaded and cynical back then. After WW 2 by the late 1950's, many people had more than they ever in their lives. We blew it in another 15 years time from that era.
I do not see it as an offense. What I saw as an offense is the powers that be shamed people into saying Happy Holidays and not Merry Christmas in public areas. We live in hectic times. More then back in the 1960's even though it was tough in the later years. Christmas to me was of peace. Christmas Eve was a near stop of everything. We were not as jaded and cynical back then. After WW 2 by the late 1950's, many people had more than they ever in their lives. We blew it in another 15 years time from that era.
At least the big box stores will be closed on Christmas this year. It took a pandemic to inspire them to do this.
Why is it that Christians on the right get personally offended doesnt put up christmas decoration or say merry christmas? You hear about the "war on christmas" all the time.

Iwas in an asian grocery store the other day, and some old fat bitch starts screaming at the owner that "in America we celebrate Christmas" and that he had to put up decorations and say merry christmas. He politely told her that since hes not christian, he doesnt celebrate christian holidays, and that if she took offence to him not following her religion, she could go shop somewhere else. By his tone you could tell he really meant "mind your own business or get the fuck out of my store".

This type of behavior is getting very common where people will consider it a personal attack on their religious rights if some doesnt celebrate christmas.
Christians on the right

starts screaming at the owner

How do you know this person was on the right?

some old fat bitch

That's very rude of you. It's ironic that the left, the party that accuses the right of being "hateful", seems to engage in the same kind of speech.
I do not see it as an offense. What I saw as an offense is the powers that be shamed people into saying Happy Holidays and not Merry Christmas in public areas. We live in hectic times. More then back in the 1960's even though it was tough in the later years. Christmas to me was of peace. Christmas Eve was a near stop of everything. We were not as jaded and cynical back then. After WW 2 by the late 1950's, many people had more than they ever in their lives. We blew it in another 15 years time from that era.

You weren't even born until 1956.
At least the big box stores will be closed on Christmas this year. It took a pandemic to inspire them to do this.
We became an instant demand what we want now culture. A five day work week that had minimal people as a percentage compared to today on late afternoon and night shifts except for certain jobs. Sundays were a slow down day. Now it is a seven day push. Days off come from give and take and seniority for many. And as the older more traditional way was diminished, we all got used to it. To me, I believe we hit a sweet spot at our real peak in the mid fifties to around 1970. We could have expanded on that. And we did not.
This so-called war on Christmas started when Faux News noticed shops with "Happy Holidays" signs in their windows in a city with millions of non-Christian residents. Forget about the nearby towering Christmas tree in Rockefeller Center.

They beat the drum of the war on Christmas so loudly, it had a bad effect on good people. My Jewish husband and I were on line in the grocery store. Behind us was the very respected and loved pharmacist who owned a small shop in the village. The clerk, the nicest person you would want to meet, almost vehemently started wishing us a Merry Christmas. It was sad.

Our Pilgrim and Puritan forefathers were the ones who waged a war on Christmas:
The upper classes in ancient Rome celebrated Dec. 25 as the birthday of the sun god Mithra. The date fell right in the middle of Saturnalia, a monthlong holiday dedicated to food, drink, and revelry, and Pope Julius I is said to have chosen that day to celebrate Christ's birth as a way of co-opting the pagan rituals. Beyond that, the Puritans considered it historically inaccurate to place the Messiah's arrival on Dec. 25. They thought Jesus had been born sometime in September.
So enjoy the holiday, but don't insist everybody, no matter their religion, celebrate it.

Personally, I find Saint Nicholas Day more meaningful.
Are you rrtarded? How am I attacking Christmas? Inever said that it shoulnt be celebrated or even that Ihave an issue with saying merry christmas. But I do have an issue with this theocratical movement on the right that gets upset if you dont follow their religion and celebrate their holidays. Its not just that, but that get upset if a store sells non Christian holiday items. The war on christmas is based on theBS idea that someone making the personal choice not to celebrate a christian holiday is a violation of a christian's religious rights.
The war on christmas is based on theBS idea that someone making the personal choice not to celebrate a christian holiday is a violation of a christian's religious rights.

No, its not. First off, you guys keep saying "on the right" and "conservatives". There are Christians on the left and the right. Are you suggesting that it's only right wing Christians who do these things? How do you know? Does someone go up to the person in the middle of their rant and say "who do you vote for?".

Sure, you can find fringe stories if you want, and those stories always seem to be the ones that make it into the news, but that doesn't mean it represents a mainstream ideology.

Most people, on the right and the left, probably don't care what someone else's views on Christmas are.
Why is it that Christians on the right get personally offended doesnt put up christmas decoration or say merry christmas? You hear about the "war on christmas" all the time.

Iwas in an asian grocery store the other day, and some old fat bitch starts screaming at the owner that "in America we celebrate Christmas" and that he had to put up decorations and say merry christmas. He politely told her that since hes not christian, he doesnt celebrate christian holidays, and that if she took offence to him not following her religion, she could go shop somewhere else. By his tone you could tell he really meant "mind your own business or get the fuck out of my store".

This type of behavior is getting very common where people will consider it a personal attack on their religious rights if some doesnt celebrate christmas.
Why is it that Christians on the right get personally offended doesnt put up christmas decoration or say merry christmas? You hear about the "war on christmas" all the time.

Iwas in an asian grocery store the other day, and some old fat bitch starts screaming at the owner that "in America we celebrate Christmas" and that he had to put up decorations and say merry christmas. He politely told her that since hes not christian, he doesnt celebrate christian holidays, and that if she took offence to him not following her religion, she could go shop somewhere else. By his tone you could tell he really meant "mind your own business or get the fuck out of my store".

This type of behavior is getting very common where people will consider it a personal attack on their religious rights if some doesnt celebrate christmas.
Yeah... not real. Didn't happen.
I can't say I have ever met a person in my 56 years who would get mad if someone didn't have a Christmas tree in their house.

Why is it that Christians on the right get personally offended doesnt put up christmas decoration or say merry christmas? You hear about the "war on christmas" all the time.

Iwas in an asian grocery store the other day, and some old fat bitch starts screaming at the owner that "in America we celebrate Christmas" and that he had to put up decorations and say merry christmas. He politely told her that since hes not christian, he doesnt celebrate christian holidays, and that if she took offence to him not following her religion, she could go shop somewhere else. By his tone you could tell he really meant "mind your own business or get the fuck out of my store".

This type of behavior is getting very common where people will consider it a personal attack on their religious rights if some doesnt celebrate christmas.
But he has to put up the decorations according to the left. A christian baker has to bake gay wedding cakes so........
Big Media, Entertainment, and Corporations make so much money off of Christmas in America that it can only be attacked to a point. Christmas is an American institution; even the people who get their panties in a bunch over being greeted “Merry Christmas” and seeing a Nativity scene in the Town Square know that.

America was founded by Christians and America’s Constitution is based on Judeo-Christian Ethics. Otherwise, we’d be living in a society where homosexuals were stoned to death and women were beaten for getting raped.

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